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Can you identify these?


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Click on the above link if you may be able to identify some 1930's riders - any help very much appreciated. Thanks!

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1. No idea ???

2. Arthur Atkinson/Bluey Wilkinson

3. Bluey Wilkinson

4. George Saunders

5. No sure, but is not Ron Johnson (Charlie Spinks perhaps??)

6. Danny Dunton

7. Bronco Dixon

8. Ken Brett

9 Tommy Croombs

10. Dont Know (Eric Chitty was Canadian/West ham but it does not look like him?)

11. Phil Bishop.


Thats my best shot Nick. The Bulk of them appear to be West Ham riders.

Edited by Dick Darstadly
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Vintage Speedway mag also had a question about a Canadian team from 1938 and had problems naming the riders.All they could do was name the riders that were on the tour.Bob Sparks,Elwood Stilwell,Bruce Venier, and Eddie Baker.The photo looks to be taken at the same time.Maybe one of them.VSM vol9.No4 if anyone has it :)

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Thanks for all that information everyone. If I ever manage to get names for the unidentified I will post them. Since putting those on webshot I have found some team photos including a Canadian one. I know the other three are 1936 and guess the Canadian one is too? If you fancy a look click the link below and then select newest to bring up the album. Again, any help on these greatly appreciated. Not sure how much more I have got amongst everything I am trying to look through but if any more speedway I will be putting them on webshot as and when.

Thanks again for the help so far! I do have quite a bit of New Cross that I have already sent to Dick D and that will go on webshot in due course as well.



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Good news, many thanks for that Iris! Just found some more as well, so will put them up when I can. Anybody want to chip any more in? Cheers, NIck

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Lloyd Goffe rode for Harringay in the late 40s. Apparently he used to put cotton wool on his backside inside his leathers because he sweated so much.

First time ever I felt that I needed to say this to you Norbold......


......... too much information !!!



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Just a thought, but? If we have this interest in the old black n white images why don't we get a site together to swap info and images



If anyone possesses the IT knowledge to set up a Yahoo list or similar you could count on my help. Speedway History is being lost or degraded everyday, also why let all this fall into the hands of the money makers who expect us to pay for retro mags and books when the history is there in the heads and collections of our older supporters.


Anyway fancy setting this up with me?

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Hiya DickDastardley, Razzle snazzle grazzle No I ain't changing my name to Mutley!


My email address is dantodan@btopenworld.com send me a mail and we will see what common ground we have.


This is really a bit of archeaolgy isn't it. If someone doesn't preserve the past it will become a murky no go area.

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Speedway History is being lost or degraded everyday, also why let all this fall into the hands of the money makers who expect us to pay for retro mags and books

Having now had five books on speedway published, I only wish this was true! I can assure you I don't do it for the money. There's not much of that to be made with speedway books.


I do it because I like doing it and for the very reason you are suggesting setting up a website, i.e so that the information is not lost and is disseminated to as wide a public as possible.

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After years in the wilderness as far as speedway books go, it has been great that recently there has been such an upsurge in their production.

Tribute websites are also a brilliant way of bringing back memories, I wonder how many people have just surfed in to a site because they used to go to speedway?


Both of these areas of media are extremely important to speedway, time marches on far too quickly and information is easily lost, so getting the stories and history of our sport in print and to a far wider audience is of the utmost importance.


Keep up the good work, there's plenty of people out there, including myself who really appreciate all the time and effort you put in .

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