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No Aussies In British Speedway 2018

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The highest profile British rider has arguably made more derogatory comments about British Speedway than any Australian currently plying their trade here – should we ban all British riders?

Hes buggered off. And I don't believe every time the track got a little wet, or grippy, or bumpy that he tried to get meetings ended.

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Can someone answer me this please, Why do Australian riders who are starting there careers first come to the UK and not Poland,Sweden,or Denmark?

Because Poland etc only want the top guys, it's the British clubs who bring them over and help them learn their trade in the PL and as soon as they get to the top in the British Leagues, that when Poland etc are interested

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Hes buggered off. And I don't believe every time the track got a little wet, or grippy, or bumpy that he tried to get meetings ended.


It can be continued onto the current British Champion who does race here who has on more than one occasion commented on the state and ride-ability of British tracks.


I don’t doubt for a second some Australian riders wish to ride in near perfect conditions but to assume the same doesn’t rule re British riders seems slightly deluded to be honest – just as I haven’t heard of the likes of Morris, Masters and Josh Grajczonek continually wish for meetings to be rained off.


The main driver behind the drive to ban Australian riders appears to be because they are of the opinion British Speedway is a bit crap and some of the track aren’t that great – that opinion isn’t exclusive to Australian riders.

Edited by Hacksaw Jim Duggan
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Just needs british speedway to show the likes of Holder, Batchelor,Schlein, etc the door.


Don't select them for any teams = no permits, problem solved.

We don't need the disruption they cause, and I,m sure if an example was made the problem wouldn't be so great in future.


I agree although it's a pity that the shameful actions of a few (most notably Watt, Batchelor, Holder and Schlein) have dragged their fellow countrymen into this debate.

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I think it is important not to tar them all with the same brush


Sure there seem to have been issues recently with some of the senior ones and Ward has bascially proved himself to the pr ick alot of people though he was


but when i see the next Generation,Douglas,Frickle,Pickering,Heeps, etc you realy cant fault them at all and conduct themselves in a proper manner so credit due where credit due,with the exception of little Holder,he as treated British speedway and his club in a terrible manner

Edited by montie
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Which wars have any current Aussie speedway riders fought in? :oops:


How are they actually good for British Speedway? I asked this a few posts back and nobody has explained.

Perhaps because without them we would have to promote another 19 or so National league riders and a lot of them are not ready yet, to replace them reducing the quality of our leagues even more.

Get rid of a few rotten apples but do not throw away the barrel.

Edited by B.V 72
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Australian Speedway riders have kept uk Speedway going, they are generally better than the uk riders.


Not a clear picture when you say that they are generally better when you compare the financial support and the chances an aussie rider gets compared to a british rider in this country.


Didn't a british promotor also sponsor the aussie national team recently ?

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Can someone answer me this please, Why do Australian riders who are starting there careers first come to the UK and not Poland,Sweden,or Denmark?

Dont know much about visas and stuff,but I would say the majority are not at the required standard for these Countries when they first come overs do would not get aTeam place based on Aussie form. Edited by Fromafar
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First and foremost I'd say language and then cultural similarities.

Perhaps the Poles, Swedes and Danes didn't want the Aussies in their raw state, and were happy for them to use British Speedway to bring them up to speed.

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Not true that Aussies aren't wanted at a raw stage in Denmark.I have mentioned before that Cameron Heeps,Brady Kurtz and now Keynan Rew have all done at least a season in Denmark before coming to the UK.Few is planning on doing another season in Denmark next season

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Not true that Aussies aren't wanted at a raw stage in Denmark.I have mentioned before that Cameron Heeps,Brady Kurtz and now Keynan Rew have all done at least a season in Denmark before coming to the UK.Few is planning on doing another season in Denmark next season


How many young brits are riding in Poland, Denmark and Sweden ?

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AND they are our ancestral cousins, fought alongside Great Britain in wars, so on and so on. Sad that some of here are so petty to suggest that they are bad for British speedway. Don't think that is the majority view. Just my opinion.

Surely all countries except Germany and Japan fought alongside Great Britain in world wars

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Not allowing Aussies to ride in our leagues is one of the daftest things I've read on here . Ok recently one or two have moaned and whinged and threw the toys out the pram , but we have one or two capable of that as well .

The Aussies have brought so much to our sport since it's conception really , and we should embrace them rather than chase them away . There's not a club in the country who's history hasn't been enriched by Australian and New Zealand speedway riders .

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