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Poole 2019


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Am sure I read in an Echo article when Matt Ford signed the new Team Sponsorship deal. In fact just found the article from 17th Jan.

The headline stated and I qte

BOSS Matt Ford admitted Pirates had the financial clout to be major players in the transfer market after securing a new main team sponsor for 2019.

He went on to comment about the possible need to replace injured or out of form riders mid season and this new SUBSTANTIAL 5 figure investment now meant he could do that. 

So based on his usual playing of words in the media I assume we can look forward to a marquee signing from around Europe on a false low average as he has mastered up over the years.

Await with eager anticipation as Richie looks long term with a multiple break that has not had final op yet as the current one was more to position it back into place in advance of the plates etc. (sounds bloody painful that's for sure). As for Nico ?????.

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  On 6/29/2019 at 11:10 AM, ray c said:

Quite agree hope your feeling better 


Yeh not to bad thanks. Having a hell of a lot of problems with my ears. Not helped by the high pollen levels.


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  On 6/29/2019 at 1:46 PM, stevethelion said:

Why's that funny? Worrall's CL average is 8.49 , Harris 8.04. On 1st July , Worrall 8.25 , Harris 8.08.


I guess if you just watching Premiership, where Harris is a HL and Richie a second string, you wouldn't think it would be that different in the Champ? But clearly it is....slightly! 

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Sorry to be a bit thick here but back to the track issue,when everybody say's it's the base that is causing the problem,is the Base not just the concrete which the shale is laid on.If i was to lay a patio so long as i have a base i can then lay my sand/cement on the base and even with a couple of holes in the Base i can still lay my sand and slabs,All knowledgeable contributors please advise. 

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  On 6/30/2019 at 10:50 AM, lisa-colette said:

Didn't do a collection for him, I think that was the issue at the time. 


You cannot do a collection for everybody. Sadly its part and parcel of the sport. Riders know the risks.

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  On 6/30/2019 at 11:21 AM, Starman2006 said:

You cannot do a collection for everybody. Sadly its part and parcel of the sport. Riders know the risks.


Awful comment

You can’t do a collection for riders who might miss say a month but for a broken leg , season ending, he should have had one done 

Do you not agree with collections for Sam Norris then as he ‘ knew the risks’

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