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When Should I Add Newcastle To The Defunct Speedway Website!

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Who are/have?? Apart from Coventry ( which was due to stadium issues) who was the last club to actually close??

A very thought provoking question.


Over the years a number of speedway tracks have closed (in no particular order - Southampton, Norwich, Long Eaton, Coatbridge, Neath, Exeter, Trelawny, Hull .............. to name but a few) and this does seem to be a feature of the sport that it is difficult to sustain a degree of permanence in the same way that exists in football for instance. The reasons I am sure will be many, but at the end of the day it is reasonably clear that the bottom line always comes back to finance and the ability of a promoters to find the necessary backing which would allow their team to compete in whatever league for a whole season.


Regretably UK speedway is now very much playing catch up with Poland who seem now to dominate the sport in terms of financial clout and popularity and any aspiring UK riders clearly see a bigger earning capacity on the continent rather than the UK.


Whatever changes are made for the benefit of the UK sport as a whole in 2018, it is clearly in everyone's interests to bring back some stability to the teams, vis a vis:-


  • cut out the doubling up which has caused great problems this season and left many supporters frustrated when senior team lauds it over junior team for a rider's services
  • cut out the daft rules which see a team disadvantaged in competitions by having to use NL guests to cover for an absent number 1
  • set a points limit in a way that allows teams to have reasonably competent reserves rather than the novices we have seen this season
  • cut out the mickey mouse competitions and give preference to the important trophies so that the main season is finished by end of September
  • ensure playoffs take place after the top 8 (or is it 6)? teams have finally been decided
  • make representations to government if necessary to allow more riders from Down Under to come over here and help produce some more Ronnie Moore's, Ivan Mauger's etc

The above are just a selection of ideas most of which have been mentioned previously by other posters which could help teams promote a much superior product to the one which has been served up in 2017. One can only hope that the BSPA conference will focus on these core issues and come up with some significant changes to address the malaise


Wouldn't it be great if Amanda Staveley asked for a Data Room to be set up at Brough Park, to consider making a bid for the team? Wishful thinking for sure, but even if a bid backer/sponsor did show interest, the sport still needs to be put on a much better basis than it has been this year!


Just hope that we get some positive news over the next few weeks !!

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Those clubs that have not closed are limping along financially , we are told ( and encouraged to donate to their survival ) - as so few have closed, is it the case then, that some promoters are having us supporters on? It's a kind of crowdfunding without the internet and from the die hard core of speedway addicts. Or is it in some cases just a top up needed by the promoter, every two or three years?

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I don't know and Im only speculating here as I have only 'chatted' a few times with him


I know in 2016 he was very keen to win competitions and him and George 'built a side to be competitive in every comp' - which to be fair they did

what happened

league cup we robbed by bspa ruling we fielded a weakened team of no fault of our own, british manager scuppers our pairs hopes, Sweden and Czech republic decimate our very strong top 4 in 4s comp, Robert is crucially missing in playoffs and we have a stinker and go out .... dispirited team then thrashed in cup final .................


this year, they kept faith with top 5 and gambled on reserves ........... within a month it was clear the gamble had gone horribly wrong but there was little re-jigging of the team could be done and the play off hopes were gone by may

that impacted crowds and then the stadium went under repair which really hurt crowds again ..... disjointed season and rain offs .... lower crowds ......farcial away teams with guests afore.... lower crowds...... the threat of josh having to cover Robert ... . and then 2 big derby meetings in summer became a double header at end of season .... so ever bigger losses

in the comps ...... pairs top two again didn't make it again and Robert didn't make riders championship for 2nd year.......... our fours hopes gone when Robert didn't make it ........ and our one remaining hope the cup .... was scuppered by guess who ? not turning up again


So if I had been in Alan's shoes that's a lot of time effort and money for what ............. one very disappointing cup final display v Glasgow and faced with ever increasing losses due to crowds getting lower

I do have a lot of sympathy for George and Alan ... the fates have not been kind to either in the last 2 years .............. who would be a promoter


I am sure the crowds can return ............... but and this is beyond Georges control ............. the BSPA have to get the product and leagues sorted out this winter ........... frankly the product on show of only 10 teams ..... ie only 70 riders of which 10-20 cant guarantee getting around the track is not good enough ..... still what do I know Ive only watched speedway for 42 years

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Those clubs that have not closed are limping along financially , we are told ( and encouraged to donate to their survival ) - as so few have closed, is it the case then, that some promoters are having us supporters on? It's a kind of crowdfunding without the internet and from the die hard core of speedway addicts. Or is it in some cases just a top up needed by the promoter, every two or three years?

