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Kings Lynn 2018..

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so much for the new broom keeping fans informed ? They really do think fans are idiots

Just read the latest news from the Website, http://kingslynnstars.co/news.php?extend.30559.1


What a pity this couldn't have been released much earlier, informing everybody what was going on.


We wait with anticipation...


what a load of nonsense that press release is really tells us nothing- but I suppose it’s better than nothing .
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take Iversen out that line up thats an average looking Championship team but I guess thats were we are at with the Premiership and if there is no TV contract it could be even tighter- dont want to pour water on the fire but one thing I keep hearing is Lambert is a major doubt to ride in the UK next season.


It's like Swindon last year. With Doyle on a 13 average and a 10 point difference in the points limits. Take out Doyle and bring in a 3 pointer and you would have had a Second Division team. And that's not far from what we will get this year.

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These so called supporters ! Not sure ,if i am going! to go not sure if i will stay away! Do us all a favour please Call it a christmas present for the rest of fankind! Just go dont bother posting your miserable drivvle,If you have such a big issue with Mr Chapman go and tell him like a man. He can be found at the stadium most days I am sure he will be pleased to hear from you perhaps print out some of the bile you write down as well.There has been an update just wait for it to come out you do not have the first rights to know the business dealings of that club or any other club No more do you have the right to know before hand if Tesco are putting up the price of milk .You are an end user wait and see if you like the offering if not bye bye.

that continues to be the problem over the year many have said bye bye - as for whats posted on here if you pay £17 to get into meetings your entitled to an opinion and even if you dont go its a free country again entitled to an opinion.
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Any team leaving most of their team announcements until the new year usually means they are trying to get cheap riders who are desperate for a job, add in the statement that reads we are not looking at just riders averages and personality means they are likely to build a team well below the average limit in my opinion.

Edited by foreverblue
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And oh Boy dont we know your opinion!


On a positive point

Merry Christmas to the Speedway faithful hope your team does well ,and its a fun year with all riders completing their term safely,without injury.See you on one of the Terraces at Shef ,Lynn ,Rye , or maybe swindon ?

Happy new year

Del Fox

job done then and will carry on posting my opinions 👍
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Well, if Buster is going along the lines of a “family” club, offering riders three year contracts, to create a brand that sponsors and fans can buy in to, fabulous. But he will have to carry the BSPA with him and prevent team-building averages from breaking up teams every year.

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deltafox said "You are an end user wait and see if you like the offering if not bye bye."


Whoever she is ( and whoever she is closely related to - as the story goes ) no doubt this is also Mr Chapman's true opinion on fans.


You are end users - and you are being and have been used. All of us just have to wait and see what the offering is and if you don't like it, bye bye.


Very Buster Chapman who is legendary for his "My Way or the Highway" approach to dealing with anyone about anything.

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Can someone refresh my memory please.


When was the Lynn team announced in










I'm pretty sure at least some of those seasons it was after Christmas, can't remember all this fuss then.


Generally around the 1st Wednesday of December

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The worst part is how the KLS promotion are now Bigging It Up to be something - "Speedway has Never Seen'. Disappointment is the most likely result of such gorilla fist pumping and chest pounding ( and we know they mildly turn away as the noise fades out ). How deltafox can say we are not patient I do not know! To be speedway fan for more than one season and to be a KLS fan for more than even a decade - you need to have lots of patience. How she is SO irritated by what is only about six unconvinced posters I do not know. Got a touch of the Trumps perhaps?

Edited by waytogo28
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Hello all, sorry to butt in, can someone tell me whats gone off? Seriously...... I'm an old kings lynn regular, never missed from about 1980 up until the late 90s ish. Living in Lincoln and working and travel wasn't a problem for Saturday nights, but once it became Wednesdays that made it hard.

Still dip in and out, watch the gps and the live tv matches, and try to attend a few meetings in a season, Leicester, Sheffield, scunny and lynn if I can..... find some comments odd as I read through them, about new fans wouldn't come and its the end and we are doomed..... I'm not a new fan, but I'm not a die hard, but iv no idea why all seem very anti buster chapman?? A few years ago I drove to a lynn match from Lincoln to find it was called off and I was met at the car park entrance by buster.

I was gutted it was off, and said how surprised I was to him and I hadn't heard a thing about it being off, he asked me to park up and would be with me shortly. 10 minutes later, he came to me in my car and apologised about the rain off and invited me in to see the track. This happened to be my first visit in over 5/6 seasons which I explained was due to work and the death of my dad.... buster was brilliant with me, walked me round the track showed me the improvements to the stadium, took me into the pits, and gave me that weeks speedway star, and made me promise to come back and when I did to find him to say hello, which a few weeks later I did.

My question, after the long story, is, whats happened? What damage has been done that will be very difficult to put right via the promotion and or buster chapman?

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No Despite your rumour i am nothing to do with the Chapman family in any shape or form.I have met Mr Chapman at Cardiff but thats all. He or She, I am Del for Derek !

Speedway History .yes lots of supporting since 1961 across the uk. Makes me a supporter i suppose .I have tried to introduce younger family members to the sport with a small amount of success .At least my son and family go regular to a couple of tracks they say its good value .None of us support One team but i like going to Lynn when i can as its a nice place to watch speedway .[The hot dogs are not bad either!]

Happy Christmas




Thank you Del for clearing up that urban myth ( that you were in fact Cheryl Chapman - had that been the case you would have known him well of course ). I too don't really support one team - I still love and am stirred by a great close race and an on track battle. I can't get anywhere else but have gone every year regularly since Lynn opened. And to Norwich before then. Even last season I managed around half of the fixtures. But it has not been run well since Rob Lyon lost interest / had to put more into his own business or whatever. Some fans have become disgruntled and the ones on here who express their severe disappointment - still care about and are interested in KLS but a huge number of others who don't post ( some used to ) have just walked away leaving a hard core of only around 1,000 now. Make of that what you will but losing up to 50% of your hard core fans in five years ( whilst failing to attract new fans ) shows that something is seriously wrong.

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I've had to think long and hard about posting this, but here goes;


Whilst I agree that I would love to see the team announced sooner rather than later, and I would give my right arm to see the Stars successful again, this wave of negativity after negativity does nothing to move things forwards for either the club or indeed the sport.


How is the sport supposed to attract new fans, sponsorship's, tv deals etc when the first place these people will look, is the single biggest platform where fans are together, and the bulk of what they will see is one fan after another trying to shout the loudest than the last person about 'how badly the club is run' and 'the sport is dying' etc.


I honestly believe now is the time for positivity. The club needs to do their bit, but it is a 2 way street. The fans need to get behind the promotion/club, and the promotion/club needs to support the fans too .


I have been away from the sport long periods of time over the previous decade so i fully respect the opinions of others who have been there more so than I, but I truly believe that the supporters as a collective need to stick together, stay positive and get the crowds swelling again, and I think this will bring success on track, more 'floating' supports back to the terraces and new ones too - more investment back into the stadium/track and we're moving in the right direction again, like we were in 2005/06/07 etc.

Lets give the promotion our full loyalty once again, and if things don't go to plan, I'm certain the club will listen to what the fans want, if we give them the support too!

Heres to a big 2018!

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