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Kings Lynn 2019

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So we finally got there after months of drip feeding we have a 1-7 :t:Good to see Riss back for a full season . 

As for the team in general I’d have liked to have seen at least one fresh face but it is what it is . 

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13 minutes ago, mrss said:

Welcome back Eric. Now it's time for people to be positive and get behind the Stars .

Not quite !!!    Still feel us fans have been treated like mugs. 

Although I can see the merits of this team, as it stands it will be someway short of the competition.   Governed by the numbers,  Niels was never going to fit into the allowance,  but for Lynn  to have any chance of making it into the lottery , then he will be drafted in at some late stage, when the numbers allow,   inducing added pressure on the declared riders to perform....    Just a pity the fans weren't brought into the equation from the start so we knew what were their intentions.   That's not asking for the world, surely

I have voiced concerns in the past  how local derbies were badly missed  and that our crowds have suffered through this. This year we will have them in abundance, so hoping the attendances will improve,.Just a pity we cant be more optimistic about the early confrontations...



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17 hours ago, tellboy said:

I'm sure Trees whole life doesn't evolve around speedway,but she sure loves her speedway and to that you can't knock her at all.

Why do you have to buy the SS to to find out about other clubs,matches,riders,countries etc.It is all available online on various websites.When you get the SS now most know the news that's in there anyway days before the SS is published.

Edit: therefused just beat me to it.

When looking for answers there is nowhere better than the internet.  I agree with you, when you go looking for results and features they can always be found.   From someone who spends half his time on the keyboard  (the wife said That)   come Thursday I will always find articles that I was not aware of.  What I like about the S/S is that it will give you the opportunity to read about every aspect of the sport, not just the article you are looking for...…..

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I always find the SS an excellent and enjoyable read, even though you can find a lot of details on the internet before it's published.  Same can be said for Newspapers, Ladies magazines such as Hello, almost any type of magazine in fact.
Someone said in an earlier posting that they thought it was overpriced (I think that is what was said, but apologise if it wasn't) at £3, but in comparison with anything you purchase off the book/paper shelf in your newsagent or supermarket, it's par for the course.

If we want to talk about things being overpriced, then that has to be speedway programmes surely.  Speedway Star at £3 has got to be far greater value for money than a Speedway Programme at £3.  Most clubs programmes have a page written or ghost written by more than one of its management team, all saying the same thing about that you've already read on the internet, to quote other posters on here.  You have a Supporters Club Page that is the same every meeting, with the exception of a few lines.  You have Rider Profiles that are generally lifted from the British Speedway Website. You have Guest writers who contribute their thoughts on various matters, some current, some talking about things that happened 30+ years ago, and so it goes on.  They do provide excellent photos from people like Phil Hilton, Steve Hone, Derek Leader and many others, but so does the Speedway Star. 

So the 2019 line-up has finally been confirmed, which I can see some people are happy with, whilst others are not, but that's human nature, and I'd be surprised if any club in the country could say that every last one of its supporters is happy with their named line-up, although Berwick seem to be an exception to that rule usually.
Am I happy with our line-up for this season....yes.  I would like to have seen a new face to support Robert, but it obviously wasn't meant to be, so the curent side will get my 100% support.     

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7 minutes ago, Mimmo said:

I always find the SS an excellent and enjoyable read, even though you can find a lot of details on the internet before it's published.  Same can be said for Newspapers, Ladies magazines such as Hello, almost any type of magazine in fact.


The reality is though that Newspaper and Magazine sales are dropping off,sometimes at an alarming rate now due to competition from the internet.Same as cd sales have fallen.All generally available quicker and cheaper on the internet.Speedway Star is no exception ,but falling crowds obviously play a part in that as well


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17 minutes ago, iris123 said:

The reality is though that Newspaper and Magazine sales are dropping off,sometimes at an alarming rate now due to competition from the internet.Same as cd sales have fallen.All generally available quicker and cheaper on the internet.Speedway Star is no exception ,but falling crowds obviously play a part in that as well


Yes, I do realise that.

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44 minutes ago, Mimmo said:

I always find the SS an excellent and enjoyable read, even though you can find a lot of details on the internet before it's published.  Same can be said for Newspapers, Ladies magazines such as Hello, almost any type of magazine in fact.
Someone said in an earlier posting that they thought it was overpriced (I think that is what was said, but apologise if it wasn't) at £3, but in comparison with anything you purchase off the book/paper shelf in your newsagent or supermarket, it's par for the course.

