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In My View By Phil Rising


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Need to get rid of averages, teams can sign any rider in top 5 but has to be 1 Brit and only allow 1 go rider , 2 reserves have to be British u21 and like in Poland they can stay at reserve till the 22, a team that had a rider this season gets first pick on that rider

Definitely not. Points limits attempt to equal all teams strengths , no rider control and some of the current problems will be magnified.

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Definitely not. Points limits attempt to equal all teams strengths , no rider control and some of the current problems will be magnified.

in years gone by it wouldnt of worked but today you cant just buy the best team cause of the riders who want to ride here there isnt that many top riders about , take Poole as example ,they sign Hancock as their GP rider, they have to sign a Brit and dont get first pick of Harris nicholls,cook so will prob go for richie worral , so who do they get for other 3 that are not in GP ? Andersen ? Gomolski j holder , who else is there ? And thats not much difference to the team they have now ,why wont it work ,
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Averages - without bonus points - and points limits being used to control team strengths are the best way to equalise teams.

There is no sane argument against them.


That is desipte some really rather sane people here believing the exact opposite.

They are wrong.


Setting the limit at the right level, is the critical thing, and they haven't always got that right.


But stiil they, aloingside the match point system, are some of the BEST things the promoters have come up with over the years.


I just dispair that so many people seem to STILL have a problem with understanding this.

And, it would seem, some STILL dont know how they are calculated.

Edited by Grand Central
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Because rider averages are calculated over 4 rides which effectively reduces a 15 heat match to the equivalent of 14 heats and thus 42 points/team for a draw.



Hard to believe this needs explaining again...


... and again ...


seems simple to me... you set the points limit at 45, maybe 46, that's what it takes to draw/win a match. Why over-complicate it? unless you are deliberately trying to weaken the league and drive riders away

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seems simple to me... you set the points limit at 45, maybe 46, that's what it takes to draw/win a match. Why over-complicate it? unless you are deliberately trying to weaken the league and drive riders away




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Averages have had their day , speedway needs to change , it doesnt work anymore and juggling numbers isnt going to achieve anything


Can't see how it would work as it would encourage riders to drive up wages as their demand would be greater

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Can't see how it would work as it would encourage riders to drive up wages as their demand would be greater

and thats where the bspa need to show some balls and stick to their guns, but the demand wouldnt be greater, people seem to think this would open the floodgates for teams to sign all the best but all these best riders dont exist outside the GP and half that do exist dont want to ride here Edited by THE DEAN MACHINE
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I don’t think many clubs, and just as importantly fans care about GP riders anymore.


How many clubs in the top flight even meet the criteria now of one GP rider? The implementation of that rule would solve nothing, and alter little in terms of team structure - Swindon, Wolves and Belle Vue albeit not till next season, 3 teams impacted, but not really because they have 1 GP rider as it is anyway.


So as it stands, Poole would have the same top 5 with the possible and likely removal of a rider like Lahti and replaced by a rider like – in theory Kim Nilsson, and thus an already weak as it is Leicester are left having to look around for a replacement for Nilsson and in turn become weaker.


The creation of a rule where sides have to sign Under 21 riders at reserve would only serve to freeze out the likes of Bates, Newman, Starke, Kerr etc and drive a market where sides would have to give Under 21 riders excessive wages because there are so few who are actually ready for top flight speedway. There is also such a disparity in Under 21 riders, that one side, and likely league winners would have Lambert, and at a push Ellis and other sides would be left looking at Danny Phillips and Josh Bailey – again, more than likely the weakest and sides who are skint. It isn’t like Poland where there is a far wider spread of talent and a wider pool of riders to pick to solve weakness issues in sides.


If a step is taken back and the idea is looked at, analysed and assessed it is genuinely quite ridiculous.


The addition of averages has been good, the removal of it would actively encourage the rich to get richer and the poor to become poorer.

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My View on how 2018 should go:

PREMIER LEAGUE Wednesdays & Fridays.

CONFERENCE LEAGUE Saturdays & Sundays.

CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays.


Loads of reasons why this is the way to go, anyone else agree?

Monday to Sunday : British League

Monday to Sunday : National Development League

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Ive started another poll on twitter about admission price to speedway , please vote and retweet @deanfelton1👍🏻

the results of the poll were 58% think speedway is too expensive to watch , 21% think it the right price and 21% think its not value for money
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I just dispair that so many people seem to STILL have a problem with understanding this.

And, it would seem, some STILL dont know how they are calculated.

Although there is a big question mark with regards to the validity of averages unless all involved riders meet each other an equal number of times. Agree 100% that trying to balance teams equally is an absolute must but the methodology behind it is flawed.
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I know I cant see a way back until we finish the sport in Britain while we have the current mind set , only then will people realise what a stupid mistake they have been making , if we can't get the basic principles right of team sport what chance do we have

Completely agree one rider one team thats it! Riders cant have split loyalties in the same country, its bad enough across different countries, but the same country!!!!!!!!! No wonder crowds are so poor. Also the notion that all will be well if we get back the SGP stars is just a nonsense, they will never add enough people to the attendance to justify the cost.

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