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Coventry Bees Nl ?


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32 minutes ago, adonis said:

I never asked that very nice person to get involved  in  a debate I was having with  one of his cohorts . who seems to think its quite acceptable to post utter nonsense and then  start  making accusations  that I have some hidden agenda , have a look at his  posts throughout this thread . not a word about coventry speedway , just bile about his hatred of Mick Horton , I dont know about you , but for me  coming on here as backup to a hypocrite   like that is not  Very NIce at  all . 

Sorry Simon but you aren’t having a debate with any of my “cohorts” here.

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12 minutes ago, Fifteenpointmax said:

I'm not a regular on this forum and indeed, this being only my third post, it has to be approved by a moderator.

Though I previously registered under the name of FifteenPointMax, let me make it clear my name is Jeff Davies.

I was advised by others about comments being posted about the Save Coventry Speedway group, particularly from one or two individuals including Simon, sorry 'adonis'.

He previously posted under another name and appears for some unknown reason to decry everything we do in our efforts to Save Coventry Speedway. He says we've 'appointed ourselves as saviours of the realm' and implies we (or me) 'are always on local radio giving people false hope'.

Well, let me address a few of Simon's points:

We are simply doing our very best to see speedway and stock cars return to Brandon. We have no 'axe to grind' with anyone. We've refused to be drawn into public debates about any of the individuals involved. We believe we've acted throughout with honesty and integrity and will continue to do so. We've said all along, we don't know if our efforts will be successful but if we're not successful, it won't be through lack of trying. That's hardly giving people false hope is it?

With regard to being on local radio - yes, I've personally been on local radio many times talking about Brandon and our fight to save it. We've been on BBC Midlands Today (twice) and ITV Central News. We've twice delivered letters to 1000 local residents in Brandon and Binley Woods. We made a presentation to supporters and local residents in Brandon Club, updating them on the status. We created an electronic newsletter, which several hundred people subscribed to, as a means of updating people of progress.

It's called communication Simon. And it keeps the issue of Brandon Stadium, so dear to so many of us, in the public spotlight.

And just in case you're not familiar with other things we've been doing, here's a brief summary. We've:

Had had a total of 7 meetings with Members of Parliament, one of which was in Westminster.

Submitted a very professional 80 page document to Rugby Council in response to Brandon Estates' planning application, exposing numerous misleading, inaccurate and blatant untruths in their application.

Submitted a similar document to Rugby Council regarding the Local Plan.

Created a document called the 'History of Brandon Stadium' which we've had printed and circulated to the members of the Planning Committee

Spoken at the Local Plan Public Hearing and accompanied the Government Inspector on a site visit to the stadium.

Escalated the plight into the national press with a full page article in the Mail on Sunday as well as a feature in the Times on Line.

Co-ordinated opposition to the redevelopment resulting in an unprecedented 1800 people sending in letters of objection to the proposal.

Managed to get 11 Members of Parliament / Lords to sign a letter 'urging Rugby Council to reject the planning application and actively work towards a return of the sports to the stadium'

Met with Sport England to get their support for the stadium to remain as a sports stadium

Met with the Local Enterprise Partnership

Met with the leader of Coventry Council and his team

Met (several times) with the leader of Rugby Council

Met with the BSPA and the ACU

Got more than 100 skilled tradesmen / women as well as many local businesses to support a rebuild of the stadium should it fall back into the hands of a party who wants to reinstate the sports

Got Greg Hancock, Barry Briggs and Frankie Wainman Jnr to produce videos in support of the campaign to save the iconic stadium

Met numerous times with the Principle Planning Officer dealing with the planning application, as well as the Head of Growth and Investment at Rugby Council

Staged an exhibition at the Brandon Hall Hotel (to counter a Brandon Estates exhibition on the same day)

Had a double stand at Motofest to highlight the fight to save Brandon to 150,000 visitors

Communicated with parties that are interested in taking on the stadium in the event of Brandon Estates choosing at some point to 'offload it'

So, those are some, but by no means all, of the things we've been doing. We've been honest with people. We've tried to keep people informed. We've most certainly not given people false hope.

With regard to Mr Horton running National League at Leicester, look at our website and read the messages of support we've posted regarding the venture. We've not said anything negative about it at all. If it's successful, all well and good. If it fails, it's because supporters, for whatever reason, choose not to go. It may interest people to know, I sent text messages to the Bees team manager (Martyn) and to Mick, wishing them all the best prior to first meeting of the season. 

Running at Leicester whilst at the same time campaigning to save Brandon is not incompatible.

