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Seems to me that promoters can't really afford to offer value season tickets, clubs just don't have enough supporters, let's hope the situation changes...


They can't afford not to. Its that simple. Radical change to the value for money aspect of the exciting on track product must be brought into UK speedway.

I make no apologies for repeating this here.


I do tend to post mostly negatively slanted posts on this thread, some I see as tongue in cheek humorous ways of dealing with the great disappointment of seeing what the happened to UK speedway since , say the turn of the century. The way that the BSPA have presided over the overall decline of UK speedway in the last 20 years leads me to believe that the sport I have followed since the early 1950's and Ultra seriously since Ove Fundin joined Norwich.

Of course all things change and evolve but the last 20 years ( with even more money coming in via the Sky TV deal as well as reasonable crowds ) those at the BSPA who have been taking critical core decisions have entirely disregarded the ideas of terrace fans ( not just posters on here ) by "doing it their way".

Anyone taking a very good look at the sport from an external perspective would see it is close to being in terminal decline.

Input from fans is either ignored or derided and never seen as feedback. Instead of actively looking for it and implementing the best and least expensive parts of that feedback it seems that a Totally Deaf Ear is turned to the view of the customer. So they walk away or choose their meetings and gradually can't be bothered. Even the die hard following is dying ( many literally ).

For me, my black humour lets me hugely enjoy any truly effective positive changes that the AGM makes to improve UK speedway by expecting very little as history has taught me to do.

Every fan attending a UK speedway match should get a simple survey form within the first four matches of the season and then at the mid waypoint of a season and then in the last four matches. Priceless "consumer " feedback. But do the BSPA want such a thing?

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I saved over £100 this year with my Aces season ticket.

But how many thousands did they lose not being able to do 'Specials' throughout the year as by doing so their Season Ticket holders lose value...?


Years ago I could understand doing a Season Ticket as there was a high take up and it generated significant pre season income..


Nowadays if a track does more than 300 I would be surprised so for me it actually restricts your Promotional capabilities for very little real tangible rewards.


The Aces package in particular involving Colts meetings and free programmes is very good but only appeals to 'die hards' and not 'newbies' which the Sport so desperately needs and the irony is that these 'die hards' would invariably attend every week at full price as they are the most loyal fans...


I think it would be far better to do 'Mini Season Tickets' whereby you purchase say the next five matches for the price of four...


Often with it being a Summer sport, holidays kick in so Season Tickets are not value for money, and TV and the Weather can often change race nights at a moments notice meaning you cannot attend the rearranged fixture..


Buying say the next five matches at a reduced price would appeal not only to the 'die hards' but also to the 'floaters' (like me) I would suggest. As if I have already paid for something I would use it, unlike now whereby if a meeting suddenly becomes a bit 'Mickey Mouse' due to guest levels, or the weather looks a bit dodgy, I stay away..


We would also see which Promoters can actually innovate and actually Promote using 'normal' business practices to drive 'customers' through their doors...

Edited by mikebv
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I saved over 300 quid by being selective on the meetings I watched...before tigh season I very rarely missed any meetings

The ever growing amount of meetings I miss each year due to 'Mickey Mouse' being involved means I pay for my day out in Cardiff and then some!!!


How ironic, the BSPA helping to keep the SGP profitable..!

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mikebv wrote " I think it would be far better to do 'Mini Season Tickets' whereby you purchase say the next five matches for the price of four"


Fabulous idea but it would take an Almighty Rush of Blood to the Head of those in Tenerife, for it to catch on!


Somebody give me Buster or Godfrey's text number and I will pass it on as constructive proposal from Lord Sugar ( because if they thought isa s speedway fan it would not make the agenda - even under the Agenda heading of " Adding VFM to Fan's Attending Meetings" ).

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Do we need to send out a search and rescue team to Tenerife ? Its been very quiet , hope they are all ok

They say patience is a virtue and that good things come to those that wait.


Lets hope thats right

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I have always believe every season ticket holder should receive free admission at all away tracks...


so for example their money is paid to Kings Lynn yet the promoter at Rye House is denied anything from visiting fans??!!

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No, only season ticket holders would be ( and should be IMO ) other visiting fans would of course pay.

Often wondered why if Season Tickets are 'a must' why they don't knock out an 'Unlimited' one which gets you into ANY meeting anywhere in Britain..


Say £1k a season, including free programme at every track, watch two or three races from the centre green, pit pass etc etc..


