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Reassessed Averages

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It seems GP riders who didnt compete in British Speedway in 2017 are now to be reassesed to 9 as their 2016(or before) averages are not considered an accurate reflection of their abilities.


Should this ressessment not then also apply to ANY returning rider without a 2017 attained average?


If the principle that 2016 averages and before are an unsound base has been agreed then the reassessment has to be all encompassing IMO.

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Another ludicrous ruling if true.


Would be so bad if the top 8 were assessed at 9 and the bottom 7 assessed at 8.


To say that Dudek and Pawlicki should (in theory) have the same cma is ridiculous.


They would both have been assessed at 8 before. Nobody thought it ridiculousthen that all GP riders were assessed the same, so why is it ridiculous now.


What was ridiculous was that Doyle would be on 9.69 because he rode in the UK last year, and Woffinden was just over 7 because he never.


What would be ridicuous would be the have Pawlicki on 8 while Nick Morris and Jaob Thorsell are both above that.


An average of 9 is a fair figure. It's below Doyle but above Morris and Thorsell. I think most people would agree is that that is their level.


The problem is, of course, that the point limit and the one-over- 8 rule prevent them coming into the UK. That's a different issue though. The average itself is perfectly reasonable.

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It seems GP riders who didnt compete in British Speedway in 2017 are now to be reassesed to 9 as their 2016(or before) averages are not considered an accurate reflection of their abilities.

Should this ressessment not then also apply to ANY returning rider without a 2017 attained average?

If the principle that 2016 averages and before are an unsound base has been agreed then the reassessment has to be all encompassing IMO.

I'm assuming all riders that didn't ride here in 2017 will be reassessed if coming back which seems fair and transparent.

Woryna so far the only rider likely to need a 'new' assessment other than 9.

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Yet another Poole rider. Give it a rest.

The teams involved are (or should be irrelevant)

Agree a principle - stick to it and apply to all.

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Yet another Poole rider. Give it a rest.

Wake up.


Riders who rode here in before and including 2016 that have ridden in the GP are coming back as a 9. Thats riders like Zagar and Woffinden.


Why shouldnt any other foriegn rider who didnt ride here last year be re assessed as well?


Woryna has improved a lot since he last rode here so why shouldnt he be reassessed after time away?


You Poole fans love a rule that benefits your club but god forbid the boot on the other foot!

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Who has agreed the principle?

Whomever was tasked with reassessing rider averages and has reset the bar for GP riders
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I'm assuming all riders that didn't ride here in 2017 will be reassessed if coming back which seems fair and transparent.

Woryna so far the only rider likely to need a 'new' assessment other than 9.


Woryna should be at least a 7. His Ekstraliga average in 2017 was 7.89, although he did ride at reserve.

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Wake up.


Riders who rode here in before and including 2016 that have ridden in the GP are coming back as a 9. Thats riders like Zagar and Woffinden.


Why shouldnt any other foriegn rider who didnt ride here last year be re assessed as well?


Woryna has improved a lot since he last rode here so why shouldnt he be reassessed after time away?


You Poole fans love a rule that benefits your club but god forbid the boot on the other foot!

I think a bit unfair Gav.


Cant help thinking that had Woryna signed for say Somerset/Leicester or say R.House then chances are most would be saying nothing. The fact that Matt Ford saw a possible opportunity to sign a young improving Pole on 4.65 says a lot for a promoter be it Ford or anyone else, in having the foresight to take a leap of faith in signing him so early ahead of others who might step in later.


I see some of where you are coming from but where does one draw the line when there is always an element of risk involved.


He rode here in 2016 as a 19/20 year old Polish Youngster with no known UK form and like all young riders be it UK or Foreign attained that low average as he struggled on UK tracks in the main in his first season.


Last year yes he improved in Poland but let's not forget he was one of the Polish under 21 youngsters of which each POL EXL team has to track 2 per team. Also meaning a fair chunk of his rides were also against Polish under 21 riders a bit like we had our reserve races for those 2 riders who had to have qualified for the NL (i.e mainly 2 young Brits in each team).


