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Glasgow 2018

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Problem solved eh. Let pensioners get hypothermia and spend the winter fuel allowance on a Glasgow season ticket.

heres one for ya ..


they could always sit all day on a bus during the cold season( free ride out, central heating. you get to meet people . even if you dont want to ) and use their free bus pass to sava cash and use it on the speedway



then after the speedway go back to the house/flat and shiver their tots off .... .

Edited by jenga
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I see the discussion about the admission prices has been removed from the Tigers' Facebook page.......???

As a last word from me on the topic, I have been greatly saddened and in some cases disgusted at the viewpoint some fans hold on the older members of the speedway fraternity and on the ageing members of society as a whole. Some of the comments on here, on the Glasgow Tigers' Facebook page and on the Glasgow Tigers' discussion group page have been abominable.

God help our future generations.

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I see the discussion about the admission prices has been removed from the Tigers' Facebook page.......???

As a last word from me on the topic, I have been greatly saddened and in some cases disgusted at the viewpoint some fans hold on the older members of the speedway fraternity and on the ageing members of society as a whole. Some of the comments on here, on the Glasgow Tigers' Facebook page and on the Glasgow Tigers' discussion group page have been abominable.

God help our future generations.


Well said.


Standards of common decency seem to be slipping these days. It used to be people had respect for their elders, many of course still do, but there seems to be a significant minority of people that appear ignorant and disrespectful. The concession wasn't to have those over 65 admitted free, but rather a concession i.e. a token reduction of 3 quid or so on the full admission price. It was reported today on BBC that the UK has the lowest state pension of the developed European countries and which provides little or no disposable income to spend on trips to sporting events.


The Glasgow promotion were quoted as saying that some over 65's had previously been volunteering to pay the full price i.e. forego and not take up the 3 quid or so reduction as those particular individuals could afford it. That to me is how it should have been left, so that those that could afford it still volunteered as they had already been doing, while those that were on nothing little more than the meagre state pension and couldn't afford it would still be able to attend. As has been said, for some those small concessions are often the difference between being able to afford an item or not have it at all, and this is what the Glasgow promotion appears to have overlooked. Better to take say 50 or so at £13 or £14 than have only a dozen at £16 or £17. But it isn't so much the monetary difference, which given some being put off or not able to afford I can't see the Glasgow promotion gaining financially, but rather the image and poor example they are giving which I agree I find disgusting.

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As reported on the BBC today:-



"The UK's State Pension is the least generous of all the most advanced economies in the world, according to a new report.

A study by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) suggests full-time workers in the UK do relatively poorly.

The report found that the average pensioner can expect to receive just 29% of what they earned at work.

Only South Africa - which isn't a member of the OECD - is less generous."

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Not the same thing, we aint talkin 'bout 8 year olds, its 14 year olds.

The guy asked of his 14 year old son "how does he pay £8 (half price) as he doesn't work and doesn't earn any money."

Answer: the guy that asked the question should be paying for him, he his responsibility not everybody else's but he expects the rest of us to pay for him.

Course my lad is my responsibility..


However what isn't my responsibility is subsidising the concession fee for OAP's through my own admission fee, the level of which tracks will have set to deliver the overall projected return from all demographics..

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Course my lad is my responsibility..


However what isn't my responsibility is subsidising the concession fee for OAP's through my own admission fee, the level of which tracks will have set to deliver the overall projected return from all demographics..


Well TAKE responsibility for him then. Your earlier post expected the rest of us to pay for his already half price admission which for a 14 year old is fair enough. I paid half price for my teenagers same as the rest of us so no point you bleating about it and asking the rest of us to pay for him. He didn't emerge from my loins that's for sure, he is YOUR responsibility - solely.


You then say you are subsidising OAP's. Correction, OAP's have earned for the country all their lives and the way our system works is we then collectively support them, that is how pensions in the UK are funded. It isn't even a half price concession, only about 3 quid or so reduction on the full price of £16 or £17. Given that as reported by the BBC (see above post) the state pension only provides about 29% of earnings then it is fair enough that a reasonable reduction is offered - in an effort to attract business and income that they otherwise would not attract. So, if a crowd of 700 already in the stadium, if you attract 50 pensioners that can only afford say £13 then that adds a further £650 to the gate. Whereas if only a dozen of the 50 pensioners can afford the full price then that's more like 12 x £16 or £17 and only about a further £200 added to the gate. So the additional £450 or so actually brings more income to the promotion and which potentially allows reduction in the overall price to us all - you included. So you are kidding yourself if you think you are paying for OAP's. I just find that whole attitude disgusting and so disrespectful.


You talk about demographics. Given the BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-42236328

it is clear that pensioners on only about 29% of earnings is a reasonable concession group same as those on Job Seekers Allowance, students, etc, and the Glasgow promotion already give a huge reduction to students (season ticket is virtually only half price), and yet many students work part-time and can afford to go foreign holidays.

Thought this was a SPEEDWAY forum not a lesson in POLITICS I think we know your take on the matter can we please put this to sleep


Yes it is about speedway, Glasgow have cancelled the OAP concession, yet they are still offering a huge reduction to students, many of whom are working part-time and earning plenty and can afford foreign holidays. As for politics - doesn't interest me, I switch off immediately, I've never taken anything to do with it. This is instead about common decency and fairness and common sense. You also seem to have overlooked that I was actually answering points - the whole point of a discussion forum. Hopefully common sense, and common decency, will prevail and the Glasgow promotion will think again. But if points are raised on a discussion thread then they are fit to be replied to.

Edited by big boaby
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Just done some sums big boaby amount from my 2 pensions [private + gov ] equiv to 60% of my last net pay. No mortgage, child care free bus travel I am better off I must be exception to report


Well bully for you, well done. :t:


But just cos you're smug and cosy doesn't mean to say that you look down your nose at those less fortunate than yourself. There are many for whom pension age brings real poverty and the report does look at the overall average, not just those who are smug (knew you would like that one mate, pun intended). ;)

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Well bully for you, well done. :t:


But just cos you're smug and cosy doesn't mean to say that you look down your nose at those less fortunate than yourself. There are many for whom pension age brings real poverty and the report does look at the overall average, not just those who are smug (knew you would like that one mate, pun intended). ;)

Manse isnt being smug - thats reality.


Those pensioners 'in real poverty' as you put it (and no doubt it is a large section of society unfortunately) wouldnt be attending speedway if they only had to pay £3 let alone a £3 increase

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Its not been removed from Glasgow Facebook page [everybody is entitled to their opinions just like you ]

I apologise.......I see now that it is still there.


.......and yes, I agree wholeheartedly with your added comment - "everybody is entitled to their opinions just like you"

.......it's just that some are more disrespectful and degrading than others.

Edited by ragdoll64
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Manse isnt being smug - thats reality.


Those pensioners 'in real poverty' as you put it (and no doubt it is a large section of society unfortunately) wouldnt be attending speedway if they only had to pay £3 let alone a £3 increase


His answers are entirely consistent with being indeed smug and looking down the nose of others less fortunate.


There are margins and graduations, shades of grey (no pun intended) in anything and that would probably include those over 65. So there will be those over 65 for whom a differential of only 3 quid is meaningful and the difference between them attending and paying 75% or 80% of the full price or not at all. Seems a small gain for the promotion either way and per my illustration further above it could well be that it derives more revenue to reduce it marginally thus attracting a greater number of those over 65. Quite apart from making all those over 65 feel welcome, which conversely the new policy seems to be deterring them, making them feel unwelcome, and pushing them away.


Trust that answers your point.

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