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Communication Breakdown

False dawn

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No, not Led Zeppelin, I'm talking about telling us fans what the flying figs is going on.

A few examples....


1. Meltdown Thursday

I accept that a club can wash it's dirty laundry in private. But if I was a KL fan I think I would be entitled to some explnation as to what took place and why the promotion took the action it did. But hey ho, maybe I'm expecting too much. As a fan (KL or otherwise) I think an official statement from the "Authoriries" regarding Chris Holder's punishment would have been appropriate. I can't remember where I heard he was suspended for 28 days. And we all thought that was it didn't we? Oh no, suspended means put on ice pending further investigations, apparently. And so, later, he gets a 9 month ban. I'll read the official statement, thinks I. No you won't. The only "official" statement I've found was on the speedwaygp site. A news report. I seen more from Chris on Twitter than from the BSPA.


2. The Threes (The Fours without Jack)

The club were forthcoming with a statement about the agreement that was, "For the good of all parties". We were left to infer what this meant. But that's their business right? Well apparently not. The authorities have taken a dim view (apparently) and suspended Ged's promotional ticket. Suspended, mind you. There's that word again. And where do we get notification of this? On the Peterborough website. No official statement. No indication how long the suspension is for or if further sanctions are to expected.


3. Chris Harris at the Masters

The ACU granted Chris a Masters wildcard some time back. Oh, he didn't qualify, didn't you know? Then how would you? The tenuous link between grasstrack's only event that is recognised by the FIM and counts towards competitors being able to take part in next year's longtrack championship is a well known fact, crystal clear to all speedway fans affected by a fixture clash. Yeh, right. It beggers belief that the authorities doin't feel it necessary to explain. Or was this so indefencible?


I choose only these three examples because most of you will be aware of them. Feel free to add your own (or shoot me down in flames)

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