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Kings Lynn 2018..

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Nutshell: I worked in sales once and was told very early on if folk are pleased with whatever they buy, (from baked beans to cars to sport) they will tell 5 others how great it is. If they are in any way unhappy, they will tell at least 15 how rubbish it is.....

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Been in sales most of my life, If you have what people want, you have a chance, if you don't have what people want, then you can pretty soon become a target for 'cant pay ? we'll take it away'


Speedway as a product is basically good ( its been around a lot of years) ..... It all down to how you sell it and for how much. If However your 'manufacturing' costs are too high, then you have a bigggggg problem.

Edited by semion
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First if all the bspa need to understand why fans have stopped going or attending sparingly. For me the biggest issue for that is the amount of guests being used. Massively reduce that and I believe that fans who have stopped going will start going and those attending only occasionally will start going a bit more. Hopefully then that will have a knock on effect to enticing new fans to the sport. A settled 1-7 who are turning up week in week out is the first step and fixed race nights will hugely help. It needs to happen.

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Trees wrote " It's a shame as it seemed a good idea." about the GTR engine project. A repeating problem within the BSPA is that they jump at anything that sounds like "good idea" without thinking it through or without talking it over with others. Just jumping onto the 'next Big Thing' that will save the sport is a recipe for failure.

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Well, this ludicrous idea to get rid of all riders over 6.00 seems relatively popular in King's Lynn anyway. Guess which team has only one rider with an average over 6.00 so would end up the strongest in the league. go on. Have a guess.


Speedway seemed to be doing pretty well about 10 years ago. Decent teams. Decent crowds. Every year since then it's been downgraded and downgraded. It's very frustrating as a supporter to have to put up with this every year. Last year they tried to force the best rider in the world out of the league and failed. Maybe they will try again this year. Let's hope not.


This new idea would mean Ben Barker is too strong a rider for the top flight. Any suggestions as to what he should do with his speedway career?


Wolves would lose their entire top 5. Swindon their top 4. But, hey, who cares? At least King's Lynn would probably finally win the league.

Would you say 3/4 people is relatively popular,i wouldn't.

As i said before 6.00 is a ridiculously low average and i would think many Lynn fans would think the same.

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It's not about where you set the 'bar' 6, 6.5, 7. It's about the principle of the idea. Can British Speedway afford European riders ? Airfares, the £ v exchange rate. Not so long back it was 1.40 plus now it's around 1.12. What industry can afford to increase workers pay by 28% ?

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It's not about where you set the 'bar' 6, 6.5, 7. It's about the principle of the idea. Can British Speedway afford European riders ? Airfares, the £ v exchange rate. Not so long back it was 1.40 plus now it's around 1.12. What industry can afford to increase workers pay by 28% ?

I'm not to bothered about employing the many European riders with their airfares etc.Of course i would like to see some.I'm merely saying imo that 6 is well to low.Just think of the British riders that wouldn't be able to compete because of a 6pt average.Worralls,King,Kennett,Barker,Lawson,Wright,Howarth.If i was to want to carry on watching speedway i would at the very least want to see these riding.Anything less and i couldn't see many punters coming through the turnstiles anymore.

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Well, this ludicrous idea to get rid of all riders over 6.00 seems relatively popular in King's Lynn anyway. Guess which team has only one rider with an average over 6.00 so would end up the strongest in the league. go on. Have a guess.


Speedway seemed to be doing pretty well about 10 years ago. Decent teams. Decent crowds. Every year since then it's been downgraded and downgraded. It's very frustrating as a supporter to have to put up with this every year. Last year they tried to force the best rider in the world out of the league and failed. Maybe they will try again this year. Let's hope not.


This new idea would mean Ben Barker is too strong a rider for the top flight. Any suggestions as to what he should do with his speedway career?


Wolves would lose their entire top 5. Swindon their top 4. But, hey, who cares? At least King's Lynn would probably finally win the league.


What a wonderful view from a seasoned poster. Your sarcasm precedes you. Its is little wonder so many clubs have fallen by the wayside with attitudes such as this. The sport of ours, is in dire need of restructuring to a sustainable level. When an ex promoter suggests some ideas, where some of his thoughts are very feasible, you use it as an opportunity to make fun of a club that has worked over 50 yrs providing entertainment for people like yourself..


You, like many others on here, think just of your own little world. 'I'm alright jack' attitudes achieves nothing.


I suggest you use your time more constructively and come up with alternative ideas to save our sport, and leave the sarcasm in the playground.


NB. It is said Sarcasm is the lowest part of wit, and is not a virtue people would want on their persona.

