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When Should I Add Newcastle To The Defunct Speedway Website!

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but the crowd didn't look great.

too many jokes lined up for that one 😆


'Cheeky bugger - you're no oil painting yourself' etc 😜

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oh,,, am not sure about that, maybe I missed that when I went to the toilet.

by the sounds of it they were rude if they didnt wait for you to come back.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I suggest that this is the most appropriate thread for the next few weeks. Will we or will we not become a Defunct Speedway?


We have to await the outcome from the promoters meeting but: -


We heard Barry Wallace and George English during the last 2017 meeting, (the double header), making it clear that the future of Newcastle Speedway is in doubt. We unfortunately are a club that is no longer very well supported and to continue in 2018 we need another major sponsor like Sapphire Engineering.


Most businesses go through periods of instability usual met by them announcing cost saving measures, cutting staff and services. Newcastle Speedway without a sponsor will need to cut costs to survive but how you may say can they do that? If you can suggest any savings that could be made to rescue the sport at Brough Park, like for instance asking the Greyhound Landlords to reduce the weekly rent. Then please let us have your suggestions.


I know George English and Steve Brock and I could not think of anyone more committed to saving the day. Steve to some, is the club's photographer, but he has always done a lot more besides and George & Joan will do their utmost for the cause. George comes over as anti-forum but maybe us on the forum can help him, like the Diamond Geezers did in 2004/05.


Perhaps George and Steve will find a sponsor or a way for us to continue without a sponsor!


What if George and Steve cannot fix up some finance/sponsor?


What are the possibilities: -


  • Chucking in the towel now and closing Newcastle Speedway at Brough Park for ever!
  • Going into the SGB Championship in 2018 with a low rent team to cut costs!
  • Applying to run in the SGB National League!
  • Transferring the assets and license to Sunderland if at all possible! and no! this is not a serious proposition :nono:


There must be other options, can you suggest any?

Save The Diamonds

Edited by dantodan
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Stop the track staff / helpers guests free entry ,there must be 35 + who get in free because there mate helps out .

Without those faithful few who give up their free time to help at speedway, there would be no speedway anyway, the least for those who do is free entry and a free cup of tea from Mrs E.


I am sure a way will be found for The Diamonds to survive, I certainly, as one of the enemy up the road, really hope so.

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Second option is most obvious - you cut your cloth accordingly and if that means certain riders won't sign for the money being offered, then tough, sign those that will. I think quite a number will be on the look out for teams next year and may be forced to accept lower deals! It also appears (if rumours are true) that the most costly riders don't want to ride for us next year anyway!

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Without those faithful few who give up their free time to help at speedway, there would be no speedway anyway, the least for those who do is free entry and a free cup of tea from Mrs E.


I am sure a way will be found for The Diamonds to survive, I certainly, as one of the enemy up the road, really hope so.

its not the ones who do the graft its the plus 1 that gets me , say 35 graft get in free so they should but 35 guests saying they are all adults thats £560 lost revenue each meeting .

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its not the ones who do the graft its the plus 1 that gets me , say 35 graft get in free so they should but 35 guests saying they are all adults thats £560 lost revenue each meeting .

Not sure about your 35, but most track workers, like me and my two daughters, don't bring anybody in free. FACT.


£560 is a large figure to lose, but at least we would have a meeting. The alternative is we wouldn't have a meeting. Some of these track workers also work though the winter, mending and updating things as well as washing, removing, and refixing of the air fence, kickboards all during the winter break. They do that to help the club and show their loyalty. Break that trust, and there is no one who will step in to replace them.

If you are interested. our next working party to wash and remove the airfence and kickboards, is on Sunday 5th November. Biccies and hot drinks are on free issue, and you can bring in as many friends free to help us. We start at 9.30am, see you then.

Edited by Tsunami
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its not the ones who do the graft its the plus 1 that gets me , say 35 graft get in free so they should but 35 guests saying they are all adults thats £560 lost revenue each meeting .

not sure how many guests get in free, but if they didn't get in free, do you think they would actually pay to get in ???

so I see that £560/35 figure false.

Edited by ruffdiamond
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its not the ones who do the graft its the plus 1 that gets me , say 35 graft get in free so they should but 35 guests saying they are all adults thats £560 lost revenue each meeting .


Why not double it then you can raise £1120 or treble, maybe even quadruple or multiply it by 10 and you'll solve Newcastle's problems. In fact make up any numbers you like but I can assure you if this was remotely the cause/contributing to Newcastle's problems George would have nailed it months ago. Go on just try and blag your way past Joan for a laugh !

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