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Rye House 2018

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I am talking now as a fan in exile with no local track but I look back to Colin Hill's promotional reign at the County Ground.  Often are teams put together weren't the best but we knew that under his ownership barring a failure to re-negotiate a new lease we would have Speedway.  I guess that could be the same at Rye under Len Silver - not always the best side but under his stewardship Speedway would run.

Like in all walks in life there are always people who think that they can do better than the present incumbents - only to fall flat on their faces and leave the sport at those particular venues in a perilous state.

Hoddesdon was on our 'todo' list this season but we were told not to bother by some fellow 'Falcons' who informed us of the BMX track obstructing the view of the Speedway Track.

Fingers crossed though that next season Speedway does return to Hertfordshire.

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1 hour ago, The Little Un said:

Buster as Chairman has no more input into running British Speedway than any other promoter. The Chairman of an organisation basically plans and controls meetings with support of the Secretary. Sometimes a Chairman may be given a stalemate busting vote but I have no idea if Buster does. The Promoters of the Premiership vote on all matters concerning the Premiership and the Championship Promoters vote on all matters concerning the Championship.

At the AGM every year every club has the option of applying to race in the Premiership or the Championship and Rye House had the option of joining the Championship but they decided to change their race night and stay in the Premiership, so the current situation is entirely of their own making.

Can anybody honestly say that the thing they have put onto the centre green has had no effect on the attendances at Rye House?

People should be putting the blame for the current situation at Rye House down to the Rye House Promotion.


agree,  the moto x track in the centre is a joke. £18.00 for 15 mins racing is already very poor value for money so i want to see all of the bike on all of the track all of the time, not 4 crash helmets wizzing along the back straight! 

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Very sad to hear this News.

I too would like to think that Rye House could be resurrected next year - but - on a cautionary note, as a Sunderland Supporter who lost his Track in 1974 the resurrection may not happen.

I seem to remember Posting somewhere on here that some Tracks who moved up from the old 'Premier' League to the then 'Elite' League would live to regret it - sadly - it seems I was right.

My sympathies go to all those loyal Rye House Supporters - I know how they feel - CRAP!!!

I still do in regard to Sunderland - and that was 44 years ago.......

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43 minutes ago, Gresham78 said:

The demise of the Rockets is a severe body blow for British speedway.

With the top flight now consisting of just 7 teams will it remain viable? Especially as other tracks must be struggling as well.

I find it worrying that Belle Vue with the new stadium and facing large overheads have seen their crowds significantly depleted this season, perish the thought but if they went under I think the sport here would collapse.

I have no idea what the way forward is for the sport as Speedway's ills are many but I do think it needs to be independently governed as I feel the BSPA really is really no longer up to the job.

Right now Speedway needs somebody with a vision to take it into the future, the trouble is who is that person?

Commiserations to all Rye House fans the sport is all the worse for the demise of your club.

Well said, The sport needs to go back to basics with an independent  body with a blue print for the future running it with complete control, I fear we won't find that person and it won't happen..

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2 hours ago, The Little Un said:

Unless they get rid of doubling up we need fixed race nights. Get rid of doubling up, get rid of fixed race nights. The two options are incompatible with each other. There also must be a rule that riders sign their contracts stating that they will be available for all of their clubs matches, which means either no GP riders or the Premiership having fixed nights on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday without any doubling up.


There aren’t enough riders of suitable quality to complete all teams. It’s been a problem since the BSPA weakened the sport year on year and also riders pricing themselves out of a team place.

The fixed night racing has virtually worked for doubling up however clubs really need the option to ride on a night that suits them.

The sport really needs a fresh way forward if it can recover from this season.

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I hope I don't get this wrong ...and I know it's a terrible blow for rye house and speedway . 

I just want to put this quickly out there ..i spoke to two significant decision makers in speedway last year. Handed over a brief business plan showing and helping young riders into the sport of speedway .

The basis being a like a nursery league ..with a website and database of riders and teams or riders . 