If we want to talk about things being overpriced, then that has to be speedway programmes surely.  Speedway Star at £3 has got to be far greater value for money than a Speedway Programme at £3.  Most clubs programmes have a page written or ghost written by more than one of its management team, all saying the same thing about that you've already read on the internet, to quote other posters on here.  You have a Supporters Club Page that is the same every meeting, with the exception of a few lines.  You have Rider Profiles that are generally lifted from the British Speedway Website. You have Guest writers who contribute their thoughts on various matters, some current, some talking about things that happened 30+ years ago, and so it goes on.  They do provide excellent photos from people like Phil Hilton, Steve Hone, Derek Leader and many others, but so does the Speedway Star. 

So the 2019 line-up has finally been confirmed, which I can see some people are happy with, whilst others are not, but that's human nature, and I'd be surprised if any club in the country could say that every last one of its supporters is happy with their named line-up, although Berwick seem to be an exception to that rule usually.
Am I happy with our line-up for this season....yes.  I would like to have seen a new face to support Robert, but it obviously wasn't meant to be, so the curent side will get my 100% support.     

If they really wanted to do something different where programs are concerned is create Kings Lynn speedway app charge say £25 for 12 months subscription in the app have match day race card home and possibly away meetings and be able to fill the race card in and this is possible as there used to be a SGP race card app , also sections on supporters club latetest news and interviews even maybe press conference live section so fans who can’t stay after meetings can see the press conference, to be honest this sort of app would appeal younger fans more than the older ones so still print a programme as well . 

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11 minutes ago, Haza said:

If we want to talk about things being overpriced, then that has to be speedway programmes surely.  Speedway Star at £3 has got to be far greater value for money than a Speedway Programme at £3

I have produced my own photocopied scoresheet for several years now ( it's even sponsored ) and even factoring in the cost of the biro ink used to write in the rider's names it costs very, very little. Vastly better and more up to date than an insert for a long-ago rained off meeting.

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1 minute ago, waytogo28 said:

I have produced my own photocopied scoresheet for several years now ( it's even sponsored ) and even factoring in the cost of the biro ink used to write in the rider's names it costs very, very little. Vastly better and more up to date than an insert for a long-ago rained off meeting.

Can’t fault you at all - but an app for a smart phone would definitely appeal to the young fans and most there phone doesn’t leave there side so you’ve constantly got up to date news with notifications settings maybe could even do live updates from away meetings there is so much more that could be done with a app than a paper copy program. 

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You are right - but _ I have yet to master the smartphone I bought at Christmas 2017. Way to smart for me! You are definitely right though for the new young fans ( when UK speedway finds them ).  New technology does not seem to have much appeal for today's promoters - except for faster and faster machines that can not be safely used on UK tracks. Back to the drawing board in that respect.

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Surprising that no club in the UK has developed an app yet, as has been said it would be far more appealing to the younger audience and engage them. There is still a market for programmes but an app alongside is long overdue. 

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24 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

Surprising that no club in the UK has developed an app yet, as has been said it would be far more appealing to the younger audience and engage them. There is still a market for programmes but an app alongside is long overdue. 

does that show how speedway Is poorly marketed I think so

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23 minutes ago, ray c said:

does that show how speedway Is poorly marketed I think so

As a young speedway fan. The way to go is a whole speedway GB app with access to all. The internet is about providing access to anything and everything. 

Could have a team specific section for each team but would enable you to watch KL press conference even as a poole fan for example. Also one app which everyone pays 25 for the year would enable a better app. 

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53 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

Surprising that no club in the UK has developed an app yet, as has been said it would be far more appealing to the younger audience and engage them. There is still a market for programmes but an app alongside is long overdue. 

Oddly enough, I am currently in the process of trying to make such a thing. The hope is it’ll cover all meetings in the UK - getting the rules/regulations/subs into place etc is the tricky bit, but we’re working on it!

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9 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

As a young speedway fan. The way to go is a whole speedway GB app with access to all. The internet is about providing access to anything and everything. 

Could have a team specific section for each team but would enable you to watch KL press conference even as a poole fan for example. Also one app which everyone pays 25 for the year would enable a better app. 

They could even put one or two race highlights on it where the meeting is filmed.

A few clubs in Poland often show the whole meeting live, clubs here could do that but without advertising it before the meeting so that fans do not attend.

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45 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

As a young speedway fan. The way to go is a whole speedway GB app with access to all. The internet is about providing access to anything and everything. 

Could have a team specific section for each team but would enable you to watch KL press conference even as a poole fan for example. Also one app which everyone pays 25 for the year would enable a better app. 

I completely agree that to make it work it need buy in from every team. But end users are not going to stump up £25 for an initial download let alone per season. If it is to be successful it needs to be nearer £2.50. Don't forget its greater purpose is to generate a greater buzz for the sport and more paying spectators rather than a profit source in itself.

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An app could well be funded by advertisers/sponsors in a similar way to the matchday programme. Apart from fans through the turnstyles, some clubs only get additional income from sponsorship and advertising.


But I don't believe that a speedway app (or apps) is too far away.  Watch this space.

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