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i think nowadays a paper round is simply extinct .


the only paper round that i know of is doing the annual litter pick in the village where i live and dont get me going on the milkmen that dont exist now !



BACKING THE OLD GUYS N GALS ALL THE WAY . you will know when it hits you just how much you need small reductions to live .

Massive downturn in kids getting a job while in school, idle little gits theyare

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There are plenty of things a 8 year old can do to earn £8 pocket money a fortnight .


Its the 65 + year olds that have been supporting the sport for the previous 50 years that deserve subsidising

Kids go free at Berwick, concessions £11, parking is free.


Oh and 8 year olds should be down the pit earning their keep

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Oh and 8 year olds should be down the pit earning their keep


Not the same thing, we aint talkin 'bout 8 year olds, its 14 year olds.

The guy asked of his 14 year old son "how does he pay £8 (half price) as he doesn't work and doesn't earn any money."

Answer: the guy that asked the question should be paying for him, he his responsibility not everybody else's but he expects the rest of us to pay for him.

Edited by big boaby
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Not the same thing, we aint talkin 'bout 8 year olds, its 14 year olds.

The guy asked of his 14 year old son "how does he pay £8 (half price) as he doesn't work and doesn't earn any money."

Answer: the guy that asked the question should be paying for him, he his responsibility not everybody else's but he expects the rest of us to pay for him.

under 16s free at Berwick, forward thinking to try and capture the young fan

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under 16s free at Berwick, forward thinking to try and capture the young fan


Good stuff.


Well here's a bit of forward thinking. I won't retire for yonks yet but I'm gonna save my entrance fee so that when I retire and aint earning I will have enough to pay for the entrance fee that they've hiked up. I agree with much of what the Glasgow promotion have done but I thoroughly object to what they're doing with those over 65, it stinks.

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What a load of bull. How does your 14 year old son pay. Simple - you should be paying for him, he is your responsibility not everybody else's but you expect the rest of us to pay for him.

And why should "everyone else" take responsibility for paying for old people? Why do "you expect the rest of us to pay for" them?

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Good stuff.


Well here's a bit of forward thinking. I won't retire for yonks yet but I'm gonna save my entrance fee so that when I retire and aint earning I will have enough to pay for the entrance fee that they've hiked up. I agree with much of what the Glasgow promotion have done but I thoroughly object to what they're doing with those over 65, it stinks.

I too like that they have spent on Ashfield, and are willing to pay for a team that will win, it does however seem to have been done without a sensible business plan, hence having to hike the concessions. If you expend large amounts and you also want to make profits, you better make sure you have worked out some good profit and loss forecasts. I should have retired in June truthfully should have retired when I was 60, but have decided to carry on, that way I can afford the things I have got used to.

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And why should "everyone else" take responsibility for paying for old people? Why do "you expect the rest of us to pay for" them?


Pensioners have kept the country going for years, in retirement they usually aren't earning now and many are living on the state pension which derives little or no disposable income. It was only a reduced entrance fee anyway, they were still paying, just a little less, only about £3 or so reduction as I understand and still paying what they can.


Maybe they should have left it on a voluntary basis as Glasgow stated that some of their over 65's had been volunteering to pay full price as those particular individuals could afford it. That way the ones over 65 that genuinely can't afford it wouldn't be affected.


You're the guy that said you paid £55,000 for your car, so you obviously have a few bob more than the rest of us and hardly qualified to snipe at old age pensioners scraping by on the state pension.

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But their was the ones who tried to get in on the concession rate you could say they are the ones that have caused the price hike


"Tried to get in" you say. You mean they correctly sought entry being pensioners on the bread line getting by on the state pension so qualified for a couple of quid reduction....


.....and you reckon "they" caused some spike in prices. You may as well say that they caused OPEC to raise oil prices.


Have you been on the sauce mate. :D

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I will try to be more simple UNDER 60 entered at the concession gate hope you now understand


The fog in my head has cleared. :t:








No doubt for those of us that have had a hard paper round ;)

Edited by big boaby
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Glasgow Tigers Supporters' Group Christmas Quiz this Sunday. Admission - Adults £1, Children Free.


Does anyone know if there will be Concessions for Over 65s ?

They only have to get the answer 75% right 😛

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