This was also part of the reason he got the av he did in Poland and it wasn't as a senior so can be misleading when looking at his av.


There is NO guarantee Woryna will come back for his second season as a 21 year old and take to UK tracks although most of us agree we hope he will be a trump card if he transfers his recent form to the UK.


In effect Matt ford has undertaken a risk knowing that he has a decent GSA and would fit nicely into a reserve slot with less risk attached should he struggle on UK tracks.


So what would we be saying here. We all now Drabik is potentially a World champ in the making an may wipe the floor with many of our riders. BUT as a just turned 20 year old come March 2018 do we put him on say 8/8.5 as this is arguably maybe his true worth despite the fact he has no real experience on UK tracks and may not even take to them should he ever ride here.


Of course I want to see Woryna here on his 2016 GSA 4.65 as it would show what a potential shrewed move that Ford made. if he is that good then he will naturally move out of reserve end May/June anyway. Just as I would like to see the likes of Drabik/Smektala/Jackobsen and no doubt other young riders like Chugunov who at 17 was a sensation in the World Team Champ meeting where he beat the likes of Doyle & Holder.


But where do you pitch these guys with little to no experience, and who says that one of them who may not be as good on Polish tracks will turn out better than another rider on UK ones. I.E: Drabik beat Lambert hands down in U21 but Lambert may win hands down on our smaller/trickier tracks.


Its an interesting debate and I don't know the answer but lets not punish young talent before it has even had a chance to prove itself on our tracks.


I think all these guys should be given lowish GSA's and let the individual promoters decide if they want to try and sign them and take the inevitable risks associated. We want young talent here not this constant dumbing down of the league with GSA's being set high just to distract promoters from taking that chance.


Anyway that's my view whether you agree or not.

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The rule would of been fair if it had been applied at the same time as the 8 point rule was, not after a certain rider/s expressed an interest of a return primarily because of the set night rule.

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I think a bit unfair Gav.


Cant help thinking that had Woryna signed for say Somerset/Leicester or say R.House then chances are most would be saying nothing. The fact that Matt Ford saw a possible opportunity to sign a young improving Pole on 4.65 says a lot for a promoter be it Ford or anyone else, in having the foresight to take a leap of faith in signing him so early ahead of others who might step in later.


I see some of where you are coming from but where does one draw the line when there is always an element of risk involved.


He rode here in 2016 as a 19/20 year old Polish Youngster with no known UK form and like all young riders be it UK or Foreign attained that low average as he struggled on UK tracks in the main in his first season.


Last year yes he improved in Poland but let's not forget he was one of the Polish under 21 youngsters of which each POL EXL team has to track 2 per team. Also meaning a fair chunk of his rides were also against Polish under 21 riders a bit like we had our reserve races for those 2 riders who had to have qualified for the NL (i.e mainly 2 young Brits in each team).


This was also part of the reason he got the av he did in Poland and it wasn't as a senior so can be misleading when looking at his av.


There is NO guarantee Woryna will come back for his second season as a 21 year old and take to UK tracks although most of us agree we hope he will be a trump card if he transfers his recent form to the UK.


In effect Matt ford has undertaken a risk knowing that he has a decent GSA and would fit nicely into a reserve slot with less risk attached should he struggle on UK tracks.


So what would we be saying here. We all now Drabik is potentially a World champ in the making an may wipe the floor with many of our riders. BUT as a just turned 20 year old come March 2018 do we put him on say 8/8.5 as this is arguably maybe his true worth despite the fact he has no real experience on UK tracks and may not even take to them should he ever ride here.


Of course I want to see Woryna here on his 2016 GSA 4.65 as it would show what a potential shrewed move that Ford made. if he is that good then he will naturally move out of reserve end May/June anyway. Just as I would like to see the likes of Drabik/Smektala/Jackobsen and no doubt other young riders like Chugunov who at 17 was a sensation in the World Team Champ meeting where he beat the likes of Doyle & Holder.