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Rather than over the years could it be bring in the strong down to the weakest has been the wrong way about going about it - instead of one or two weak clubs we now have a league full of weak clubs - no league sponsors possibly no tv money - if the strong clubs had been able to remain strong top riders would still be over here and with possibly tv deal and league sponsors- but over the years all weve done is water down the sport year on year while clubs expecting fans to turn up take this season sack too top riders bring in championship standard riders massively cut the wage bill Id guess but not cut admission price and then they wonder why fans walk away .

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What a wonderful view from a seasoned poster. Your sarcasm precedes you. Its is little wonder so many clubs have fallen by the wayside with attitudes such as this. The sport of ours, is in dire need of restructuring to a sustainable level. When an ex promoter suggests some ideas, where some of his thoughts are very feasible, you use it as an opportunity to make fun of a club that has worked over 50 yrs providing entertainment for people like yourself..


You, like many others on here, think just of your own little world. 'I'm alright jack' attitudes achieves nothing.


I suggest you use your time more constructively and come up with alternative ideas to save our sport, and leave the sarcasm in the playground.


NB. It is said Sarcasm is the lowest part of wit, and is not a virtue people would want on their persona.


There was no sarcasm in my post. I meant every word of it. To get rid of every rider over 6 is a diabolical idea that would kill the sport stone dead.


So, what is your suggestion for Ben Barker to do for a living? What team would you suggest for Wolves?

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There was no sarcasm in my post. I meant every word of it. To get rid of every rider over 6 is a diabolical idea that would kill the sport stone dead.


So, what is your suggestion for Ben Barker to do for a living? What team would you suggest for Wolves?

I didn't read any sarcasm in your post either, just giving your view.... which bit is sarcastic GRW?
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It's not about where you set the 'bar' 6, 6.5, 7. It's about the principle of the idea. Can British Speedway afford European riders ? Airfares, the £ v exchange rate. Not so long back it was 1.40 plus now it's around 1.12. What industry can afford to increase workers pay by 28% ?


Yes it is not about where you set the bar. But it needs setting somewhere sensible. Doubling up riders have been taking too much out of the sport recently and "taking it for granted" that they should be able to.

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There was no sarcasm in my post. I meant every word of it. To get rid of every rider over 6 is a diabolical idea that would kill the sport stone dead.


So, what is your suggestion for Ben Barker to do for a living? What team would you suggest for Wolves?



Well I saw plenty of sarcasm directed at Kings Lynn Stars, in your original post. Going on to say we would be the only team to benefit from such rules.


I have never agreed with all JC said in his ideas, but the fact he was prepared to come up with ideas, was to me very proactive. You obviously cherry pick the parts you don't like but miss the most important piece of the post about financial worry the sport faces. He went on to identify the massive problems the sport has, when the TV money stops next year, but all you seem interested in is what's going to happen to Ben Barker, or who is going to be riding for Wolves. It all honesty these issues are small fry and mean very little. If the sport cannot find another sugar Daddy (SKY), the sport as we now know it, will be gone forever....,

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Well I saw plenty of sarcasm directed at Kings Lynn Stars, in your original post. Going on to say we would be the only team to benefit from such rules.


I have never agreed with all JC said in his ideas, but the fact he was prepared to come up with ideas, was to me very proactive. You obviously cherry pick the parts you don't like but miss the most important piece of the post about financial worry the sport faces. He went on to identify the massive problems the sport has, when the TV money stops next year, but all you seem interested in is what's going to happen to Ben Barker, or who is going to be riding for Wolves. It all honesty these issues are small fry and mean very little. If the sport cannot find another sugar Daddy (SKY), the sport as we now know it, will be gone forever....,

I think you will need pretty decent riders if you did want the likes of Sky/BT to be interested.Anything near CL level and that would definitely put paid to any money coming from TV.

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Tell, at what Point would Sky be interested again in Speedway in the UK ? Think we have to accept that ship has well and truly sailed. So If Its just BT that have any interest then surely the price will reflex that its a one Horse race. I feel sure the big bucks in terms of TV and in deed Sponsor is really a thing of the past. Remember at Lynn when we had Money Centre, Banham Poultry and Jark Recruitment all as lead sponsors on the team race jacket, all throwing money at the Club. That was back in the old Premiership days. The last few years Good Old Roger has chucked in a few quid, but I would suggest it wasn't on the scale of those 3 mentioned.


JC, I am confident could confirm this, if he so wished.


Speedway cannot rely on outside money to keep rolling in to prop it up. It has to become self sufficient.

Edited by semion
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Think its time for speedway fans to wake up and face the truth - unless BT / Sky throw money at speedway and in all honesty why should or would they ? Or a major league sponsors can be found speedway as is stands isnt viable if we bury or heads in the sand and even start next season with similar team strengths and over heads as 2017 I can see clubs closing but mid summer

Edited by Haza
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