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Kings Lynn 2018..

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1 minute ago, Haza said:

Sadly couldn’t make the fans forum as had other commitments that night - you say I’m negative but isn’t it just a case of having a different opinion to the one you hold ? Doesn’t make either one of us wrong or right for that matter. Time will tell this season is massive for speedway and Kings Lynn Speedway 


I said some people didnt say your name just hate people moaning at least we have speedway.

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If one thing History has taught us with Buster and the Speedway.  He doesn't listen. The guy is never wrong.. Even his own flesh and blood has said as much.  So go to a Speedway fans forum, for what ? To be told the same old, same old.  Expressing your views to Buster is waste of good breath.  As Webby said he pointed out some things that need improving etc and the response he got was...Woo is me look how much money I dropped last season.  I cant ever recall in the real good years, Buster saying.....Oh WOW look how much money I've made this year.

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3 hours ago, Trees said:

God sake, I do not see all good in the running of the club, why do you think I helped start KLSSC?

I can't keep being negative like you lot, you had the chance of putting your points forward at the fans forum, did ya? 

Trees, You and your team do a cracking job papering over the cracks and trying to raise the profile and indeed Funds for the Club.  Sadly not all of us have the time or indeed the energy and inclination to do what you do. 

So some of us fans have a 'downer' on Lynn Speedway at the moment. As I recall you had one of those said times a good few years back, when the Club Moved down a level.  So It can happen to even the most dedicated followers.   Lucky for you that you regained your faith.  Other like Star Lady, who followed Lynn through Thin and thinner cant get that back.   We aint all the same.

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16 minutes ago, semion said:



If one thing History has taught us with Buster and the Speedway.  He doesn't listen. The guy is never wrong.. Even his own flesh and blood has said as much.  So go to a Speedway fans forum, for what ? To be told the same old, same old.  Expressing your views to Buster is waste of good breath.  As Webby said he pointed out some things that need improving etc and the response he got was...Woo is me look how much money I dropped last season.  I cant ever recall in the real good years, Buster saying.....Oh WOW look how much money I've made this year.

I agree, he has plenty to put right this year and isn't great at receiving criticism, constructive or otherwise, but I don't see the value in people making their point on here several times over without telling the people who run the club how they feel. Perhaps Mr Brundle might be better at taking feedback on board.

Like you I don't believe Buster will sacrifice bar takings for a slick and quick meeting duration but something a bit swifter is a must. The most important thing is better racing and some luck with the weather as many people just won't take the risk any more if it might rain.

Edited by Bagpuss
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Baggy,  What I want is something that has been missing for sometime at Lynn.   That being a decent nights entertainment.   I guess im Lucky 18 quid does hurt so bad for me....Some it does.... My Boy who use to drive in from Norwich now deems its too expensive when you factor in the increase in fuel costs.   For him ( he has been going since he 8 or 9)  its the straw that has broken the camels back.


Some can  moan, Some  can  say we have to be positive.  Time will tell in 6 weeks whether Robin Brundle has had any influence on Buster or not.  I'm sorry to say I haven't seen anything thus far to think he has.   In truth I cannot wait to be proved wrong.

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4 hours ago, Greg said:

Some people make me laugh all they do is moan 


You have to think Buster runs the stars he runs the stadium he run the league as head of the bspa he been to Poland to sort the 3 league rule and he has been trying to sort the TV and he has had to bring in someone to help him at Lynn that being Robin and he has put a pretty good team together if you ask me now stop moaning please.

 Assuming you were referring to me,   I'm pleased I'm making you laugh....,   Because there is not much making me laugh these days....     If you read my post there wasn't any moaning merely pointing out,   that I will be there regardless of what happens on the track...

I'm quite aware of the amount of work Buster does,  I take my hat off to him,   but  it was his choice.    He choose to be Chairman of the BSPA, hoping to make a difference , but he has since found out it was an impossible job.      I'm  sure  he would have done  a far better job at Lynn if he had  donated all his time to the Stars cause.


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10 minutes ago, g13webb said:

 Assuming you were referring to me,   I'm pleased I'm making you laugh....,   Because there is not much making me laugh these days....     If you read my post there wasn't any moaning merely pointing out,   that I will be there regardless of what happens on the track...

I'm quite aware of the amount of work Buster does,  I take my hat off to him,   but  it was his choice.    He choose to be Chairman of the BSPA, hoping to make a difference , but he has since found out it was an impossible job.      I'm  sure  he would have done  a far better job at Lynn if he had  donated all his time to the Stars cause.


Think Buster is just seeing out his term as BSPA Chairman now,by what he said at the forum.

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6 hours ago, Bagpuss said:

Did anybody raise the points discussed on here at the fans forum out of interest?

This was  neither the time or the place.  The fans forum is a doctored name  for an event that used to be referred to as a supporters meeting.  It is here where the new team members are introduced to the fans.  This is usually a happy occasion, generating high hopes  for the coming season.   The last things they want to hear are individual gripes  from the previous season.  

I did have a word with Buster after the meeting,  but he wasn't in the mood to hear damning verdicts we may have had to say.   His replies were short  but his mood told me he was  more than happy with how the evening had gone.


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So the floor wasn't opened to questions from the audience? I'd have thought a once a year gathering of supporters world be an ideal opportunity to find out what people think and reassure those who had criticisms of the previous season that things would be put right.

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12 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

So the floor wasn't opened to questions from the audience? I'd have thought a once a year gathering of supporters world be an ideal opportunity to find out what people think and reassure those who had criticisms of the previous season that things would be put right.

Typical of the attitude of the Lynn promotion tho......and that's a big part of the problem. 


Oops mustnt say anything uncomplimentary:wink:

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19 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

So the floor wasn't opened to questions from the audience? I'd have thought a once a year gathering of supporters world be an ideal opportunity to find out what people think and reassure those who had criticisms of the previous season that things would be put right.

Yes the floor was open to whatever the gathering had to ask .............

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6 minutes ago, Star Lady said:

Typical of the attitude of the Lynn promotion tho......and that's a big part of the problem. 


Oops mustnt say anything uncomplimentary:wink:

Only positive posts from  now on Star Lady or it’s deemed as negative or even moaning shock horror. 

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30 minutes ago, Haza said:

Only positive posts from  now on Star Lady or it’s deemed as negative or even moaning shock horror. 

Not really, just that we've heard the same negative stuff a trillion times since November and good things are largely being ignored. Some of us just want a bit of balance.

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28 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

Not really, just that we've heard the same negative stuff a trillion times since November and good things are largely being ignored. Some of us just want a bit of balance.

So absolutely positive stuff from now on in no negativity no moaning all balanced stuff here . Or at least I will try 

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19 minutes ago, Bagpuss said:

Not really, just that we've heard the same negative stuff a trillion times since November and good things are largely being ignored. Some of us just want a bit of balance.

Agree, the same few have made their feelings known over and over again over the last few months, not sure what their motives are but to continually repeat the same old same old is getting really tedious, we get it, you have all made the same points, many, many times but is it not time to look ward and not back and to get behind the Stars for the new season ?

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