One final point. Please take note of what the Government Inspector said in his report following the public hearing of the Local Plan. He agreed with the argument we put forward at that hearing, that Rugby Council Policy did not adequately protect sporting stadiums like Brandon. As a result of that, Rugby Council are in the process of revising their policies which will make it more difficult for the developers to get planning permission. And further more, if they did get planning permission either locally, or on appeal, something called Paragraph 74 would apply, requiring an alternative venue of equal or better standard, to be in place.

So that was a huge positive for our campaign.

Will all this effort achieve anything? Will we get back to Brandon? Time will tell. But we've got off our backsides and had a go.

It disappoints me therefore, that people like you Simon, sit at your keyboards and knock us for trying.

Ok jeff  , lets back up the thread a little and  find a couple of posts where i have , knocked you for trying , now this whole later section of this thread was created by Dave Jones constnatly sniping at Mick Horton . my initial reply was simply to say how I'm fed up with someone who has no interest in the bees at leicester constasntly sniping about mick hortons efforts to run there .cue the conspiracy theory that i was a plant  etc   .  so you expect  me just to put up  with people you included ,berating me for things I have not said , you have come on here ranting on about me Knocking your efforts , well make an effort and go back a few pages and find it .before jumping on  your high horse once again as if you have some right to challenge my opinions ,  the only thing you'll find  is Dave jones  quoting stuff I havent said ,  you may be good with facts and figures , but you want to check a few before you come on here accusing me of anything , 

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1 hour ago, adonis said:

Ok jeff  , lets back up the thread a little and  find a couple of posts where i have , knocked you for trying , now this whole later section of this thread was created by Dave Jones constnatly sniping at Mick Horton . my initial reply was simply to say how I'm fed up with someone who has no interest in the bees at leicester constasntly sniping about mick hortons efforts to run there .cue the conspiracy theory that i was a plant  etc   .  so you expect  me just to put up  with people you included ,berating me for things I have not said , you have come on here ranting on about me Knocking your efforts , well make an effort and go back a few pages and find it .before jumping on  your high horse once again as if you have some right to challenge my opinions ,  the only thing you'll find  is Dave jones  quoting stuff I havent said ,  you may be good with facts and figures , but you want to check a few before you come on here accusing me of anything , 

I don't intend to get into public debates which in the end, serve no purpose, so I'll just say this and then step back from the discussion.

I have no interest in 'arguments' you are having with others on this forum but you constantly try to undermine the efforts of the Save Coventry Speedway campaign group, initially under the alias of Speedibee and now adonis.

I have not 'berated you for things you have not said', but referred to two specific things you did say, namely, that we've 'appointed ourselves as saviours of the realm' and saying we are (or I am) 'always on local radio giving people false hope'.

Why do you have to do it? To the best of my knowledge, I've never met you, so can't imagine why you have to be so nasty. Your reply to Dave Rowe's offer to discuss things with you, says so much about you and demonstrates an inexplicable and cowardly (anonymity) bitterness.

I don't know Simon, whether your Son knows you post all this stuff but I can't imagine he'd be proud of you if he did.

In contrast, I know, whether we are eventually successful or not in our campaign (no false hope), I will be proud of the fact that we've done our best, we've got off our backsides and had a go and that we could not have done more.

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1 hour ago, adonis said:

Ok jeff  , lets back up the thread a little and  find a couple of posts where i have , knocked you for trying , now this whole later section of this thread was created by Dave Jones constnatly sniping at Mick Horton . my initial reply was simply to say how I'm fed up with someone who has no interest in the bees at leicester constasntly sniping about mick hortons efforts to run there .cue the conspiracy theory that i was a plant  etc   .  so you expect  me just to put up  with people you included ,berating me for things I have not said , you have come on here ranting on about me Knocking your efforts , well make an effort and go back a few pages and find it .before jumping on  your high horse once again as if you have some right to challenge my opinions ,  the only thing you'll find  is Dave jones  quoting stuff I havent said ,  you may be good with facts and figures , but you want to check a few before you come on here accusing me of anything , 

What a complete idiot you are, you come out attacking the Save Cov Group and one of the individuals involved and then blame it on me because I have got under your skin.:D

I wonder sometimes which planet you live on, as now i realise exactly who you are  I am reminded of some of the BS  you were posting under your previous forum name.

Everyone knows my thoughts on Mick Horton,I've been posting them since he moved in at Brandon, I don't deny I'm very hard on him but that's what I think. I would also  remind you they are my own thoughts and  i post on behalf of no  one else. I also put my name at the top of every post I make and accept responsibility for everything I write. Unlike yourself it would seem.


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2 hours ago, Fifteenpointmax said:

I don't intend to get into public debates which in the end, serve no purpose, so I'll just say this and then step back from the discussion.

