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British Speedway Forum

Speedway ... A Way Forward

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Thats why I liked speedway, I started as an old fart, loved the fun and banter of speedway and the fans, also had a bit of racing thrown in. The fun has all but disappeared in speedway, the old farts you refer to have remained and everyone have become as miserable as them, sitting about with 1 pint that last for hours talking about the good old days. No wonder younger people dont want to come to speedway, would you want to end up like the miserable average speedway fan. Time to start looking forwards and not looking back to the so called good old days, it is doubtful that they were that good anyway. In the same way people remember hot summers and harsh winters, when you look at the facts, the UK has had 5 hot summers in 65 years and just 2 harsh winters in 75 years..

That is not a bad picture of a Speedway Fan - me included :t::rofl::rofl::rofl:


EDIT: When I used to go.


I am sure people would be lining up to point out that I no longer attend, so how do I know? :rolleyes:

Edited by The White Knight
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In the same way people remember hot summers and harsh winters, when you look at the facts, the UK has had 5 hot summers in 65 years and just 2 harsh winters in 75 years..

A proper harsh winter would be a disaster for speedway attendances 😲😲
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  • 7 years later...
4 hours ago, Reviresco said:

Yeah got fed up with all the negativity, threats and "boy's club" sentamentality.

Guess that you'd know more about "happy endings" than I would, Tsunami?

It took you 7 years to come up with that joke? 😂

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8 hours ago, piston197 said:

 Perhaps there has been no progress because Speedway has been going around in circles for years 😄

I see what you did there. 🤣🤣

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