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Grand Prix Calendar and Venues 2019

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10 minutes ago, Ghostwalker said:

I would think Målilla and Hallstavik will return. Torun will probably be in as well and the same goes for Horsens.
If there will be Målilla, Horsens and Hallstavik next year they need to spread them out more.

WARSAW and Prague (probably). Personally, would drop either Malilla or Hallstavik (lack of Swedish riders) and have an early SGP at the NSS in Manchester. British fans are generally more supportive of the riders whatever their nationality and the gap from say May to September wouldn't detract from Cardiff. It might even help.

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4 hours ago, PHILIPRISING said:

 have an early SGP at the NSS in Manchester. British fans are generally more supportive of the riders whatever their nationality and the gap from say May to September wouldn't detract from Cardiff. It might even help.

Hope not, if there is another GP in Britain then make it in Scotland somewhere and somewhere that holds at least 20,000

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28 minutes ago, THE DEAN MACHINE said:

Hope not, if there is another GP in Britain then make it in Scotland somewhere and somewhere that holds at least 20,000

DOUBT whether you would get 20,000. Can get 10,000 into NSS with temporary stands etc and you don't have the expense of putting in a track (estimated at £250,000)... the perfect one is already there.

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11 minutes ago, PHILIPRISING said:

DOUBT whether you would get 20,000. Can get 10,000 into NSS with temporary stands etc and you don't have the expense of putting in a track (estimated at £250,000)... the perfect one is already there.

Discussed this with friends in Cardiff and at Lynn last night.Would love to see it in Manchester and i would definitely go up there to see it.Should drop one of the Polish rounds imo.

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18 minutes ago, PHILIPRISING said:

DOUBT whether you would get 20,000. Can get 10,000 into NSS with temporary stands etc and you don't have the expense of putting in a track (estimated at £250,000)... the perfect one is already there.

The track is a massive plus but would rather see it somewhere else, racing aside the NSS just doesn’t do it for me, you have got to think big and believe that they could get 20,000 in the right stadium 

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5 hours ago, PHILIPRISING said:

WARSAW and Prague (probably). Personally, would drop either Malilla or Hallstavik (lack of Swedish riders) and have an early SGP at the NSS in Manchester. British fans are generally more supportive of the riders whatever their nationality and the gap from say May to September wouldn't detract from Cardiff. It might even help.

Don't see how a GP at Manchester will help the Cardiff attendance. With the September date clashing with the football season, T20 finals day at Edgbaston, plus a lack of accommodation, a GP in Manchester might give fans particularly in the north and Scotland a chance to do a GP without the considerable  cost that goes along with Cardiff. If ever the Championship 4's isn't the night before Cardiff it could decimate the attendance at Cardiff.  

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21 minutes ago, screm said:

Me to, but surely that would have a detrimental affect on the crowd at Cardiff.  

I think it's the same for the Swedish GPs, especially when being so close together.Personally I would scrap both Målilla and Hallstavik and have the GP at Västervik. ;)
I know Målilla is well established and G&B is a very good arena. Västervik is a nice little city on the coast though and I think it would be a nice place
for a gp. Especially now when the track have become really good. It won't happen though. ;)

Edited by Ghostwalker
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Looks like Łódź could be on the calendar for next season, so which polish track will be dropped ? Google translate this 

żużlowego stadionu w Łodzi, a Orzeł Łódź już otrzymał propozycję organizacji na nim Grand Prix w 2019 roku! Promotorom cyklu Grand Prix można zarzucić wiele, ale nie to, że nie znają się na polityce i biznesie. Dziel i rządź, a konkretnie dziel i zarabiaj miliony – to hasło, którym Anglicy od lat kierują się w negocjacjach na temat organizacji rund GP w polskich miastach. 

W niedzielę w Łodzi otwarcie nowego stadionu. Orzeł w ramach meczu Nice 1. LŻ podejmie Zdunka Wybrzeże Gdańsk. Obiekt jest bardzo podobny do toruńskiej Motoareny. Ma tylko mniejszą pojemność trybun (ok. 10 tysięcy ).

Promotor cyklu Grand Prix, brytyjska firma BSI, już skierowała do Orła ofertę, na organizację turnieju Grand Prix! Do tej pory w walce o organizację rund GP od 2019 roku były tylko Gorzów Wielkopolski i Wrocław. Jak się okazuje dla promotora to zbyt mała konkurencja. To jednak nie jedyny powód zwrócenia się z propozycją do łódzkich działaczy. Wiadomo bowiem, że potencjał stadionu w Łodzi jako pierwsi chcieli wykorzystać promotorzy mistrzostw Europy, którzy są największymi konkurentami Anglików. 

