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Glasgow 2018

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His answers are entirely consistent with being indeed smug and looking down the nose of others less fortunate.


There are margins and graduations, shades of grey (no pun intended) in anything and that would probably include those over 65. So there will be those over 65 for whom a differential of only 3 quid is meaningful and the difference between them attending and paying 75% or 80% of the full price or not at all. Seems a small gain for the promotion either way and per my illustration further above it could well be that it derives more revenue to reduce it marginally thus attracting a greater number of those over 65. Quite apart from making all those over 65 feel welcome, which conversely the new policy seems to be deterring them, making them feel unwelcome, and pushing them away.


Trust that answers your point.

If it's a "small gain" for the promotion then surely its a "small loss" to the person concerned..


£3 has been mentioned?


If £3 makes the difference between going or not I would suggest those effected would be better off not going at all as its pretty much a 'breadline' existence they are experiencing...


And if anyone suffering that 'lifestyle' is so passionate about their Speedway that they must attend every week then I am sure they will ensure they save their three quid elsewhere ..


I think given the response from several OAP's it appears more about them having an unjustified 'sense of entitlement'...


Just waiting for "I didn't fight jerry for this" to be included...😲

Edited by mikebv
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£3 has been mentioned?


If £3 makes the difference between going or not I would suggest those effected would be better off not going at all as its pretty much a 'breadline' existence they are experiencing...


And if anyone suffering that 'lifestyle' is so passionate about their Speedway that they must attend every week then I am sure they will ensure they save their three quid elsewhere ..


I think given the response from several OAP's it appears more about them having an unjustified 'sense of entitlement'...



Sense of entitlement you say - infinitely more justified than your apparent sense of hostility and apparent utter contempt for OAP's. Shocking.


You mock OAP's trying to find 3 quid. Yet you ask the rest of us to pay the £8 left from half price admission for your 14 year old son who is your responsibility.


At least the concession of 3 quid or so meant that the OAP's were paying around 75% or 80% of the full price, yet you mock and pour scorn on them. Shocking.


Why should a student get virtually half price admission (new season tickets are virtually half price for students), yet most of them work part time and earn plenty, enough for most of them to go foreign holidays. Doesn't make sense. Why are we subsidising them is what you should be asking, not showing contempt and disrespect to OAP's

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Sense of entitlement you say - infinitely more justified than your apparent sense of hostility and apparent utter contempt for OAP's. Shocking.


You mock OAP's trying to find 3 quid. Yet you ask the rest of us to pay the £8 left from half price admission for your 14 year old son who is your responsibility.


At least the concession of 3 quid or so meant that the OAP's were paying around 75% or 80% of the full price, yet you mock and pour scorn on them. Shocking.


Why should a student get virtually half price admission (new season tickets are virtually half price for students), yet most of them work part time and earn plenty, enough for most of them to go foreign holidays. Doesn't make sense. Why are we subsidising them is what you should be asking, not showing contempt and disrespect to OAP's

I am sorry but that view of students is just as sweepingly inaccurate as other views on OAPs from this thread.

Edited by JanAndersen
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I am sorry but that view of students is just as sweepingly inaccurate as other views on OAPs from this thread.


No it aint. I know for a fact. Two of my offspring have been or are students. They've both got way more money than any of us. Both of them worked part-time (one of them two part-time jobs, the other just the one part-time job), plus getting free board and welfare and no dig money to pay, all used for their busy social lifestyle including going out regularly, regularly going to gigs ( a couple of them very expensive tickets) and sporting events, two foreign holidays a year, and that included one of them whereby a crowd of about a dozen of them, all students, went on the kind of foreign holiday most of us can only dream of. They don't know they're living - as the saying goes.


So I've no gripe with students at all, was one meself many many moons ago. No, my point was a fair enough point, i.e. if the Glasgow promotion are giving such a huge concession to students, many of whom work and have more disposable income than many of us, then why not do the same or even in part for OAP's. Fair point.

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No it aint. I know for a fact. Two of my offspring have been or are students. They've both got way more money than any of us. Both of them worked part-time (one of them two part-time jobs, the other just the one part-time job), plus getting free board and welfare and no dig money to pay, all used for their busy social lifestyle including going out regularly, regularly going to gigs ( a couple of them very expensive tickets) and sporting events, two foreign holidays a year, and that included one of them whereby a crowd of about a dozen of them, all students, went on the kind of foreign holiday most of us can only dream of. They don't know they're living - as the saying goes.


