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Kings Lynn 2018..

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The major difference of course is that in Poland they cheer on 'their team' not a cobbled together, for one night only, randomly selected collection of riders out to earn an extra pay night through guesting....

In this day and age, it is asking for an enormous leap of faith to expect fans to buy into team Speedway over here when invariably it is a very tenuous link to actually being 'your team'...

Some can be complicit in this deception, ignore or suspend reality, and convince themselves that they are watching the team they have built up and invested such emotional loyalty in....

Sadly these people are very much in the minority and general Sports followers (and indeed many Speedway fans of long standing) will struggle to take what gets served up as a 'professional sport' seriously...

Here's hoping fixed race nights brings the Leagues some much needed credibility and integrity..

Bottom line is if any professional sporting competition ends up being so contrived it isn't actually worth winning,  then there comes a point when fan attendance isnt actually worth doing either.. 

Who knows, maybe a new dawn in 2018!!

Let's hope so....

Edited by mikebv
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2 hours ago, Trees said:

Only love, sex and rock n roll is better than a great speedway race :D


Jumping in with my 2p's worth: one is, one can be and one is equal to.  I'll readers to decide which is which :lol: .

All The Best for 2018 :D....

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2 hours ago, Trees said:

Of course I do, I'm only human lol BUT I try to always remain as positive as I can. I have loved speedway racing for 40 years, I admire the guys who race, who put their life and limb on the line for their job! Only love, sex and rock n roll is better than a great speedway race :D

If only riders were admired, loved and revered as they used to be in the UK, as they currently are in Poland. Instead some of us tend to take them and their talent for speedway for granted, moan and groan, expect more, question and swear about them. There must be some middle ground.  

Of course we want VFM but we must go to speedway looking forward to the racing, looking forward to cheering our team onto a win, the Polish people do, there is no extra entertainment, no interviews even, it's all about supporting their team, chanting, cheering, flag waving, all the simple things that some of us have forgotten it seems to me.  It's odd how our personal change when we take the trip over to Cardiff or the SWC comes to town, we're totally up for supporting our riders and team at these comps. 

I'm positive about the new season, let's see what's in store, let's start off positive, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

Happy new year to all Lynn and speedway fans in general.:approve:

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Although I enjoy the dark winter evenings,   I really do miss the summer time for the  sporting activities  we watch.    The wife reckons I'm like a dog with a sore head this time of year with limited sport to occupy my time. and have to make do with the football.    So when the New Year passes, I look upon this as we're now on the home stretch before the fun starts...  

So there's little left to do,   other than to wish all Speedway Fans  A HAPPY & PROPEROUS NEW YEAR...     Poll on March      

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13 hours ago, mikebv said:

The major difference of course is that in Poland they cheer on 'their team' not a cobbled together, for one night only, randomly selected collection of riders out to earn an extra pay night through guesting....

In this day and age, it is asking for an enormous leap of faith to expect fans to buy into team Speedway over here when invariably it is a very tenuous link to actually being 'your team'...

Some can be complicit in this deception, ignore or suspend reality, and convince themselves that they are watching the team they have built up and invested such emotional loyalty in....

Sadly these people are very much in the minority and general Sports followers (and indeed many Speedway fans of long standing) will struggle to take what gets served up as a 'professional sport' seriously...

Here's hoping fixed race nights brings the Leagues some much needed credibility and integrity..

Bottom line is if any professional sporting competition ends up being so contrived it isn't actually worth winning,  then there comes a point when fan attendance isnt actually worth doing either.. 

Who knows, maybe a new dawn in 2018!!

Let's hope so....

Top post - it is amazing how times change in such a sort space of time when we returned to the Elite League as it was then we never missed a meeting at home and winning the league in my mind was top priority now I’ve got to the point not that I’m not bothered if I attend meetings or not in fact from  World Cup onwards we never attended another meeting at KL we did other things and to be honest never missed going at all and at this point in the winter I’m normally can’t wait for March to arrive but I’m not excited or even looking forward to the season - it’s all well and good as the promotion has said all will be revealed in January but they have a lot to do to wn my attendance back and so far they’ve done absolutely nothing on that all I can see is they’ve wasted time by not  trying on working on putting things right . Hopefully they have things in place to convince fans that walked away in the second half of last season it’s worth returning . We shall see 

Edited by Haza
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13 hours ago, mikebv said:

The major difference of course is that in Poland they cheer on 'their team' not a cobbled together, for one night only, randomly selected collection of riders out to earn an extra pay night through guesting....

