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Should the worst happen (and we hope it doesn't) liability is clear.

They have known about the issue for several years, it's happened on a number of occasions and it's not been sorted out.


I am not the greatest fan of health and safety but surely there is now a case for the Health and Safety Executive to step in in relation to the lighting and generator issue before someone is seriously injured or worse. There must be change.


I'd suggest the Promotion who created the problem and the BSPA as governing body who are clearly aware (referees reports) would both have liability.

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With serious injuries that could have been prevented HSE would be looking at a broad and detailed investigation. I think shutting would be a lesser worry for those involved.


I think you're right.


Lights going out in the middle of a race causing a fatality or serious injury with evidence that similar failures have happened in the past would be extremely serious.

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I don't know what the promotion think they are saving by using an inadequate generator?

We used to have lights that were ok back in the day but never this dangerous.


As I say one bad crash when the lights suddenly go out and that would be that.


If the place has to run on a shoestring budget then as previous comments, a life is more important, so shut the place!

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Surely they can run on Sunday afternoons, if the lights are an issue? Stoke has great potential, a shame to see it lingering on in this way.

Don't think it's just the floodlights.


When the generator trips out, the airfence also seems to deflate, and presumably the referee loses the control panel too and couldn't activate the red lights in the event of a crash?

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Does it ever break down during Stock Car events?


Or do they not run under lights? Or need warning lights activated?...


Some very big crowds at these events so wouldn't want to annoy so many people time and again....

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  • 2 weeks later...


I think you're right.


Lights going out in the middle of a race causing a fatality or serious injury with evidence that similar failures have happened in the past would be extremely serious.

If a fatality occurred, God forbid, it would be classed as corporate manslaughter. What does it take for this promotion to wake up and face reality. Surely not a fatality.

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with| Leicester vacating Saturdays, Stoke becomes an even more likely venue for us on our weekend footy/speedway doubles. I sincerely hope they can run more regularly to avoid ridiculous end of season off night stagings and/or daft start times to get in double headers that short change the public. This promotion frustrates the hell out of me and has done for more years than i can remember... the track could be one of the best around....if only...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 30/10/2017 at 3:19 PM, happy potter said:

As I have said before, it's a joke!


Feel sorry for people like Griffo who has been down there from the start and has put his heart and soul into his job, it's a pity those who run the place can't be arsed.


Programmes being wrong doesn't surprise me, lights going out doesn't surprise me, 10 heats a meeting doesn't surprise me, track in poor shape doesn't surprise me, in fact nothing surprises down there anymore.


Glad I spend my hard earned elsewhere than fill those pockets of the people who don't give a toss about the fans.


Will the last person out turn the lights off please, if they are still on that is!!!! :rofl:

Looks like generator problems are infectious!



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