But where do you pitch these guys with little to no experience, and who says that one of them who may not be as good on Polish tracks will turn out better than another rider on UK ones. I.E: Drabik beat Lambert hands down in U21 but Lambert may win hands down on our smaller/trickier tracks.


Its an interesting debate and I don't know the answer but lets not punish young talent before it has even had a chance to prove itself on our tracks.


I think all these guys should be given lowish GSA's and let the individual promoters decide if they want to try and sign them and take the inevitable risks associated. We want young talent here not this constant dumbing down of the league with GSA's being set high just to distract promoters from taking that chance.


Anyway that's my view whether you agree or not.


Quite obviously a Poole supporter. You say Ford was shrewd signing Woryna, I say devious hoping to pull a fast one. One of the biggest turn-off in our sport are ringers, and the unfairness it creates, and in that sense Ford is more guilty than most. The issue here is if you want to sign a good rider you do so on a correct and proper average, and let the competition take place on the track, and not by out of date assessments.

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Wake up.


Riders who rode here in before and including 2016 that have ridden in the GP are coming back as a 9. Thats riders like Zagar and Woffinden.


Why shouldnt any other foriegn rider who didnt ride here last year be re assessed as well?


Woryna has improved a lot since he last rode here so why shouldnt he be reassessed after time away?


You Poole fans love a rule that benefits your club but god forbid the boot on the other foot!


Bla bla bla bla.




If Woryna signed for Swindon or Wolves then nobody would be having this conversation and the vast majority would agree that Woryna should be a 4.65.

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Woryna should be 6.51, which what his average was when he last competed post conversation.


Hahahaha OMG.


Delusional Gavan said C. Holder should be a 9.00 (Linked with Poole)


We now have a number members calling for Woryna to be anywhere between 6 and 7 because he signed for Poole.


What next Brady Kurtz on a 10.00? or Maybe James Shanes on a 5.00.



Its like Play your cards right on here. Only this time with Speedway averages.


HIGHER....Higher than a 6 you say a 7......LOWER lower than a 7 you say a 6.5.

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Quite obviously a Poole supporter. You say Ford was shrewd signing Woryna, I say devious hoping to pull a fast one. One of the biggest turn-off in our sport are ringers, and the unfairness it creates, and in that sense Ford is more guilty than most. The issue here is if you want to sign a good rider you do so on a correct and proper average, and let the competition take place on the track, and not by out of date assessments.

I put out sensible post and here we go again with another teams supporter having a go at Ford again.


Read the post properly.


The last comment I make is:

"I think all these guys should be given lowish GSA's and let the individual promoters decide if they want to try and sign them and take the inevitable risks associated. We want young talent here not this constant dumbing down of the league with GSA's being set high just to distract promoters from taking that chance"


In effect saying give them all a low GSA and let promoters decide if they want to sign and take whatever risk is involved.


I don't care who signs them be it Ford or even Chapman..... If ANY premotor has the foresight and is willing to finance any of these guys coming over then I applaud them for bringing the real potential future World talent to these shores. Believe me if Woryna had signed for KL I would be saying well done Buster for taking a long term view and yes I think its worth it.


All this crap about unfairness/manipulation of the rules, Ford always allegedly guilty of underhand dealing - pulling a fast one.


I am sure if Buster had signed Woryna you would be saying, nice one Buster, you did well in having the foresight to sign what COULD be a future young star on a good low average. But no as its Matt Ford its viewed as manipulation or devious or unfair.


Yes I like Poole but I also love Speedway and unlike maybe Football I would love to see any Prem side sign what could potentially be future World Stars as this is the kind of thing I want to see on tracks and not the same old same old every week. If Lynn signed Woryna, Drabik or Smektala my view would be good on them, they have made the effort and taken the chance. Its good to see a promoter take that chance as you never really know how it will work out on our trickier/tighter (and in may cases inferior quality) tracks.


So I am not taking a one club view. Good luck to any promoter in bringing these guys over. The BSPA may be dumbing down our league bit by bit but these younger guys maybe offer a way around it for clubs.


Also as I additionally stated. IF they are good enough they will be out of any potential reserve berth anyway come end of May/early June.

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