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A free brew at the "press and practice" day would be a good start.

I went a couple of years ago and it was all pretty embarrassing. There might have been 20 or so supporters there listening to the riders telling us how they were going to be the team to beat. Even Ben Wilson sounded a tad unconvincing. It was freezing cold outside and it was even more freezing cold inside the Loomer Road "restaurant" building. Then of course, there was all the usual guff from messers Tattum and Vasey about how the glory days for the Potters were just round the corner.

The smell of brewing coffee at least offered some comfort to the bored rigid fans who would soon have to go outside and be the frozen rigid fans watching the latest band of Potters mercenaries do a couple of pointless laps each. You might have expected that as a gesture of goodwill to the hardy souls who had pitched up for this sham, then at least the Potters' coffers might have stretched to a bit of hot water and a few cheapo coffee granules. The outstretched, taloned hand of Mrs T indicated that you get nowt for free at Gloomy Road. I wouldn't mind but it was a pretty sh*t cup of coffee.

I watched a few minutes of riders taking it in turns to have a spurt around the uneven surface that was pretending to be a track. The young lad who had trolled all the way down from Scotland with his dad and was meant to be one of the reserves went out twice, fell off twice and was never seen again. I mounted up, rode out and vowed that would be the last of those that I would be pitching up to.

A press and practice day is surely a great opportunity for promoters to get the fans involved, give 'em a free brew and make them feel involved with the club that they try and support. Perhaps now that Stoke have a "commercial manager", this year's jamboree might have something of a more professional and inclusive feel to it and hopefully, should anyone decide to go along, they might be kind enough to let us know how it pans out.




Edited by fubar
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As previously said by Fubar and Adonis you get nowt from Loomer.

Communication between fans and management was poor to say the least and when fans voiced their dislike to a bad result the promoter thought it best to have a slanging match with said people, until you face him up on a monday dinner when no one else is there and he turns into a softly spoken chap, lol

Commercial manager whoever that may be should be going around the local schools with a rider and his bike and a short video to try and entice the next generation of fans, (kids come in free and the parent half price for that meeting) and maybe just maybe they will come again, but the commercial side of that club is woeful to say the least.

As said before it is a good race track if prepared properly and has great views and possible potential for expansion with more bars or buildings to keep fans warm on the back straight.

It's not hard, promote properly within your area, sell the place to large companies and build up the place to a good level and fans might come back.

My two children's god father was a previous Stoke captain in the 2000's and he loved the place but when another rider came from another club and sort of took over that's when the problems started as Mrs T found the new rider captivating and did all he wanted and balls to the rest!!

Not sure about payment problems never heard that but it wouldn't surprise me if problems happened.

The club is not going anywhere other than closure as he now relies on the stock cars and if that goes then he is FUBAR'd.


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On 9/3/2018 at 8:18 AM, Sings4Speedway said:

There is no doubt that Stoke has its faults & that finances are a large factor of this but there are plenty of positives too like the track shape is good, it can produce good racing & the viewing is excellent. What often lets down visits there is the approach from the club. If they had the IOW style upbeat attitude along with a welcoming atmosphere you would find many are far more forgiving. Every year i hope to see Stoke succeed on the track but for them to succeed off track they need to accept the failings and look to address them one step at a time rather than deny they even exist.

I agree, Stoke is a great shape for racing and as someone who attends Monday open practise days it's great for learning on. Whilst shale may be lacking at times I always enjoy riding at Stoke. Hopefully the team will have a better year on track too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, teaboy279 said:

Unsuprising. Been a horrific few months for such a lovely lad.

No idea what his problems have been but wish the lad well.

No mention yet on the Potter's site but I'm sure that they will have a cunning plan.


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8 hours ago, fubar said:

No idea what his problems have been but wish the lad well.

No mention yet on the Potter's site but I'm sure that they will have a cunning plan.


Believe its a couple of close family bereavements in the space of a few months.

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7 hours ago, Sings4Speedway said:

Agreed although i was a little surprised he wasn't included from the start so perhaps Stoke are moving away from the status quo?

Wow! Sings is perhaps suggesting that the Gloomy Roadsters are about to become the progressive movers and shakers in the National League.

I'm not holding my breath on that one.

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Apparently, the press and practice day has been postponed and the Pride of the Potteries has also bitten the dust.

Not a hugely encouraging start by the Gloomy Roadsters.

Still look on the bright side.........things can only get better.

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On 26/03/2018 at 8:45 AM, Sings4Speedway said:

Agreed although i was a little surprised he wasn't included from the start so perhaps Stoke are moving away from the status quo?

William O'Keefe it is then.

Sorry, lad.


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I'm sorry that William appears to be taken on and then discarded  whenever the wind changes direction.

Whilst he may not have set the world alight, the lad does seem a genuine trier and I really do hope that, as seems to happen with so many of these youngsters, he doesn't get booted out before he gets the chance to make some kind of a mark.

Hope it works out for the young man.



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9 hours ago, adonis said:

He wouldn't get discarded  if he scored some points when he gets taken on , he's had plenty of chances to make his mark 

Well, if the lad is that useless why have Stoke taken him on?

If you were the head honcho at Gloomy Road how many meetings would you give William before you replace him with another bargain basement hopeful?

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If Wlliam can get his nose out front he will score good points but he has yet to show a willingness to mix it in the first corner / scrap in a race. He might struggle is Loomer road is bumpy. That said he will probably outscore Alcock most weeks. Some sides will offer up points for them but other weeks its going to be the battle of who gets the 3rd in heat 2.

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So, these mostly young riders are taken on by various clubs just so as the fairground operators can keep the show on the road and as long as the punters keep coughing up their shekels every couple of weeks then everything in the garden is rosy?

Surely, promoters owe some duty of care to young riders and in return for them trolling all round the country to race for less than 5 minutes a meeting at probably not inconsiderable expense and risk to themselves then the clubs need to give some kind of ongoing support to these riders rather than simply giving them the heave ho whenever it suits their short-term objectives.

One might hope that the governing body might lay down guidelines on how young riders should be treated and developed but then we are talking speedway here so there is probably more chance of me becoming Pope Fubar the First.

I am trying to remember the name of the young lad who came down from Scotland a couple of season's ago to be Stoke's reserve but I don't think his feet touched the ground before he was given the order of the boot. I hate to think what effect this casual discarding must have on the self esteem and mental well-being of these youngsters but don't lets worry as I am sure there will be some more cannon fodder pitching up any time soon.

Seems all a bit shoddy to me but perhaps I expect too much of people.......

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For far too long promotions have taken no responsibility for the riders they are tracking or the safety of those around them. There have been many riders who are simply not up to the standard of NL racing but placed on the line with others despite their questionable competence.

Others of course have been hauled along with the speed and initially given the appearance of being capable only to have a big off at a later date.

As you mention there are then the riders like Liam Millar who get dragged into a NL team (and can't always blame the rider if a NL team thinks you are ready then you are ready right?) does a couple of meetings, scores duck eggs then is dropped and tarred forever as a NL failure despite being introduced too early to stand any fair chance. Many NL clubs do very little to generate the next riders to the sport yet are happy to moan like crazy when the standard of suitable 3 pointers just isn't there.

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