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Lakeside Future In Serious Doubt

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1 hour ago, Daytripper said:

My understanding is that Thurrock Council want Speedway to continue and planning permission for the site includes a speedway track . The trouble is, redevelopment of the site doesn’t look like starting for some time yet.

Using Rye House would be a short term solution for the foreseeable future. Whether BMR want to get back into speedway and want the track back or whether they will want some kind of partnership with the Lakeside promotion is something that only time will tell.

Are you sure the new site is going to include a track? Iam not sure about that.

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1 hour ago, Daytripper said:

My understanding is that Thurrock Council want Speedway to continue and planning permission for the site includes a speedway track . The trouble is, redevelopment of the site doesn’t look like starting for some time yet.

Using Rye House would be a short term solution for the foreseeable future. Whether BMR want to get back into speedway and want the track back or whether they will want some kind of partnership with the Lakeside promotion is something that only time will tell.

Which begs the question, why can't any motor sport take place there in 2019 if its extremely unlikely any work is going to be started on the site?

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35 minutes ago, marko said:

Which begs the question, why can't any motor sport take place there in 2019 if its extremely unlikely any work is going to be started on the site?

I suspect that the owners are effectively saying that the continuance of speedway in the short term is in doubt. That would prevent the Hammers applying to run in 2019. Saying that the stadium is not available post 2018, the support for speedway falls away and the applicants can then submit a planning proposal on the basis that there is no longer any demand for racing and the requirement cannot be justified. Motorsport will not have taken place for some time and any pre-condition that the council have In wanting it to continue could in effect be overruled on appeal because the applicants can prove that the demand does no longer exist. It is a stitch up but that is how these devious buggers work. The demand for housing far out weighs that of a minority sport that by and large will pee off most residents simply because of the noise. I am afraid the nimby vote and developers cunning will win.

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1 hour ago, liam said:

Are you sure the new site is going to include a track? Iam not sure about that.

Who knows ? My understanding is that planning permission is linked through o provision for a new track. However developers often find ways round planning permission so I can’t say what the e future holds. A case of ma be, maybe not. At least a deal with Rye House would provide certainty but it’s all in the sit at the moment.

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2 minutes ago, Daytripper said:

Who knows ? My understanding is that planning permission is linked through o provision for a new track. However developers often find ways round planning permission so I can’t say what the e future holds. A case of ma be, maybe not. At least a deal with Rye House would provide certainty but it’s all in the sit at the moment.

The application does not include a speedway track but does include a velodrome.

Interesting to see how the Council reacts.


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1 hour ago, marko said:

Which begs the question, why can't any motor sport take place there in 2019 if its extremely unlikely any work is going to be started on the site?

Good question. Last time Jon Cook as on the mic he was saying they were talking to other interested parties to see if a deal could be done for next year. No further news on that so I suppose it can’t be ruled out completely. However you can’t just turn up and have a speedway meeting. There issues like security, maintenance, health and safety, insurance, cleaning, staff on the turnstiles, lighting and electrics and are a range of other things previously carried out by the stadium owners and incorporated in the cost of hiring the track but would be prohibitive if the speedway club had to pay for the whole lot. 

You can be sure that when the offices move out the vandals will move in. 

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24 minutes ago, Daytripper said:

Good question. Last time Jon Cook as on the mic he was saying they were talking to other interested parties to see if a deal could be done for next year. No further news on that so I suppose it can’t be ruled out completely. However you can’t just turn up and have a speedway meeting. There issues like security, maintenance, health and safety, insurance, cleaning, staff on the turnstiles, lighting and electrics and are a range of other things previously carried out by the stadium owners and incorporated in the cost of hiring the track but would be prohibitive if the speedway club had to pay for the whole lot. 

You can be sure that when the offices move out the vandals will move in. 

A lot of landowners and developers don't want sitting tennants. It's far less hassle to secure the site and leave it empty.

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12 hours ago, liam said:

Are you sure the new site is going to include a track? 

What 'new site' Liam?

Can you honestly believe a single word that comes out of Jon Cook's mouth?

There won't ever be a new Lakeside track in Essex. 

Doubt it? Answer me this. Where's the money going to come from? Lakeside have kept the current place running for years thanks primarily to cable-ties!


Edited by The Voice Of Reason
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6 hours ago, Daytripper said:

You can be sure that when the offices move out the vandals will move in. 

They should start dismantling and auction bits off before the vandals turn up, I’d bid on all sorts of tat! :P

Still trying to figure out how I feel about the whole situation, but going to Rye for the rest of the season certainly makes sense at this stage.

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1 hour ago, Mjolnir said:

They should start dismantling and auction bits off before the vandals turn up, I’d bid on all sorts of tat! :P

Still trying to figure out how I feel about the whole situation, but going to Rye for the rest of the season certainly makes sense at this stage.

It's better to save one venue, than lose two.

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6 hours ago, The Voice Of Reason said:

What 'new site' Liam?

Can you honestly believe a single word that comes out of Jon Cook's mouth?

There won't ever be a new Lakeside track in Essex. 

Doubt it? Answer me this. Where's the money going to come from? Lakeside have kept the current place running for years thanks primarily to cable-ties!