I have no interest in 'arguments' you are having with others on this forum but you constantly try to undermine the efforts of the Save Coventry Speedway campaign group, initially under the alias of Speedibee and now adonis.

I have not 'berated you for things you have not said', but referred to two specific things you did say, namely, that we've 'appointed ourselves as saviours of the realm' and saying we are (or I am) 'always on local radio giving people false hope'.

Why do you have to do it? To the best of my knowledge, I've never met you, so can't imagine why you have to be so nasty. Your reply to Dave Rowe's offer to discuss things with you, says so much about you and demonstrates an inexplicable and cowardly (anonymity) bitterness.

I don't know Simon, whether your Son knows you post all this stuff but I can't imagine he'd be proud of you if he did.

In contrast, I know, whether we are eventually successful or not in our campaign (no false hope), I will be proud of the fact that we've done our best, we've got off our backsides and had a go and that we could not have done more.

you have no interest in getting into a public debate , that's why you signed up  for an account  and made 3 posts  , all of them to try and belittle me  how sad is that ? , don't know if anyone has ever told you ,but  this is a public forum , and if your'e going to start ranting every time you hear  an opinion that differs from your own  ,maybe you should not bother coming on here . as for public debate  i would imagine it suits you down to the ground to come on here rant and rave ,make accusations and the disappear , it would suit us all to do that . I think you need to step back and take a long hard look at your mental stability , because someone who goes off on rants  when their ideals are challenged has some major issues ,  get this JEFF  thoughout your life theres going to be people who disagree with some of the things you say or do .learn to live with it  , instead of constantly throwing your toys out of the pram . what i do or don't do what i say or don't say ,is none of your business , and it's only your arrogance that makes you think it is ,  I wont be bullied by you nor anybody else because I don't agree with them , 

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35 minutes ago, adonis said:

you have no interest in getting into a public debate , that's why you signed up  for an account  and made 3 posts  , all of them to try and belittle me  how sad is that ? , don't know if anyone has ever told you ,but  this is a public forum , and if your'e going to start ranting every time you hear  an opinion that differs from your own  ,maybe you should not bother coming on here . as for public debate  i would imagine it suits you down to the ground to come on here rant and rave ,make accusations and the disappear , it would suit us all to do that . I think you need to step back and take a long hard look at your mental stability , because someone who goes off on rants  when their ideals are challenged has some major issues ,  get this JEFF  thoughout your life theres going to be people who disagree with some of the things you say or do .learn to live with it  , instead of constantly throwing your toys out of the pram . what i do or don't do what i say or don't say ,is none of your business , and it's only your arrogance that makes you think it is ,  I wont be bullied by you nor anybody else because I don't agree with them , 

mental case..!!

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On 7/7/2018 at 2:57 PM, Fifteenpointmax said:

I'm not a regular on this forum and indeed, this being only my third post, it has to be approved by a moderator.

Though I previously registered under the name of FifteenPointMax, let me make it clear my name is Jeff Davies.

I was advised by others about comments being posted about the Save Coventry Speedway group, particularly from one or two individuals including Simon, sorry 'adonis'.

He previously posted under another name and appears for some unknown reason to decry everything we do in our efforts to Save Coventry Speedway. He says we've 'appointed ourselves as saviours of the realm' and implies we (or me) 'are always on local radio giving people false hope'.

Well, let me address a few of Simon's points:

We are simply doing our very best to see speedway and stock cars return to Brandon. We have no 'axe to grind' with anyone. We've refused to be drawn into public debates about any of the individuals involved. We believe we've acted throughout with honesty and integrity and will continue to do so. We've said all along, we don't know if our efforts will be successful but if we're not successful, it won't be through lack of trying. That's hardly giving people false hope is it?

With regard to being on local radio - yes, I've personally been on local radio many times talking about Brandon and our fight to save it. We've been on BBC Midlands Today (twice) and ITV Central News. We've twice delivered letters to 1000 local residents in Brandon and Binley Woods. We made a presentation to supporters and local residents in Brandon Club, updating them on the status. We created an electronic newsletter, which several hundred people subscribed to, as a means of updating people of progress.

It's called communication Simon. And it keeps the issue of Brandon Stadium, so dear to so many of us, in the public spotlight.

And just in case you're not familiar with other things we've been doing, here's a brief summary. We've:

Had had a total of 7 meetings with Members of Parliament, one of which was in Westminster.

Submitted a very professional 80 page document to Rugby Council in response to Brandon Estates' planning application, exposing numerous misleading, inaccurate and blatant untruths in their application.

Submitted a similar document to Rugby Council regarding the Local Plan.