In this day and age, it is asking for an enormous leap of faith to expect fans to buy into team Speedway over here when invariably it is a very tenuous link to actually being 'your team'...

Some can be complicit in this deception, ignore or suspend reality, and convince themselves that they are watching the team they have built up and invested such emotional loyalty in....

Sadly these people are very much in the minority and general Sports followers (and indeed many Speedway fans of long standing) will struggle to take what gets served up as a 'professional sport' seriously...

Here's hoping fixed race nights brings the Leagues some much needed credibility and integrity..

Bottom line is if any professional sporting competition ends up being so contrived it isn't actually worth winning,  then there comes a point when fan attendance isnt actually worth doing either.. 

Who knows, maybe a new dawn in 2018!!

Let's hope so....

WELL said. Consistency with teams, consistency with fixtures. The should be the mantra in 2018.

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2 minutes ago, PHILIPRISING said:

WELL said. Consistency with teams, consistency with fixtures. The should be the mantra in 2018.

You mean should have been the mantra and plan for many years instead of the policy of continued watering down and the race to the bottom. 2018 should be treated as the time change direction. Just a shame that Panthers are still in the northern lower Sunday league, Ippo and now unhelpfully, Lakeside apart!

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6 hours ago, RobMcCaffery said:

No, it's about having teams of relatively equal strength so that you don't have a race to financial extinction for those who cannot compete economically.

That's what I said. Put the lights out when you go and take your can of Tizer with you (Brown ale will be too expensive and off the menu for where we are going).

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10 hours ago, RobMcCaffery said:

No, it's about having teams of relatively equal strength so that you don't have a race to financial extinction for those who cannot compete economically. It's a case of not having the insanity of paying highly expensive 'star' riders blasting round half a lap in front and taking home more than the total attendance money. 

Sadly too many fans hide behind the "watered down" mantra that totally fails to realise that the sport in Britain is a brown ale sport trying to live off champagne.

Yes, there was a day when we could afford the top talent but those costs have been disastrously escalated by the money being paid in Poland and riders' expectations soaring as a result. The bubble will burst but for now Britain has to find a way to survive until then and if it does not then find a way to survive. Having fans that see that the quality of racing is vastly more important that the quality of names in a sport like ours might help.

At this level it's all about putting on meetings that will attract and entertain new crowds, not provide them with uncompetitive meetings but telling them,"Who cares, that's Tai Woffinden half a lap ahead of Jason Doyle". Most would say "Who the hell are they and why is there no action?". 

British speedway's situation cannot be simplistically laid entirely at the BSPA's door. The competition of Poland and the Grand Prixs have battered British speedway which never stood a chance. When the sport here tries to do something to survive it would be useful if these posturing 'supporters' actually demonstrated that support by dropping this damaging "watered down" rubbish, but then that would ask for a view of the bigger picture that too many cannot or will not even begin to try.

This will be my 47th season in the sport and in those years I have watched speedway and often worked in it all levels from World Finals to training tracks. Thankfully I've learned that I was just as likely to see a decent speedway race at Iwade as I would be at Cardiff of Wembley. I would have missed so much joy if I had stupidly  stuck to the "I don't DO second division" or "It's watered down" approach. In most sports the greater the talent the greater the entertainment, but that doesn't work in racing unless you have the enormous hype budget of F1. 

I adore the sight of a match being won by a rider bravely taking the outside line to win on the line and I don't care what his name or reputation is....


Spot on. After Leicester closed I went to Long Eaton, lower league - but if anything the racing was better. My recent preference has been watching my friends ride MDL or amateur meetings but may try BP on a more regular basis now it's not a Sat night.

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I have a feeling we may announce a rider or 2 tomorrow. then another the next wednesday and 1 the wednesday after that! if that does happen then id guess we will stay racing on wednesdays and that will be the new forward thinking approach to team announcements .


i like hearing the whole team at a fans forum! you go there guessing and you come away with all the answers. I know its apparently less publicity through local press but a flip side to that is that its only really fans that take notice anyway whether that is 1 big announcement or 7 little 1s getting it all done before xmas too seems efficient!


while i agree there is no point making announcements if they are not there. i also believe its frustrating knowing we possibly have riders signed with the information kept from us for in some cases 3 more weeks! 


What will happen in that time is we will get our expectations up that the forum day big announcements are niels and lambert are returning then when we end up with smolinski and bjarne pedersen we will feel dejected!!!!! Don't drip feed us dissapointling news if thats the case!!!! give us it all in 1 swift bowel movement asap, then we can move on!!!!


Just feels frustrating not knowing !!!





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