So I've no gripe with students at all, was one meself many many moons ago. No, my point was a fair enough point, i.e. if the Glasgow promotion are giving such a huge concession to students, many of whom work and have more disposable income than many of us, then why not do the same or even in part for OAP's. Fair point.

Sigh.... will the promotion get more in the long term by giving students and children or OAPs reduced entry?


If you expect discount as a form of goodwill in a sport that is losing money hand over fist in most instances then I think you are mad.

Edited by JanAndersen
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I will try to be more simple UNDER 60 entered at the concession gate hope you now understand



There are enough signs outside saying proof of age identity is required so perhaps the staff manning the turnstiles should be more vigilant if they think they are being ripped off by under age Pensioners.!


If the OAP concession was being abused by those under 63 women/under 65 men, then I appreciate that reverting to a single adult admission price would eradicate this cheating.


If OAP concession admissions were to be reinstated, then it should require all those seeking to pay the lower rate, to provide proof of age every time they sought entrance by displaying either their birth certificate, passport, or driving licence.


The travel concession card would not be valid proof as these are provided when you reach 60.

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Pensioners have kept the country going for years, in retirement they usually aren't earning now and many are living on the state pension which derives little or no disposable income. It was only a reduced entrance fee anyway, they were still paying, just a little less, only about £3 or so reduction as I understand and still paying what they can.


Maybe they should have left it on a voluntary basis as Glasgow stated that some of their over 65's had been volunteering to pay full price as those particular individuals could afford it. That way the ones over 65 that genuinely can't afford it wouldn't be affected.


You're the guy that said you paid £55,000 for your car, so you obviously have a few bob more than the rest of us and hardly qualified to snipe at old age pensioners scraping by on the state pension.

More myths and lies in there than at a UKIP confernece!


People are more productive these days than ever before. Christ, in the 70's people were on strike every week.


As for the "poor on state pension" line, the fact is that OAPs now have more disposable income than 18-35 year olds. No doubt here are exceptions, there are to both but if you're going to group people together you have to take averages. There are plenty of people in the World who can't afford to feed and heat themselves, should all people therefor get free speedway?


I've never paid 55k for a car, never said I have either. So thats an out and out lie.


And I may have a few ££ more than the average OAP but I know that most of my peers have less than the average OAP and I see OAPs constantly milking off them when they don't need it! Free bus passes TV licenses, heating allowances, don't pay the bedroom "tax" so they get to rattle around in big houses on their own after their kids have moved out. Yet they have more in the bank than people trying to start families who are stuck squashed in flats and earning less than the OAP yet they're expected to pay more for their speedway. Brilliant.

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Sigh.... will the promotion get more in the long term by giving students and children or OAPs reduced entry?


If you expect discount as a form of goodwill in a sport that is losing money hand over fist in most instances then I think you are mad.


You obviously have your "lets argue for the sake of arguing" hat on.


Never said anything about goodwill. If you paid attention you would see I set out a business case for retrieving MORE money e.g. 50 x £13 brings in more than only 12 x £16 or £17.


My point is also that the Glasgow promotion are throwing money away by giving a half price concession to students, many of whom have far more disposable income than the average citizen. With two student offspring myself I know that many of them work, have plenty of income, get free accommodation and welfare, and they spend an absolute fortune on going out regularly, spend a fortune on holidays, expensive gigs and other events and think nothing of it, and most of them can afford way more than the 16 or 17 quid that a full price speedway entry is. Probably better to get the product right and if need be glitzed up a bit, charge the full rate to those that can afford it.

I've never paid 55k for a car, never said I have either. So thats an out and out lie.



Not a lie. You did say you paid over £50,000 for your car. Ok what was it "only" £51,000 then, whatever over £50k you did say before and then agreed the next time mentioned. Now you're denying it.

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Sense of entitlement you say - infinitely more justified than your apparent sense of hostility and apparent utter contempt for OAP's. Shocking.


You mock OAP's trying to find 3 quid. Yet you ask the rest of us to pay the £8 left from half price admission for your 14 year old son who is your responsibility.


At least the concession of 3 quid or so meant that the OAP's were paying around 75% or 80% of the full price, yet you mock and pour scorn on them. Shocking.


