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Glasgow Vs Edinburgh KO Cup 27/05/2018

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The dust on Sunday was the worst I have seen in all my years attending, at one point you couldn't see a thing on track due to dust clouds.

Now we were promised better track conditions and a better racing track last week prior to the meeting the usual spin, we all turn up on Sunday and everything about the track was worse than the previous week which was not much better. 

The ruts appearing are the main concern based on the further investment during the winter, if has been said it is inexperience preparing the track therein lies the problem.

For every positive there currently are two negatives to off set it and the team are letting everyone including the owners down, hard calls need to be taken to get the season back on track.

As soon as possible preferably.

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14 hours ago, jenga said:

the greedy riders make the decision to declare themselves fit to race . its all down to greed and the team comes second , followed closely by the fans who pay part of their wages .


I can sort of see the riders point of view iro the quoted bit of your message. I'm currently on crutches after my knee decided to pop out again. I've got a doctors line and shouldn't be at work but I am for two reasons. One, I don't get paid if I'm off and two my work ethic has always been that if you can you do so I'm driving to work and leaving the crutches in the car.

Actually there is a third reason, I get bored too easily!

Maybe some riders are in the same position?

its a no win situation really cos we are quick to criticise if riders aren't riding.

personally just as an example I didn't feel at all cheated when Shane Parker declared himself fit ten days after breaking his collar bone and rode in (and won) the PL pairs

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set wages and other stuff given to riders if they perform or not .  Shane Parker was a totally different type of bloke .

sorry to hear you are having trouble with your crutch es . i know the feeling , i was on crutches for a while a few months ago . went to hospital walking. came out on crutches , anyhow i hope you have a job sitting down  to relieve the discomfort on yourself . no 100 mtrs for you then !


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Cheers Jenga, I'll live lol. I'm a pharmacy dispenser and part time carer so sitting down isn't an option. Had a few in the care home laughing today as we had a pretend race out in the back gardens, three of them on zimmers and me with my crutches. Laughter is the best medicine and best care option. Kinda brings us neatly back to speedway lol

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13 hours ago, Gazc said:

The dust on Sunday was the worst I have seen in all my years attending, at one point you couldn't see a thing on track due to dust clouds.

Now we were promised better track conditions and a better racing track last week prior to the meeting the usual spin, we all turn up on Sunday and everything about the track was worse than the previous week which was not much better. 

The ruts appearing are the main concern based on the further investment during the winter, if has been said it is inexperience preparing the track therein lies the problem.

For every positive there currently are two negatives to off set it and the team are letting everyone including the owners down, hard calls need to be taken to get the season back on track.

As soon as possible preferably.

Who took over the Track curators duties  after Stewart Dickson left ?

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2 hours ago, Heedthebaw said:

Who took over the Track curators duties  after Stewart Dickson left ?

Font know who he is , but he was brought in during the winter . Between that and deputy Dawg the assistant team manager , is it any wonder Stewart got pissed off .

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20 hours ago, stewmac said:

In addition to the comment above from Fromafar, Polish matches are on Sunday afternoons in much hotter conditions yet they manage to keep the tracks in very raceable condition. 

Obviously there is a new water bowser required it seems, along with someone - maybe Dickson- who knows how to get the track back to what it should be. As an Edinburgh fan I haven't been to Ashfield since the meeting with the infamous letter, but I had been hoping to return this year, especially with the track supposedly being improved with Hancock's help. At the moment though, I won't be wasting my time or money.

Belle Vue's track on Monday - despite a 12pm start and it being very hot indeed - was superb. 

No blue line, no dust and excellent racing.

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1 hour ago, MANSE said:

Looking at the score  62 -28 seems a exciting match

Interesting you do not comment on the why track preparation at Glasgow appears to be a problem as highlighted by previous posters who were there :rolleyes:

Are you not "someone in the know" who may be able to clarify to us all what the cause of the alleged poor track conditions are?

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8 hours ago, cyclone said:

Interesting you do not comment on the why track preparation at Glasgow appears to be a problem as highlighted by previous posters who were there :rolleyes:

Are you not "someone in the know" who may be able to clarify to us all what the cause of the alleged poor track conditions are?

Wasn't alleged track conditions started poor and deteriorated rapidly.

Bone dry surface at start despite watering but it just wasn't enough.

Not an expert but track was almost bare of shale with holes appearing during the meeting.

