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Kings Lynn 2018..

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Every now and again on a Friday if I knew all the work was more or less done when someone who had helped out in some way or gone out of there way ,when they were going for lunch I'd say see you Monday il finish off this afternoon. Carrot and stick approach I think it's called. One staff member did say to me that he didn't understand why the staff all seemed to like me cuz I could be a right b***ard at times. Lol. Seemed to work though. I think !!!!! It was a different time 25 years ago though people seem more fragile these days. Some of the things said back then couldn't be said today I don't think


And here lies the problem !! Years ago you could say anything to worker to get the job done. Now, you have to be politically correct, even when telling them to pull your finger out.....

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all my none speedway friends wouldnt go anywhere near the sport they thinks its on par with wrestling.

If only speedway could generate the enormous crowds and interest which wrestling does. That's how you promote a 'sport'.

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If only speedway could generate the enormous crowds and interest which wrestling does. That's how you promote a 'sport'.

that is a very good point - wrestling sport/ entertainment is a farce yet people in there thousands go watch it - in speedway the season definitely just past was a farce yet crowds Id guess have fallen again - as you say wrestling is promoted marketed in a big way not saying speedway could do anything on that scale but its almost 0 % effort in promoting in speedway .

Fans need value for money be entertained and treated with respect.

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If only speedway could generate the enormous crowds and interest which wrestling does. That's how you promote a 'sport'.



Nottingham Panthers got a 7000 'full house' this week too for their European Cup game....


It goes to show, run a sport properly, meaning it has credibilty, and guess what? Even a minority sport can deliver good crowds..


Run a 'sport' like WWE runs theirs and you then need their multi million dollar marketing machine to deliver big crowds...


The problem British Speedway has is that it has the 'Not a proper Sport/They just make it up' reputation without the huge marketing budget to cut through it and entice fans in...

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Most 'indoor' sports properly priced in decent arenas/venues with civilised and comfortable facilities can generate very good crowds even with the minumum of 'normal' publicity!!


Even better if there are a few 'characters' and a bit of 'rivalry' that can be hyped!!


Is ice hockey seen as a 'family-friendly' sport with its regular punch-ups, sin bins etc?


Wrestling is popular sports entertainment not because of its purist wrestling skills but because of its scripted fights, rivalries, fouls that are allowed and general rule-breaking!! :-)

Edited by Skidder1
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Perhaps we all need to bring a young person with us or even a group!!!


That's about right, make ourselves look stupid to the world instead of the people running the sport fixing their ills and just pocketing the extra income

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Crowds will never recover substantially at KLS while Buster in is Total Control - as he is. He has no empathy with present day fans and is stuck in the " I was a fan, so I must be right" mode of thinking. Pity because he built up an excellent stadium facility which other sports might yet flourish in - but not speedway racing.

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The official Kings Lynn twitter account just tweeted saying that NKI IS NOT a asset of Kings Lynn.


Im just wondering if any Of you have an idea because I thought he was a KL asset.

Why doesn't someone on twitter ask the 'official KL twitter account' who NKI is an asset of then?

From what I understand Matt Ford has first rights of refusal on all Rick Frost Assets.


He did during the 2-year Readypower Poole sponsorship deal. which is no longer in place.

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It doesn't matter who NKI is an asset of. He will ride for which ever team offers him the best deal.

This is not just about money, he would want a club close to where he lives, and a place where he is happy to ride. . Although he has never been our asset, he enjoyed riding here at Lynn for a number of years.. On all the top riders I've seen and spoken with, Neils comes across as the most genuine of them all. Someone who tries everytime he sits on bike. He could be the first choice rider of any team...


If he rides in the UK this year, then I have every confidence he will ride for the Stars.............. providing Buster wants him.............

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