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Workington v Glasgow 14/10/18 7:30pm Play off.

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8 hours ago, cinderfella said:

Really disappointing to see the Glasgow manager (???) saying refereeing decisions cost them tonight. He doesn't think putting Harris out in ht when he didn't deserve to be there (and not for the first time this season) cost us?
Truth is we didn't lose by a single point - Worky were the team that lost that point when Bach retired in the rerun of ht 1 so it should have been a 2 point defeat.
Congratulations to the Comets and best wishes for your THREE Finals. I know there are stories going round there are doubts over you coming to the tapes next season so I hope the town and surrounding areas come out and give Laura and her team the support deserved.

Trying to deflect blame it was an inappropriate comment to make but not unsurprising.

He would have been better looking at our teams failings rather than a petty comment on the referee , didn't hear him mention anything about the desicions that went our way at the home meeting.

Yes it lacks class and should just be congratulating our opponents on there victory rather than highlighting desicions he alleges went against us.

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What has happened to the once great track at Derwent Park? That was a meeting that could only be compared to a Berwick match. Maybe they have adopted the “win at all costs” mentality from our nearest and dearest down the road?

A lot of people giving Bomber grief here, he can’t, and never has been able to gate, he had no chance tonight. Same goes to Starke too, he likes/needs dirt. That was the deciding factor tonight. If Claus gated he done well. Ricky has obviously learned from last week when the track was just a dry version of what it was last night. 

The announcer gave a statement apologising to fans for a mistake the referee had  made without saying what her mistake was? 6 month ban coming up? The simple sport we follow is made complicated by the rule book and baffling by referees “interpretations” of said book.

Good luck to Worky and their promotion for their future endeavours. Hope Jensen is ok.

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WOW! What a day yesterday was , emotionally drained :lol: our boys certainly know how put us through it ! Commiserations to Glasgow fans that must be a bitter pill to swallow , I know how I would be feeling today to lose by 1point. Both teams had their misfortunes so the matches were evened out , nothing to do with referees as your Team Manager has said . Must admit thought Harris would have gone through the card after watching on telly last week for Poole , he was a completely different rider :blink: 

Thanks to the Glasgow fans for your well wishes , shame Sharpenrake and Manse couldn’t crawl from under their stones to do the same :D

Now we get ready to go again this weekend and do it all again , so proud of all our boys , our Dream Team 2018 :approve: 



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1 hour ago, nagy1 said:


The announcer gave a statement apologising to fans for a mistake the referee had  made without saying what her mistake was? 6 month ban coming up? The simple sport we follow is made complicated by the rule book and baffling by referees “interpretations” of said book.


The only real mistake a referee can make at the start is either holding the riders too long on the greenlight or not holding them long enough assuming the green light was actually put on!

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31 minutes ago, Fromafar said:

A good days racing,with an exciting ending,fortunes and misfortunes kind of even out,but not putting Wells in Ht 15 was an error IMO.

Congrats to Tigers.

Yet again Harris was put out when he didn't deserve to be.
Really got to wonder if the stories about HIM having the choice to go out in ht15 no matter the circumstances are true?

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2 hours ago, nagy1 said:

What has happened to the once great track at Derwent Park? That was a meeting that could only be compared to a Berwick match. Maybe they have adopted the “win at all costs” mentality from our nearest and dearest down the road?

A lot of people giving Bomber grief here, he can’t, and never has been able to gate, he had no chance tonight. Same goes to Starke too, he likes/needs dirt. That was the deciding factor tonight. If Claus gated he done well. Ricky has obviously learned from last week when the track was just a dry version of what it was last night. 

The announcer gave a statement apologising to fans for a mistake the referee had  made without saying what her mistake was? 6 month ban coming up? The simple sport we follow is made complicated by the rule book and baffling by referees “interpretations” of said book.

Good luck to Worky and their promotion for their future endeavours. Hope Jensen is ok.

Regarding the track with the amount of rain that fell in Workington in the previous 48 hours thank your lucky stars and the track staff for getting the meeting on with a raceable track

Also the announcer is linked up to the referee so will have got a message of what needed to be said 

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2 hours ago, nagy1 said:

The announcer gave a statement apologising to fans for a mistake the referee had  made without saying what her mistake was? 6 month ban coming up? 

Hopefully not - there are 2 under suspension already.

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1 hour ago, cinderfella said:

Yet again Harris was put out when he didn't deserve to be.
Really got to wonder if the stories about HIM having the choice to go out in ht15 no matter the circumstances are true?

Welcome back at Peterborough anytime as far as I am concerned.

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14 hours ago, Jonimac said:

Doesn’t matter what Harris does if one reserve is  scoring ONE THIRD of a team’s points total over two legs.

I agree that it must be galling to lose the match when a rider in an abnormally high scoring reserve position is consistently banging in double figure scores (particularly when the Comets No. 1 and No. 5 can't reach double figures between them in either meeting), but 'them's the rules' as they say, and all teams will have fallen victim to this situation at one time or another.  But don't forget he did actually beat the Glasgow riders to achieve his scores.

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12 hours ago, Carlislecomet2 said:

Sincere commiserations to Glasgow - that could have gone either way until the last bend of the last of the 30 races.

It should have been the final.

fantastic that it came down to the final bend after 30 races,what drama and excitemnt the playoffs can produce -- great to see


Congrats to  Worky--  a deserved final

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18 minutes ago, Blue Groove said:

I agree that it must be galling to lose the match when a rider in an abnormally high scoring reserve position is consistently banging in double figure scores (particularly when the Comets No. 1 and No. 5 can't reach double figures between them in either meeting), but 'them's the rules' as they say, and all teams will have fallen victim to this situation at one time or another.  But don't forget he did actually beat the Glasgow riders to achieve his scores.

What's this "thems the rules" Mason is 6th in the Workington averages because the other 5 have ridden better throughout the season that's how it works and has done in speedway for a very long time.He was  brilliant in both meetings yesterday and beat Tigers heat leaders with ease,some of the Tigers "star men" need to take a good look at themselves when it comes to commitment unlike Mason who gave it everything.Workington is a real Team effort throughout the season when 1 rider is having a poor day someone steps up.Hope the can finish with Trophies because they have had a very turbulent season and deserve something.

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