You can dress it up whatever way you like but track was poor at best and the dust was horrendous. Any newcomers there on Sunday would have thought what all the drama was about Speedway you couldn't see any for dust.

Edited by Gazc
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9 hours ago, MANSE said:

Looking at the score  62 -28 seems a exciting match

'My first visit yesterday and it was very impressive from start to finish well done to everyone concerned yesterday,  i shall be returning in the not too distant future'

'Some excellent races'

'An enjoyable meeting despite the scoreline.'

'Some excellent racing at the NSS yesterday morning'

'it was a delight to watch and the racing was excellent too.'

'And the racing was out of this world'

'Despite the scoreline, there was (as usual )some fantastic racing'

'The two newcomers who joined me today loved it and will be back for the Poole meeting'

'Excellent racing today.'

Is that enough or would you like a few more ? :D

Interval dragged a bit, partly because Andy Meredith was picking up the track of the year award for both the Premiership and the NL.

As I said, 12pm start, boiling hot day. No dust, no blue line, brilliant racing. 

Andy Meredith doesn't have a magic wand. If he can do it, so can everyone else. 

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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Did you see the  meeting from Sweden last night the dust was as bad as Glasgow on Sunday. Glasgow should stick to evening racing if it has to be a Sunday start time should be 6.30. Regarding the holes which are being reported  each bend was passed approx 240 times  now to to the falls Pickering as soon as he entered bend 1 you new he was going to fall, Rumel seemed to pick up to much  grip. Harris don't know, Mark hard first bend bailed out the reported holes didn't seem to worry Wells and Eric. For Cyclone the Water Bouser has 2 major faults one now fixed hopefully will be back soon


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17 minutes ago, MANSE said:

Did you see the  meeting from Sweden last night the dust was as bad as Glasgow on Sunday. Glasgow should stick to evening racing if it has to be a Sunday start time should be 6.30. Regarding the holes which are being reported  each bend was passed approx 240 times  now to to the falls Pickering as soon as he entered bend 1 you new he was going to fall, Rumel seemed to pick up to much  grip. Harris don't know, Mark hard first bend bailed out the reported holes didn't seem to worry Wells and Eric. For Cyclone the Water Bouser has 2 major faults one now fixed hopefully will be back soon


The hole into the 3rd bend doesn't cause the leading rider any trouble because they can miss it inside or outside its the following rider battling for places that causes trouble for ( ask Worrell) he wasn't amused by it .even went to inspect after Ht 13,probably why he wasn't fussy about Ht 15.

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8 hours ago, MANSE said:

Did you see the  meeting from Sweden last night the dust was as bad as Glasgow on Sunday. Glasgow should stick to evening racing if it has to be a Sunday start time should be 6.30. Regarding the holes which are being reported  each bend was passed approx 240 times  now to to the falls Pickering as soon as he entered bend 1 you new he was going to fall, Rumel seemed to pick up to much  grip. Harris don't know, Mark hard first bend bailed out the reported holes didn't seem to worry Wells and Eric. For Cyclone the Water Bouser has 2 major faults one now fixed hopefully will be back soon


So are you trying to claim that there aren’t any holes on bend 1 and bend 3? As I watched Pickering and Harris hit the exact same one causing them both to come off, then Worrall go and inspect the one on bend 3 after 13. Or did that not happen or did you just miss these incidents. 

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No holes just the base beginning to show  through where they come in and turn on the fastest line  into the bends the leaders always hit that part every lap then when they hit the shale again the bike picks up but some riders can use it to there advantage but if you try to miss it you could end up going from first to last pretty quickly they have been working on both corners now for weeks but with the weather being too good and still they don't seem to be able to get the track to settle ,doc Bridgett was in this week and abvised them to use a clay mix rather than just packing in shale as it would bind better with the base so here's hoping for a better meeting this Friday ,having it in the evening will also help 

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6 hours ago, mac101 said:

No holes just the base beginning to show  through where they come in and turn on the fastest line  into the bends the leaders always hit that part every lap then when they hit the shale again the bike picks up but some riders can use it to there advantage but if you try to miss it you could end up going from first to last pretty quickly they have been working on both corners now for weeks but with the weather being too good and still they don't seem to be able to get the track to settle ,doc Bridgett was in this week and abvised them to use a clay mix rather than just packing in shale as it would bind better with the base so here's hoping for a better meeting this Friday ,having it in the evening will also help 

Well call them bumps then!

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