Created a document called the 'History of Brandon Stadium' which we've had printed and circulated to the members of the Planning Committee

Spoken at the Local Plan Public Hearing and accompanied the Government Inspector on a site visit to the stadium.

Escalated the plight into the national press with a full page article in the Mail on Sunday as well as a feature in the Times on Line.

Co-ordinated opposition to the redevelopment resulting in an unprecedented 1800 people sending in letters of objection to the proposal.

Managed to get 11 Members of Parliament / Lords to sign a letter 'urging Rugby Council to reject the planning application and actively work towards a return of the sports to the stadium'

Met with Sport England to get their support for the stadium to remain as a sports stadium

Met with the Local Enterprise Partnership

Met with the leader of Coventry Council and his team

Met (several times) with the leader of Rugby Council

Met with the BSPA and the ACU

Got more than 100 skilled tradesmen / women as well as many local businesses to support a rebuild of the stadium should it fall back into the hands of a party who wants to reinstate the sports

Got Greg Hancock, Barry Briggs and Frankie Wainman Jnr to produce videos in support of the campaign to save the iconic stadium

Met numerous times with the Principle Planning Officer dealing with the planning application, as well as the Head of Growth and Investment at Rugby Council

Staged an exhibition at the Brandon Hall Hotel (to counter a Brandon Estates exhibition on the same day)

Communicated with parties that are interested in taking on the stadium in the event of Brandon Estates choosing at some point to 'offload it'

So, those are some, but by no means all, of the things we've been doing. We've been honest with people. We've tried to keep people informed. We've most certainly not given people false hope.

With regard to Mr Horton running National League at Leicester, look at our website and read the messages of support we've posted regarding the venture. We've not said anything negative about it at all. If it's successful, all well and good. If it fails, it's because supporters, for whatever reason, choose not to go. It will have no bearing on what we are doing. Running at Leicester whilst at the same time campaigning to save Brandon is not incompatible.

One final point. Please take note of what the Government Inspector said in his report following the public hearing of the Local Plan. He agreed with the argument we put forward at that hearing, that Rugby Council Policy did not adequately protect sporting stadiums like Brandon. As a result of that, Rugby Council are in the process of revising their policies which will make it more difficult for the developers to get planning permission. And further more, if they did get planning permission either locally, or on appeal, something called Paragraph 74 would apply, requiring an alternative venue of equal or better standard, to be in place.

So that was a huge positive for our campaign.

Will all this effort achieve anything? Will we get back to Brandon? Time will tell. But we've got off our backsides and had a go.

It disappoints me therefore, that people like you Simon, sit at your keyboards and knock us for trying.


I'm glad you've responded about the campaign and clarified the group's position on Bees at Leicester. You shouldn't have to defend yourself. Keep it going Jeff, Dave and all.

Edited by Woz01
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6 hours ago, TurnTwo said:

Are the rumours on Social media true about Coventry folding 

I guess postponing two fixtures gets people thinking and putting their theories online but the two postponments have been explained, one was so Leicester could prepare of the televised meeting and the 2nd is the same time as the World Cup Final. I'd be worried if they next one is postponed unless of weather.

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18 hours ago, Woz01 said:

I guess postponing two fixtures gets people thinking and putting their theories online but the two postponments have been explained, one was so Leicester could prepare of the televised meeting and the 2nd is the same time as the World Cup Final. I'd be worried if they next one is postponed unless of weather.


You mean nice hot sunny weather Woz? ;) 

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Can anyone give an opinion of how Danny Phillips is riding for Coventry? As we know, he had a serious injury last year & just wanted to find out how he rides in the NL.

For us, he has the speed but does not seem to attack the 1st corner at the start or gets passed easily when others get close. Whether it's a confidence issue, I am not sure but having engines tuned by Ash-tech, they should be quick enough. 

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12 hours ago, IronScorpion said:

Can anyone give an opinion of how Danny Phillips is riding for Coventry? As we know, he had a serious injury last year & just wanted to find out how he rides in the NL.

For us, he has the speed but does not seem to attack the 1st corner at the start or gets passed easily when others get close. Whether it's a confidence issue, I am not sure but having engines tuned by Ash-tech, they should be quick enough. 

Pretty much the same for us I think. He has improved his average by a point so he's doing his job for us.

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17 hours ago, IronScorpion said:

I am not sure but having engines tuned by Ash-tech, they should be quick enough. 

If that's true he should be asking for a refund

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think it was ever Coventry's intention to run matches at Leicester after this season so the answer is probably nothing is going to happen, apart from the fact Leicester may use some of the current 'Bees' NL riders who will be familiar with the track. 

Edited by Gemini
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