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1 minute ago, Gavan said:

Yawn.......why you feel the need to keep repeating the same old line.................. change the record

Why should i, when was the last time you was league champions.. 8 will become 9. Count them.

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17 minutes ago, Starman2006 said:

Why should i, when was the last time you was league champions.. 8 will become 9. Count them.


17 minutes ago, Starman2006 said:

Why should i, when was the last time you was league champions.. 8 will become 9. Count them.

Why are 90%  of your posts aimed at antagonising people ?, 


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1 hour ago, Gavan said:

Nobody is 'slamming' the team, purely stating the risks involved.

I would say Peterborough fans think their team is exciting and also looking very strong, along with the Wolves team. 

You say Jack and Brady will only improve year on year well last season Brady went backwards and there is no margin this time for that to happen

Klindt was good last season but debatable if he can do it again and Josh and Worrall have reached their peaks i would say.

Maybe Woryna and Freddie did price themselves out of the team but both are younger then the rest and can only get better....

Pooles team may work but it isnt what i would class as one to get the juices flowing

Still it could be worse you could support Ipswich and just be waiting for the scraps nobody else wants!

Certainly looks better than the current Ipswich 1 - 7

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59 minutes ago, BLACKHEART said:

Wooden spoon champions. Don't brag about winning a league title in 2019 because it's not going to happen. Money has gone. Matt doesn't want to be here. Three sponsors gone. Club future in doubt.

Do you really think matt is just going through the motions in his final season, the bloke bleeds Poole speedway, he wants to win just as much now as he did when he first took over 

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1 hour ago, BLACKHEART said:

Wooden spoon champions. Don't brag about winning a league title in 2019 because it's not going to happen. Money has gone. Matt doesn't want to be here. Three sponsors gone. Club future in doubt.

Only the results leading up to July will tell us if the chosen team was the right/wrong decision.

Last season showed us that it was about keeping within or as close as possible to the top 4 for the biz end of the season via the play offs. Of course winning at home most important as that is what will keep the crowds hopefully flowing at Poole to keep things afloat should no major sponsor/s come forth.

Matt was normally fairly good at changing things IF rider/s got injured or were way out of form. If things are going pear shaped come July there would still b time, but let's not pre judge things at this early stage. With only 7 teams total I am sure many will struggle to win points away which makes winning at home and picking up away points via less than 6 point defeats important with any away wins or draws a bonus.

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9 minutes ago, Arthur54 said:

Do you really think matt is just going through the motions in his final season, the bloke bleeds Poole speedway, he wants to win just as much now as he did when he first took over 

Matt's real predicament is the total lack of finance at the moment. It's an Alien situation to him as Sponsors were plenty in days gone by as was the main team sponsor even if the Volvo deal was not up to say that of Readypower. Even so losing your main team sponsor plus 2 other decent ones is a big blow when trying to negotiate deals for the best/good riders.

I am sure Matt is doing his level best to secure the best he can in riders for the club considering the severe cost constraints he has without Bankrupting the club or himself. He is fortunate to have so many decent assets to call on such as Kurtz/Holder who will also be based in UK at for example Middlo properties plus the likes of Klindt also an asset living in Wolves area. Plus Josh G and Richie W who are also UK based. I assume same for Covatti at least during the UK season anyway. No heavy travelling expenses for the club or flying in riders/mechanics every week (even on rain offs as they happen so late normally).

I for one still think its a strength in depth team and as said before you only get 3 points if you win at home by 2 or 30 points.

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5 minutes ago, Gavan said:

Yep...........and if you had actually bothered to read my post my last line said exactly that.......guess it was easier just to have a pop 

You have to say Gav that only on the Poole Forum can you enjoy the banter ;-)

You know full well after some 7100 posts almost, that some of what you say will always be chewed over by some of the Poole faithful. Nice to see you seeing the lighter side of it more these days :-)

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4 minutes ago, STEVEHOLS54 said:

You have to say Gav that only on the Poole Forum can you enjoy the banter ;-)

You know full well after some 7100 posts almost, that some of what you say will always be chewed over by some of the Poole faithful. Nice to see you seeing the lighter side of it more these days :-)

Still it could be worse you could support Ipswich and just be waiting for the scraps nobody else wants!

That was the last line of my post..............................funny how i get a response saying Poles 1-7 is better than the Ipswich one.............obviously didnt read it!

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1 hour ago, BLACKHEART said:

Wooden spoon champions. Don't brag about winning a league title in 2019 because it's not going to happen. Money has gone. Matt doesn't want to be here. Three sponsors gone. Club future in doubt.

I dont know why you are siding with others, your supposed to be a Poole fan. Think about what they would have said had we gone out in the semi  or got beat in the final. And yes, i do know.
Dont ruin my fun, ive been getting bites all afternoon. Dont think i'l change the bait, its working well.

Edited by Starman2006
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5 minutes ago, Gavan said:

Still it could be worse you could support Ipswich and just be waiting for the scraps nobody else wants!

That was the last line of my post..............................funny how i get a response saying Poles 1-7 is better than the Ipswich one.............obviously didnt read it!

Still some interesting possibilities out there for the lower order for Ipswich such as Jakobsen and Jensen who many would have been happy to see both. Also if deep enough pockets Woryna although tend to agree he is a level below the likes of Drabyk/Smektala and an expensive risk if he performs to a 6/6.5 GSA again. Think a good chance Allen will be in and lets hope Louis can attract a decent HL so would not give up on them yet by any means.

As for the Banter. Well you know from some you will never get anything else but lines intended to mock/wind you up ;-)

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1 hour ago, STEVEHOLS54 said:

Matt's real predicament is the total lack of finance at the moment. It's an Alien situation to him as Sponsors were plenty in days gone by as was the main team sponsor even if the Volvo deal was not up to say that of Readypower. Even so losing your main team sponsor plus 2 other decent ones is a big blow when trying to negotiate deals for the best/good riders.

I am sure Matt is doing his level best to secure the best he can in riders for the club considering the severe cost constraints he has without Bankrupting the club or himself. He is fortunate to have so many decent assets to call on such as Kurtz/Holder who will also be based in UK at for example Middlo properties plus the likes of Klindt also an asset living in Wolves area. Plus Josh G and Richie W who are also UK based. I assume same for Covatti at least during the UK season anyway. No heavy travelling expenses for the club or flying in riders/mechanics every week (even on rain offs as they happen so late normally).

I for one still think its a strength in depth team and as said before you only get 3 points if you win at home by 2 or 30 points.

Matt hasn't got a 'total lack of finance at the moment'!  There are many other sponsors still firmly on board, but As he says himself he needs to cut his cloth accordingly for the time being.

He's already talked about Fredrik Jakobsen potentially being brought in mid-season if required! So presumably there would be funding for such an occurrance?!

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