You never give up do you. What you don't know you just make up to suit your attitude toward speedway and it's promoters.

Would have though the replies to your posts on the riders wages thread would have demonstrated something to you.

How much is the Sapphire deal worth and why did they pull out

Don't know, but Alan was a sponsor from 10 years ago with his company Sapphire Engineering, and joined the board as owner shortly after. Apart from gate receipts, I would say his company has had the greatest input financially to the club, as well as pulling in smaller sponsors, and hosting the likes as Rene Bach at his home when he is in the country. Enough is enough I suppose, and we all applaud what Alan has done for the club.

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Those clubs that have not closed are limping along financially , we are told ( and encouraged to donate to their survival ) - as so few have closed, is it the case then, that some promoters are having us supporters on? It's a kind of crowdfunding without the internet and from the die hard core of speedway addicts. Or is it in some cases just a top up needed by the promoter, every two or three years?



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The last time I remember when we were faced with a possible close down was 2004/2005 we survived the winter without the bombshell dropping and I can remember enjoying season 2005 and the crowd was up a bit.


The major event of season 2005 was a meeting rained off! The heavens opened and the rain poured down and forgot to stop. The track was quickly turned into a lake and the space at the front of the grandstand was like a river with a couple of youngsters in there doing a few swimming strokes! On the way home parts of walker were flooded. Do you remember that!


Er! forgetting what the thread was about!! :oops: Well I suppose I could give an account of the worst rain-off in Brough's long history on the Newcastle page of the Defunct Tracks website if I have to do one :rolleyes: perish the thought

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The last time I remember when we were faced with a possible close down was 2004/2005 we survived the winter without the bombshell dropping and I can remember enjoying season 2005 and the crowd was up a bit.


The major event of season 2005 was a meeting rained off! The heavens opened and the rain poured down and forgot to stop. The track was quickly turned into a lake and the space at the front of the grandstand was like a river with a couple of youngsters in there doing a few swimming strokes! On the way home parts of walker were flooded. Do you remember that!


Er! forgetting what the thread was about!! :oops: Well I suppose I could give an account of the worst rain-off in Brough's long history on the Newcastle page of the Defunct Tracks website if I have to do one :rolleyes: perish the thought

Remember it well with riders standing on their chairs to get out of the rainwater. Under the bridge at Walkergate Metro station was once again flooded, and I think they had to drag an old couple out of a car floating on the water. Dave McAllan and Phil Morris were top after 3 rides for qualifying for the British Final.


Yes, perish the thought John.

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Don't know, but Alan was a sponsor from 10 years ago with his company Sapphire Engineering, and joined the board as owner shortly after. Apart from gate receipts, I would say his company has had the greatest input financially to the club, as well as pulling in smaller sponsors, and hosting the likes as Rene Bach at his home when he is in the country. Enough is enough I suppose, and we all applaud what Alan has done for the club.

Can you please clarify. Has Alan pulled out or is he thinking about it. George said in SS 'At this moment it looks like Alan and Sapphire will not be involved next season'

Is there something that supporters can do to assist Alan staying or is there possibility that if the right decisions are made at the AGM that Alan may stay involved.

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Can you please clarify. Has Alan pulled out or is he thinking about it. George said in SS 'At this moment it looks like Alan and Sapphire will not be involved next season'

Is there something that supporters can do to assist Alan staying or is there possibility that if the right decisions are made at the AGM that Alan may stay involved.

I thought that Alan was stopping the sponsorship after 10 years, and the club needed to get alternative sponsorship. Thats how I understand it TT. Could be wrong.