The league would be supported by product sponsorship and sponsors .so if you went to a tool supplier . You would strike a discounted deal and sponsorship deal , because you had a volume of riders participating . Then you approach related speedway  manufacturers like exhaust / tyres / vans / merchandising etc . Then get overall league sponsors to support the league . Drive costs down .. helping younger rides . 


Anyway we tested this out .. managed to get a tool company on board .. a merchandiser .. a van rental company .. a internet based radio station. Just got started . 


Well you can guess .. we were told not to do it .. and ignored by email . Blanked ..stonewall ..

maybe it was just a mad idea .. but if somebody came to me with twenty young riders with two bikes each . Wouldn't I want to do a deal . 

Anyway i hope this doesn't lose the train of thought regarding rye house ..

keep going .. 


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4 minutes ago, a4poster said:

If the powers that be really need to look at some of these threads as the people who are posting on here are the remaining die-hards that the sports has.  Lose us and the sport will be gone for good!

Not just the die hard fans that are left, I have not been to a meeting for 5 years now but still follow the sport. They could start by trying to attract people like myself back.

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I would say that something that needs to happen is if you buy a club you can vote on anything not wait 3 years for the right. 

Busters son could've been the sports Barry Hearn 

It didn't happen

I don't know why  

but would hazard a guess a few old fuddy duddys didn't like his ideas


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1 hour ago, Whisperer said:

I've not checked Belle Vue's fixtures but the other 3 clubs have had their Fridays binned, the Official SGB website has those fixtures removed from next week onwards

It appears that Fridays in the championship are a contentious issue all of a sudden. Bizarre when the fixtures have been known for some time.

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Reading between the lines I think BMR,regardless of the state of their finances, have looked at their involvement in speedway and decided **** this for a game of soldiers. Steve Jensen,who I must say has come in for some undeserved stick on this forum, expressed his disappointment at the decision to have fixed race nights (which was going to attract the big names back remember)? and then enforce a points limit to prevent self same big names from returning. The Rye House website is still advertising flat track meetings into September and BMR still have their investment (I presume) in the bike dealership so I think, IMHO  motor sports will continue at Rye House but not speedway. I'd love to be proved wrong.

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1 hour ago, Whisperer said:

It might not be a bad idea to talk to some former Promoters to find out why they got out, oh and how hard they were shafted by their colleagues.

Now I wonder who could give some great insight on that topic

Edited by jchapman
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1 hour ago, Fred Flange said:


You posted that Mondays are one of the better days.

That's up there with your classic bsf gaffs ha ha ha!

I wonder what day SKY and BT have used for many years as Speedway night??:rofl:

it suits some and not others. Monday’s have worked for some for years. Maybe less so now. 

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3 minutes ago, Bald Bloke said:

I'm asking :wink: And i'm sure there's a lot more.I know your not gonna tell, in case you might want to get involved again. Or am I wrong :wink:

I would only get involved if i decided I had enough time to set up a new association which was based on a franchise model.

No rider assets and every club had a financial interest in every other club to ensure they all worked together for the betterment of the sport.

So why would I not be happy to tell. Of course but too much for me to detail on here and far better for a journalist to write a piece.

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 i dont know much about the politics involved in speedway,   but i do know as someone who goes to every home meeting,  how much i will miss watching the rockets,  its a sad day ,  i prefer saturdays,  but still went on mondays & wednesdays, as you got to suport your team,  wether  they doing well or not,  i could moan about how run down the place is,  but would rather see speedway at a run down track , than not at all,  i hope they will be back and no other teams fold,  its a great sport &  as fans,  im sure we all hope things can get sorted , & it can come back stronger

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1 hour ago, Whisperer said:

It might not be a bad idea to talk to some former Promoters to find out why they got out, oh and how hard they were shafted by their colleagues.

I think the best Ex Promotor to talk to would be Tony Mole, He has promoted at more Tracks than any of today’s Promoters, and he has stated that he made money at all of them, and he seems to of got at just at the right time 

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