Do more than 50 meetings a year (as many do) and you would be quids in...


Speedway is unique in that so many visit just 'to watch the racing' with no attachment to any teams, with many in particular having no team to watch at all anymore, therefore a target market I would suggest..


It would also increase crowds (and therefore atmosphere) as 'neutrals' would swell the crowds given the more meetings they attend the better value their initial outlay..


Would 1000 or so fans across the Country take up this deal? Could call it the '1000 Club', make them feel 'special' etc....


If so, it would bring a Million quid into the Sport pre season, which could be divided up (NFL style) by all the teams to help with running costs..


Or even use it for prize money to make the competitions appear as if they are bona fide 'Proper Sports' competitions, which in turn may increase publicity and interest from a wider sport watching public...

Edited by mikebv
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Often wondered why if Season Tickets are 'a must' why they don't knock out an 'Unlimited' one which gets you into ANY meeting anywhere in Britain..


Say £1k a season, including free programme at every track, watch two or three races from the centre green, pit pass etc etc..


Do more than 50 meetings a year (as many do) and you would be quids in...


Speedway is unique in that so many visit just 'to watch the racing' with no attachment to any teams, with many in particular having no team to watch at all anymore, therefore a target market I would suggest..


It would also increase crowds (and therefore atmosphere) as 'neutrals' would swell the crowds given the more meetings they attend the better value their initial outlay..


Would 1000 or so fans across the Country take up this deal? Could call it the '1000 Club', make them feel 'special' etc....


If so, it would bring a Million quid into the Sport pre season, which could be divided up (NFL style) by all the teams to help with running costs..


Or even use it for prize money to make the competitions appear as if they are bona fide 'Proper Sports' competitions, which in turn may increase publicity and interest from a wider sport watching public...

I think thats an excellent idea something that alot of fans would take up unlimited speedway,2meetings a week for half tge season and the rest of the meetings r basically free,will the bspa think about incentives of getting fans through the door or just narrow minded and think about the rules only.
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Just been announced the green helmet colour is back for next season








Joke lol

Yes the silence from the BSPA is deafening.


Would have thought that Prem biz already sorted over Fri/Sat. They could have released a bit of positive/good info for the fans to show that at least progress is being made.


Maybe not gone/going as well as we all hope. i.e No league sponsor - no firm TV deal - not enough take up of clubs wanting to come up.


BSPA who only announced on their twitter (I think) for the first time yesterday that the BSPA annual AGM was taking place in Tenerife this Fri/Sat/Sun, also said they would release news as they got it.


Of course hope I am wrong, but just a few lines on some changes already agreed (if any) would go down well with us the supporters who pay to support these guys.


Makes me laugh that despite the potential problems the POL EXL were imposing on riders for 2018 on advertising etc, they sat down with the riders prior to the end of the 2 week transfer window, listened and sorted those issues and we had an exciting close of window. Everything done and dusted in 2 weeks. Yes there is more money involved ultimately but they are light years ahead of how UK runs the sport. Not only in POL EXL but also in Nice 1 and POL league 2. The 2018 transfer windows early & mid season are also set and that's it.


Anyway we await the news of any kind as to the future of our sport and team building limits/overseas rider GSA's etc/ sponsorship/TV (if any) and how many teams will make up the Prem (and other leagues) in 2018.

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They say patience is a virtue and that good things come to those that wait.


Lets hope thats right


They also say 'Out of sight, Out of mind' or thewre are non so blind as those who don't want to see'




so for example their money is paid to Kings Lynn yet the promoter at Rye House is denied anything from visiting fans??!!


We are talking very small numbers with season tickets, that would travel the distance to Rye House to watch speedway. But to those who did, they would still need a Programme, Car Parking, Food-drink. The chances are, the club would still benefit from the attendance of those Season Ticket holders... whereas if they didn't attend they wouldn't benefit nothing at all..


The issue here is to make Speedway more appealing by offering small handouts that cost little but benefits everyone...... Failing that we can continue in our small minded approach and make the sport too expensive. For 2 people travelling from Kings Lynn, to attend speedway at Rye House, would cost = £90.00 approx.. (Travel expen- £40; 2 admission £35, Programme £3; Food and Drink £10+) If the sport made the away attendances more affordable then probably more people would do so....

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No news from the AGM today, important talks ongoing and no announcements until agreement is reached on all issues.


They are like a bunch of school kids on a jolly.

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