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Kings Lynn 2018..

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No doubt your not far wrong. Two issues here, Firstly, if riders such as Friske, Lindgren and Worrall were all at the same meeting as Lambert on Friday and they bothered to get back. then so could Lambert... Lindgren and Fricke were also riding in Poland on Sunday, plus they were back again to the NSS for PO on Monday.

NB, Good job Lynn didn't make the PO's Lambert would have had difficult fitting these extra meetings in. :wink:


And Secondly when it was announced the League Rider championship was on Saturday, why didn't Lambert pull out straight away . After all he was aware of his Knee problems, and also, places like Poland, Germany and England are still in the same position, so no doubt he was aware of the difficulties in travelling....

Seems to me Lambert is picking and choosing his meetings, and using his knee injury, as a get out of jail card....


So please this season is over...... For us any way.....


So much of what you write rings true BUT can we really put all the blame on Lambert when the British authorities have allowed this sort of thing to go on for years, even this season Batchelor was doing it. As for simply pulling out on Saturday I don't think that was an option, the authorities make it a condition that riders attend certain meetings and this was one of them.


I'm not making excuses for Lambert. I have my own views on his non appearance (not too far away from yours GRW :wink: ) but unless or until the authorities stamp down hard on this by ruling that any medical certificate means an enforced absence of 3 days minimum this sort of thing will continue. It's a very easy get out of jail free card for riders.


It's not fair on fans, promoters, clubs or even on riders who have a genuine injury.

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No doubt your not far wrong. Two issues here, Firstly, if riders such as Friske, Lindgren and Worrall were all at the same meeting as Lambert on Friday and they bothered to get back. then so could Lambert... Lindgren and Fricke were also riding in Poland on Sunday, plus they were back again to the NSS for PO on Monday.

NB, Good job Lynn didn't make the PO's Lambert would have had difficult fitting these extra meetings in. :wink:


And Secondly when it was announced the League Rider championship was on Saturday, why didn't Lambert pull out straight away . After all he was aware of his Knee problems, and also, places like Poland, Germany and England are still in the same position, so no doubt he was aware of the difficulties in travelling....

Seems to me Lambert is picking and choosing his meetings, and using his knee injury, as a get out of jail card....


So please this season is over...... For us any way.....

do no the thing that gets me more than anything with Lambert or any other rider that didn't want to ride at NNS last Saturday is why they can't just be honest and say the reason Lambert well may have a knee injury but the real reason was logistics- do these riders feel the fans can't take the truth ? fans ain't daft they no when they are being mugged off - just be honest that's all I ask .
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Yes Lambert probably carrying a knee injury.


The point is he is riding for a Polish EXL or Nice 1 place at worse for next season. The likes of Kurtz and Holder Jr look nailed on to get teams in POL Exl but Lambert still hasn't convinced teams he is up to the level required imo. I think he was desperate to show clubs over the 2 legs of the final that he has what it takes. Shame his injury probably curtailed his scores as 9 from 6 rides in a POL 2nd Div match even if finals is hardly pulling up trees. Even so being seen and showing some ability is better than not showing and maybe being forgotten.


The thing is that Speedway in UK is shown in a bad light as those of us with real interest in the Sport don't need to be treated as idiots.


If Chapman was on the ball he really should be carrying out investigations, as how can he apply double standards after his Holder Jr outburst. Or was that more being angry after so close to the the Holder Sr incident and wanted revenge. Why else go so public on the BSPA site on it even though his club (who were out of the playoffs anyway) were happy at the release and were compensated.


It just stinks that Chapman made such a big deal of it with the Peterboroiugh 4's (which they won anyway without him) preaches about British Speedway being let down in a Champ Comp yet in a prestigious event like the Prem Riders Championship not a peep out of him or the BSPA.


No of course not. Its one of his riders so he wants it to disappear with nobody hopefully noticing it.

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It's a pity people on here can't find better things to do instead of constantly knock Robert Lambert. Get of his back.


The reason he's getting knocked is because to many people bigged him up to be the next British superstar.


They're all extremely disappointed that this season he really hasn't stepped it up to expectations.


My expectations I believe are far more realistic and I just don't see him becoming any better than he is already.

He's quite frankly has been less than average against top riders, to the point of being completely uncompetitive against them.

The World Cup 2 years running really should have opened pwoples eyes but they're still so blinded with pipe dreams.

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It's a pity people on here can't find better things to do instead of constantly knock Robert Lambert. Get of his back.

So you are happy for people to be hypocritical by damning Batclhelor s fit/unfit antics but be OK with Lambert (or any other rider) doing the same.


I don't doubt his talent or his motivation, I'm just sick of riders taking fans for fools. That applies to promoters as well.

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STEVEHOLS54 wrote " No of course not. Its one of his riders so he wants it to disappear with nobody hopefully noticing it."


And that is what Buster loves to call and repeatedly uses as a tactic " put it behind us " NOT sweep it under the carpet as that would be, well , quite openly scandalous BUT if you " put it behind you" , well, that is a sensible thing to do as you can move on, start all over again etc etc etc. In fact you can roll out the " Same Old, Same Old Speedway" nicely re-packaged and ready for the err 1980s. Never mind that we have moved on around 40 years. No one will notice. What he forgers is that fewer and fewer people care.

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It's a pity people on here can't find better things to do instead of constantly knock Robert Lambert. Get of his back.



I'm sorry you think the way you do, I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion, especially those who pay out to watch him ride. Now if you think that's wrong , then Tuff.!!


I was fortunate to have a close friendship with Michael Lee, but it didn't stop me telling him how I felt when things didn't go as one expected. . When Robert does well, I will sing his praises, but likewise when he slips up then I will say so. That what opinions are.... If you are one of those blowing sunshine at him all the time, he'll think he is God and act like it........