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42 minutes ago, THE DEAN MACHINE said:

Looks like Łódź could be on the calendar for next season, so which polish track will be dropped ? Google translate this 

żużlowego stadionu w Łodzi, a Orzeł Łódź już otrzymał propozycję organizacji na nim Grand Prix w 2019 roku! Promotorom cyklu Grand Prix można zarzucić wiele, ale nie to, że nie znają się na polityce i biznesie. Dziel i rządź, a konkretnie dziel i zarabiaj miliony – to hasło, którym Anglicy od lat kierują się w negocjacjach na temat organizacji rund GP w polskich miastach. 

W niedzielę w Łodzi otwarcie nowego stadionu. Orzeł w ramach meczu Nice 1. LŻ podejmie Zdunka Wybrzeże Gdańsk. Obiekt jest bardzo podobny do toruńskiej Motoareny. Ma tylko mniejszą pojemność trybun (ok. 10 tysięcy ).

Promotor cyklu Grand Prix, brytyjska firma BSI, już skierowała do Orła ofertę, na organizację turnieju Grand Prix! Do tej pory w walce o organizację rund GP od 2019 roku były tylko Gorzów Wielkopolski i Wrocław. Jak się okazuje dla promotora to zbyt mała konkurencja. To jednak nie jedyny powód zwrócenia się z propozycją do łódzkich działaczy. Wiadomo bowiem, że potencjał stadionu w Łodzi jako pierwsi chcieli wykorzystać promotorzy mistrzostw Europy, którzy są największymi konkurentami Anglików. 

Just more propaganda against BSI and the English ;) 

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2 minutes ago, PHILIPRISING said:

PRAY, Tim, tell all...

Google translation

speedway stadium in Lodz, and Orzeł Łódź has already been offered to organize the Grand Prix on it in 2019! Promoters of the Grand Prix cycle can be blamed for many, but not that they do not know about politics and business. Divide and rule, and specifically divide and earn millions - this is a slogan that the English have been guiding for years in the negotiations regarding the organization of GP rounds in Polish cities.
On Sunday in Łódź the opening of a new stadium. Eagle as part of the Nice 1. LŻ match will be taken by Zdurka Wybrzeże Gdańsk. The facility is very similar to the Toruń Motoarena. It has only a smaller capacity of the stands (about 10,000).

The promoter of the Grand Prix cycle, a British company BSI, has already directed an offer to the Eagle for the organization of the Grand Prix tournament! Until now only Gorzów Wielkopolski and Wrocław have been in the fight for the organization of GP rounds since 2019. As it turns out, the promoter is too little competition. However, this is not the only reason to ask the Łódź activists. It is known that the potential of the stadium in Łódź was the first to use the promoters of the European championships, who are the biggest competitors of the English

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3 minutes ago, racers and royals said:

Google translation

speedway stadium in Lodz, and Orzeł Łódź has already been offered to organize the Grand Prix on it in 2019! Promoters of the Grand Prix cycle can be blamed for many, but not that they do not know about politics and business. Divide and rule, and specifically divide and earn millions - this is a slogan that the English have been guiding for years in the negotiations regarding the organization of GP rounds in Polish cities.
On Sunday in Łódź the opening of a new stadium. Eagle as part of the Nice 1. LŻ match will be taken by Zdurka Wybrzeże Gdańsk. The facility is very similar to the Toruń Motoarena. It has only a smaller capacity of the stands (about 10,000).

The promoter of the Grand Prix cycle, a British company BSI, has already directed an offer to the Eagle for the organization of the Grand Prix tournament! Until now only Gorzów Wielkopolski and Wrocław have been in the fight for the organization of GP rounds since 2019. As it turns out, the promoter is too little competition. However, this is not the only reason to ask the Łódź activists. It is known that the potential of the stadium in Łódź was the first to use the promoters of the European championships, who are the biggest competitors of the English


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My choice for 2019

1) Manchester 2) Warsaw 3) Prague 4) Horsens) 5) Riga 6) Sweden (where Im not sure) 7) Gustrow 8) Gorzow/Torun 9) Cardiff

GB deserve a second GP especially when its a world class track, a fitting stadium and a great City.

Warsaw and Prague great city's great stadiums, Warsaw been brilliant since the initial cock up. Prague the racing been much better since Topinka took over track prep.

Horsens, lovely stadium, average GP this year, but first 3 were superb.

Riga, again beautiful city and a nice stadium. Im sure both riders & fans would rather go there then somewhere like Teterow, Daugapvils or Krsko. Plus Latvia have some good riders right now, strike while the irons hot... Although I must confess no idea if the track is any good.

Sweden needs a GP. Saddens me that neither Friends arena or the Olympic stadium can be used because very much enjoyed the meetings there. The GP at the  Olympic stadium in 2004 in particular was a belter.

Gustrow: Germany deserve a GP and they are doing pretty well on the world stage right now. It seems to be a much better track with much better spectator facility then  Teterow (its a s*** hole a direct quote from one of the riders Saturday)

Then one more in Poland, both those tracks and stadiums being fantastic. Torun also a cracking night out, cant comment on Gorzow.

Round it off with a World Champion crowned in Cardiff, that would be as good as I could realistically hope for from the series...


Edited by RPNY
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