The new site which will be built on the current Arena Essex land. I don’t think a new track will be built and I never have, who would want to build a track for a dying sport with crowds decreasing every year and teams struggling to make money. Jon Cook can say what he likes but I don’t see speedway ever returning to Essex. The club will move to Rye House and that’s where they’ll stay.

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Only way there would be a new track is if the development was purely for sport, otherwise any form of housing would instantly shut down any argument for loud motor sports, even if you build a stadium, what about all the parking that would be required? you can't get to Arena Essex unless you drive so you would need space for a few hundred cars which would only be used twice a month, between April and September, totally unrealistic.

If it was a sports complex with football/rugby pitches, tennis courts, swimming pools etc then you would naturally have loads of parking dotted around the entire site, as a multi use site it would work perfectly but there is no money in that compared with residential and business use.

Imagine the house prices you could slap on that site? easy access to the M25, a huge shopping centre on your doorstep.

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Not very quickly you can’t Alan, for me I guess it would be bus, train, tube, train then either taxi or walk and then same in reverse.

A lot of the fan base lives more than five miles away, most are probably around the 10 to 30 mile mark.

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I travel to 90% of matches on two buses. Takes anything between an hour and 90 minutes from Romford. On the odd occasion my son is able to attend he drives us, taking more than half off the total  journey time.

There are a group of 5 or 6 of us that use the buses to every home match.

Ironically if the club were to move to another part of Essex we'd probably be unable to attend. Of course, i'm not silly enough to think that half a dozen fans would be considered when such decisions are made.

Rye House is actually quite handy for non drivers because of the proximity of the train station. Romford into Liverpool St and out again to Rye House usually takes a little over an hour.

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Haven't replied to this up til now, but to say I'm gutted is an understatement.  Lost Canterbury, Hackney, and now Arena Essex. Taking the team to Rye? Not sure how I feel about that. Whilst I'm glad the team will still survive in some format, if the Rockets couldn't make it viable at Hoddesdon, how are Lakeside expected to? And how many more teams are on the brink of closure?

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Like most on here, I too am gutted. I only discovered speedway 12 years ago and then totally by accident. I became hooked after watching my first meeting at Arena even though Hammers were on the run of about 20 straight defeats. Arena has been described by many as a 5hithole, and it is difficult to argue. However, as some of those with whom I stand have said, ‘It is our 5hithole and we love it’. 

Arena has provided my son (First meeting at age of 6) and I with some great nights, great racing, (Yes, really) and through standing in the same spot for the majority of those years, I have made some great friends. Sadly, many of them are from the other side of the river and a trip to Rye House is unlikely, which is a real shame. 

I am only 45 minutes from Rye but am undecided as to whether I will go once The Hammers are there. The reason being is that in those 13 years I have seen the sport disintegrate to what it is now. In 2007, my first full season, there was no doubling up. There were the worlds top riders coming to town, Crump, Adams, Pederson (The world Champion) et all. They were great days, in front of good crowds. Since then, the powers of be have slowly dismantled what was a great product as they have failed to view the picture in a bigger way than suits their own needs. A 25 minute trip to my local track is enough to keep me going, but to go further afield leaves me wondering if I will bother. I think it is unlikely other than for the odd meeting when I have nothing else planned. 

Sorry to waffle, but Arena has given me great entertainment and great friendships over the years and it saddens me. To Andrew, Shaun, Paul, Andy and Aaron, and the bloke with the huge road bike who always chats but I have never asked his name, thanks for the great evenings, and thanks to all The Hammers and opposition riders for doing what you guys do. 

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9 hours ago, marko said:

Not very quickly you can’t Alan, for me I guess it would be bus, train, tube, train then either taxi or walk and then same in reverse.

A lot of the fan base lives more than five miles away, most are probably around the 10 to 30 mile mark.

I live in Surrey, but work in London. I always go by train to Arena straight from work. It's no hardship, much better than tackling the tunnel and the M25. Although it wasn't very pleasant walking back to the station after the Newcastle rain off. Having just one meeting to say goodbye is my biggest gripe. We should be seeing the season out at our home track, not squatting somewhere else. More effort should have been made to rearrange meetings earlier in the season. The whole episode has left a lot of us Arena regulars felling very bitter about the way it's ending.

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9 minutes ago, cityrebel said:

I live in Surrey, but work in London. I always go by train to Arena straight from work. It's no hardship, much better than tackling the tunnel and the M25. Although it wasn't very pleasant walking back to the station after the Newcastle rain off. Having just one meeting to say goodbye is my biggest gripe. We should be seeing the season out at our home track, not squatting somewhere else. More effort should have been made to rearrange meetings earlier in the season. The whole episode has left a lot of us Arena regulars felling very bitter about the way it's ending.

Such is the state of the sport. Too many early season meetings and it all finishes by mid August. The biggest and most unforgivable problem was Rob Godfrey pulling out fixtures that hag already been agreed, all because he wanted guests for his own club. I can’t conceal my absolute contempt for that man. 

Personally, I have already reached the stage of having no interest in the sport outside the league Lakeside race in,  I will give Rye House a go, but the sheer incompetence of those currently in charge, especially Godfrey and Chapman, coupled with the amount of cheating certain clubs, especially Poole have been allowed to get away with, has just about ruined the sport for me. I enjoy it once I actually get to the track, but motivation gets harder and harder. 

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