Why should a student get virtually half price admission (new season tickets are virtually half price for students), yet most of them work part time and earn plenty, enough for most of them to go foreign holidays. Doesn't make sense. Why are we subsidising them is what you should be asking, not showing contempt and disrespect to OAP's

Contempt for OAP's? I hope to retire in five years so why would I have contempt for them?


As for expecting you to subsidise my lad, of course he is my responsibility and I pay for his attendance, but the point I was making was that Speedway would be far better letting all kids in for free and budgeting all adult prices accordingly to pay for this to happen....


No point cutting prices for your regulars (whatever their age) when you are not attracting enough new customers, and new customers who can get their kids in for free are much more likely to keep attending and become regulars..


If you reach 65 and haven't attended or are not a regular at Speedway I don't think saving £3 off admission will suddenly make you a 'die hard', whereas getting some teenager interested by letting them in for nothing may reap dividends later when they are adults...


Logistically a teenager who becomes interested in Speedway could over the next sixty years spend a lot of money on the Sport..


That's the market Speedway needs to attract and incentivise..

Edited by mikebv
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Contempt for OAP's? I hope to retire in five years so why would I have contempt for them?


As for expecting you to subsidise my lad, of course he is my responsibility and I pay for his attendance, but the point I was making was that Speedway would be far better letting all kids in for free and budgeting all adult prices accordingly to pay for this to happen....


No point cutting prices for your regulars (whatever their age) when you are not attracting enough new customers, and new customers who can get their kids in for free are much more likely to keep attending and become regulars..


If you reach 65 and haven't attended or are not a regular at Speedway I don't think saving £3 off admission will suddenly make you a 'die hard', whereas getting some teenager interested by letting then in for nothing may reap dividends later when they are adults...


Kids already go free at Glasgow. But you're talking about teenagers, and they are half price which I've also agreed with. What you said though was you were moaning about the half left over i.e. the £8 half price and saying how awful it was that a teenager or their responsible parent pays the 8 quid.


Yes the 3 quid or so concession may well make it more affordable for some and encourage and bring in more revenue. There is a good business case for it as previous post. Better to get 80% from many than 100% from only a few.

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You obviously have your "lets argue for the sake of arguing" hat on.


Never said anything about goodwill. If you paid attention you would see I set out a business case for retrieving MORE money e.g. 50 x £13 brings in more than only 12 x £16 or £17.


My point is also that the Glasgow promotion are throwing money away by giving a half price concession to students, many of whom have far more disposable income than the average citizen. With two student offspring myself I know that many of them work, have plenty of income, get free accommodation and welfare, and they spend an absolute fortune on going out regularly, spend a fortune on holidays, expensive gigs and other events and think nothing of it, and most of them can afford way more than the 16 or 17 quid that a full price speedway entry is. Probably better to get the product right and if need be glitzed up a bit, charge the full rate to those that can afford it.



Not a lie. You did say you paid over £50,000 for your car. Ok what was it "only" £51,000 then, whatever over £50k you did say before and then agreed the next time mentioned. Now you're denying it.

You are totally missing the point. Students wont necessarily go to speedway and as such need a little encouragement to attend (i.e. lower prices). OAPs are likely to be, but not exclusively, long term fans who have gone to speedway for years. It makes absolutely no business sense whatsoever to give people who will attend regardless of price (within reason) a discount. Surely you can see that?? Edited by JanAndersen
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You are totally missing the point. Students wont necessarily go to speedway and as such need a little encouragement to attend (i.e. lower prices). OAPs are likely to be, but not exclusively, long term fans who have gone to speedway for years. It makes absolutely no business sense whatsoever to give people who will attend regardless of price (within reason) a discount. Surely you can see that??

There's no room for sentiment in business, either pay up or don't go,,,

we'll get the bread n butter off others ;)

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oap,s just dont buy a programme in 2018, then the money you save will go towards an entry fee in around 5 weeks time .



but what about the programme sales . will they be down or will they inflate the price to cover the lost revenue of programmes ?

Just done some sums big boaby amount from my 2 pensions [private + gov ] equiv to 60% of my last net pay. No mortgage, child care free bus travel I am better off I must be exception to report


two pensions eh , not a bit of wonder you want every pensioner to pay full price.. ok for those who can afford it .


but another story for those looking for a bit of goodwill from the faccues !

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Those that are current OAPs may be fortunate enough to have something us current workers and students will never have and that's a final salary scheme pension. Many pensioners will be getting "paid" more than those that are getting up at six in the morning to work and not just to pee.

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