NB Just reread the exact words of the programme and SS notes and they do say that Alan is not continuing next year. My thoughts were that with him owning the club, he has to be involved in some way unless someone steps in and buys him out. We will see.

Edited by Tsunami
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The last time I remember when we were faced with a possible close down was 2004/2005 we survived the winter without the bombshell dropping and I can remember enjoying season 2005 and the crowd was up a bit.


The major event of season 2005 was a meeting rained off! The heavens opened and the rain poured down and forgot to stop. The track was quickly turned into a lake and the space at the front of the grandstand was like a river with a couple of youngsters in there doing a few swimming strokes! On the way home parts of walker were flooded. Do you remember that!


Er! forgetting what the thread was about!! :oops: Well I suppose I could give an account of the worst rain-off in Brough's long history on the Newcastle page of the Defunct Tracks website if I have to do one :rolleyes: perish the thought


One of the youngsters was Darryl Illingworth's daughter, I seem to recall.

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The last time I remember when we were faced with a possible close down was 2004/2005 we survived the winter without the bombshell dropping and I can remember enjoying season 2005 and the crowd was up a bit.


The major event of season 2005 was a meeting rained off! The heavens opened and the rain poured down and forgot to stop. The track was quickly turned into a lake and the space at the front of the grandstand was like a river with a couple of youngsters in there doing a few swimming strokes! On the way home parts of walker were flooded. Do you remember that!


Er! forgetting what the thread was about!! :oops: Well I suppose I could give an account of the worst rain-off in Brough's long history on the Newcastle page of the Defunct Tracks website if I have to do one :rolleyes: perish the thought

Yes John I remember it like it was yesterday and I was standing at my usual spot down the front and the water rising LOL, however what Dave and yourself failed to menschen was that the very next night (Monday) we raced against Edinburgh!


I never gave that meeting a cat in hells chance of being run so that is one thing I have to say I got wrong and George got right!

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Did you get wet Mike? I was way up in the grandstand keeping dry! What an incredible downpour. Never seen anything like it! Back to the unpleasant matter in hand. When is the meeting that George says he will put us out of our misery after?

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Did you get wet Mike? I was way up in the grandstand keeping dry! What an incredible downpour. Never seen anything like it! Back to the unpleasant matter in hand. When is the meeting that George says he will put us out of our misery after?

Yes I did John and it was difficult for me to get back up to the top of the stairs to get out of the stadium, McDonald's on the fossway was closed as it was flooded out and I fell over on the Slippery Floor at KFC Byker as we were unable to get back home as roads were unpassable!

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Came down from Berwick to watch that meeting in 2005, never seen rain like it in such a short space of time. Came out of the stadium and got to a part of the road with a dip in it (can't remember where exactly) but at the bottom of this dip was a parked car. All you could see was the roof. Best turn back then? Can remember the bottom couple of rows of terracing being under water.

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Came down from Berwick to watch that meeting in 2005, never seen rain like it in such a short space of time. Came out of the stadium and got to a part of the road with a dip in it (can't remember where exactly) but at the bottom of this dip was a parked car. All you could see was the roof. Best turn back then? Can remember the bottom couple of rows of terracing being under water.

That was the car and Bridge that I was referring to in my post Topsoil. Presume you were trying to get to the Coast Road and up to the A19 which was the direction I was trying to go. Had to go through Wallsend eventually, but i'm OK now. It was about 4 rows under water eventually. The car park emptied all the rainfall in one stream through the grandstand gap and filled the bottom steps. Never seen that either before or after.

Edited by Tsunami
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That was the car and Bridge that I was referring to in my post Topsoil. Presume you were trying to get to the Coast Road and up to the A19 which was the direction I was trying to go. Had to go through Wallsend eventually, but i'm OK now. It was about 4 rows under water eventually. The car park emptied all the rainfall in one stream through the grandstand gap and filled the bottom steps. Never seen that either before or after.

Yes Dave we were also trying to get to Wallsend then too and went past that car from two directions in trying to do so and to no avail, it is ironic as now I live around the corner from that very spot :rofl: !

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