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Leicester Lions 2018

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So what's the solution?

Drop a league. Continue on a Saturday. Poor team, people moaning about the quality of speedway for their money, attendance dropping. Or

Monday/Thursday night in the top league. Decent riders, poor attendance.

Speedways doomed!!!!!

Personally, I don't think the crowds will be that bad, especially if British speedway can entice some of the big names back and Leicester can get a winning team.

The tracks good, with further improvements promised.

What could go wrong?

Oh yes, BSPA!!

Wish I knew the answer but I very much doubt some of the big names will be enticed back again as they will just find another excuse. Hopefully you're right and the attendance mid week will be okay but personally I prefer the lower league and Saturday night racing. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Can't please everyone. :)

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If the league is to attract a good enough sponsor, the logic is to run matches when there is the best chance of more well-known riders taking part and when televised coverage is more likely to happen. Those 3 would seem to tie in together.

But I also think that a poor performing team would have more drastic consequences than has been the case so far in terms of attendance level. I remember the 1970's only too well!

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Big Al............ I remember the 1970's only too well!


Wish I did. :P My Speedway attendance started way back in 1949 when I was taken to the old stadium as a nine year old. Sadly my memory for retaining anything Speedway related is awful and there are only a few things I can remember. The bad crashes involving Colin Cook and Mike Lanham at Blackbird Road and the one at Belle Vue featuring Mick McKeon and Mike Lohmann. Seem to recall the matches between Leicester and Coventry being pretty intense and me not liking Ole Olsen but that's about it. :D

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With regard to race night I do not think that Saturday is the be and all that the previous management believed. The rumoured Monday and Thursday nights would not impact attendances greatly if supporters had a play off contender team to support. How come no other top tier team ( apart from RH) wants to race on a Saturday? If the entertainment and team success is there, spectators will not be put off by race nights, (think Sky football kick off switches?).

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Great signing for Leicester, and one that might help keep the points limit at a reasonable level too.


Good stuff.

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Very pleased that Leicester have shown some real initiative and signed Vaculik. So that means NKI to Kings Lynn.


Not sure he will keep his average, which must be known to the Leicester management, but fresh faces in the top flight is good to see.

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Very pleased that Leicester have shown some real initiative and signed Vaculik. So that means NKI to Kings Lynn.


Not sure he will keep his average, which must be known to the Leicester management, but fresh faces in the top flight is good to see.


Probably take half a year of adjustment, possibly even longer, to get used to the tighter and more technical British tracks.


But as you say, it's good to see a GP rider actually choosing to come to the UK for a full season anyway.

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