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The reason he's getting knocked is because to many people bigged him up to be the next British superstar.


They're all extremely disappointed that this season he really hasn't stepped it up to expectations.


My expectations I believe are far more realistic and I just don't see him becoming any better than he is already.

He's quite frankly has been less than average against top riders, to the point of being completely uncompetitive against them.

The World Cup 2 years running really should have opened pwoples eyes but they're still so blinded with pipe dreams.

He is a talent and you obviously dont rate him you have made that clear anough which is fair anough but i believe he can push on he has showed me glimpses of real quality.Also as others have said he is still only 19 and i put him at least on par with Kurtz and better than Holder but those two have stole a march on him for a contract in Poland.All is not lost it is down to Robert now but all Lynn fans should want him to be part of Lynn's history he should stay there and push on i hope he does it i enjoy watching him ride. Edited by Sidney the robin
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I pay to watch Rob Lambert ride. And I don't blow sunshine at him all the time. It just seems to me people are only happy when they are criticising him. I know he isn't perfect but are any of us?


Criticising him doesn't make me happy, it make me sad, thinking he is far better than some of the behaviour he pulls...


4 yrs ago it was my pleasure to be at Lynn watching the young Stars against Stoke in the lower league. Robert Lambert, then only 15yrs was amazing. 21 pts max only told half the story. This man (boy) was unbelievable, 3 times he gated, twice coming from last to first, and the other two were easy 2nd to 1st rides. Small in stature, but he stood 10 foot tall. he was head and shoulders above anybody that night. He was so happy, the smile on his face was so intoxicating to us all. He was equal to any young rider I had ever seen, and that includes Michael Lee.. He had the world at his feet....


Today is a far cry from that treasured memory, That smile has long gone, He now has the world on his shoulder rather than at his feet. He doesn't show that same enjoyment he did, them years ago. and that's a massive shame. Sure, he has improved through the years, as have many others, Back then, I thought he was an exceptional talent, destined for the top, but not now. His attitude and persona are now more prominent than his ability....

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Criticising him doesn't make me happy, it make me sad, thinking he is far better than some of the behaviour he pulls...


4 yrs ago it was my pleasure to be at Lynn watching the young Stars against Stoke in the lower league. Robert Lambert, then only 15yrs was amazing. 21 pts max only told half the story. This man (boy) was unbelievable, 3 times he gated, twice coming from last to first, and the other two were easy 2nd to 1st rides. Small in stature, but he stood 10 foot tall. he was head and shoulders above anybody that night. He was so happy, the smile on his face was so intoxicating to us all. He was equal to any young rider I had ever seen, and that includes Michael Lee.. He had the world at his feet....


Today is a far cry from that treasured memory, That smile has long gone, He now has the world on his shoulder rather than at his feet. He doesn't show that same enjoyment he did, them years ago. and that's a massive shame. Sure, he has improved through the years, as have many others, Back then, I thought he was an exceptional talent, destined for the top, but not now. His attitude and persona are now more prominent than his ability....

A 15 year old would he happy scoring 21 pts in the NL.No pressure,and lots of fun.He's in the real speedway world now and trying to break through in Poland's top league, and has a lot of pressure on his young shoulders.Being Lynn's No. 1 after "that night" has increased the pressure even further.I don't think there is a team in the country that wouldn't want him in 2018 if funds allowed.Some of this missing meetings needs looking at,but i'm pretty sure these decisions ain't just Roberts decisions.But I may be wrong

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A 15 year old would he happy scoring 21 pts in the NL.No pressure,and lots of fun.He's in the real speedway world now and trying to break through in Poland's top league, and has a lot of pressure on his young shoulders.Being Lynn's No. 1 after "that night" has increased the pressure even further.I don't think there is a team in the country that wouldn't want him in 2018 if funds allowed.

Hit the nail on the head I suspect. Having Holder and Batch sacked was the last thing he needed this year for his personal enjoyment of being a Star, took away all the fun and left pressure instead. Particularly without Dale about either ....
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Sorry to intrude but for what it's worth I reckon Lambert is another Loram/Havelock. When the cards fall his way he'll have his day in the sun. He could be so much better than that.

Interesting reply.Re Loram.Please expand.

Your not intruding btw.

Edited by Bald Bloke
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A 15 year old would he happy scoring 21 pts in the NL.No pressure,and lots of fun.He's in the real speedway world now and trying to break through in Poland's top league, and has a lot of pressure on his young shoulders.Being Lynn's No. 1 after "that night" has increased the pressure even further.I don't think there is a team in the country that wouldn't want him in 2018 if funds allowed.Some of this missing meetings needs looking at,but i'm pretty sure these decisions ain't just Roberts decisions.But I may be wrong


I don't get all this pressure lark, he is no different to any other rider, or any other person, (for that matter) working for a living. He has a job to do and any pressure he has is self inflicted. Whether it be riding for the young Stars in the NL or riding in the top league, it is no different. The attitude should be the same. He's doing a job he loves to do. How many other people would love to say that. If he thinks that's pressure he ought to try working 50 hrs a week in a factory for a pittance, and still not have enough to feed his family... He'd appreciate the valued position he enjoys in life.....


Instead of thinking he's hard done by, he wants to appreciate the following and support of his fans. We don't want to hear excuses for bad performances, or for not riding, we want to see him ride that bike like the wind and scoring double figures every week. As a top rider this is all he is asked to do.....

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Lambert isn't 20 yet let's not forget that. He's shown improvement year on year and he has had the weight of being his local club's number one on his shoulders recently. People need to stop comparing him to Michael Lee, Terry Betts and every other rider under the sun that's come before him. He's his own rider. If he can improve his starts he'll kick on another level.


I'd happily take him at Rye House on his current average. It's more than likely only going to go up from there.

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