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Kings Lynn 2018..

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It was a short interval compared to what we have endured in the past. Once the slightly longer grading had taken place it was straight on with the action. There were then no more grading breaks.

The bit that continues to annoy me is the time between heat 14 and 15. Team managers must know who they are going to put in by then, so should be straight on with it, slightly longer if someone has two on trot

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11 hours ago, waytogo28 said:

No. And that demonstrates how little will change overall in how things are done. Promises made are easily broken.

Did they ever promise no intervals?

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On 03/05/2018 at 12:49 PM, Haza said:

I didn’t go last night either - one point I’d like to make I get notifications via Twitter on Poole meetings they was away at Somerset they start at 7.30 I’d had the result of heat 4 before I had the result of heat 1 at KL that’s the difference 30 minutes earlier start time makes that can also be the difference between families attending or not - and yes I saw KL had an interval as well again 7.30 start not such a problem but a near on 8pm start then have an interval makes a lot of difference. 

Big well done to the Stars last night on another win .

1st race always starts at 7.45 pm 7.30 is parade time.

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we just go and enjoy the speedway.  don't worry if there is an interval or not. I do agree though that the 14/15 race could do with less time between but hey ho just the way it is and heat 15 was worth waiting for on Wednesday night.

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6 hours ago, whippy said:

1st race always starts at 7.45 pm 7.30 is parade time.

I’m awear of that the point I’m making if they started 7-30 by that I mean 1st race -it would be more appealing to families with kids with school the next day . 

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I seem to recall someone (Baggy ?) posted a running order, which didn’t include an interval.  Would make even more sense as it was late starting.

Whippy, I think is not that important if you live down the road, but some of us have to make a lot longer journey than that, to get our fix. 

Edited by semion
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1 hour ago, semion said:

Whippy, I think is not that important if you live down the road, but some of us have to make a lot longer journey than that, to get our fix. 

Exactly. Got home at 11.30pm on Wednesday night due to late finish and roadworks. (Normally about an hour's journey on a good night for me). Up again at 6am for work :-(

Certainly can't bring children during term time.

Edited by kelvinht
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4 hours ago, Haza said:

I’m awear of that the point I’m making if they started 7-30 by that I mean 1st race -it would be more appealing to families with kids with school the next day . 


25 minutes ago, kelvinht said:

Exactly. Got home at 11.30pm on Wednesday night due to late finish and roadworks. (Normally about an hour's journey on a good night for me). Up again at 6am for work :-(

Certainly can't bring children during term time.

As children under 16 get in free maybe the promotion doesn't care if school kids don't come in term time. 

That's typical of the kind of short term thinking of the BSPA over the years

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9 minutes ago, Star Lady said:


As children under 16 get in free maybe the promotion doesn't care if school kids don't come in term time. 

That's typical of the kind of short term thinking of the BSPA over the years

I don't think the promotion don't care if kids come,they want as many people there as possible surely.The start time is a hard one to call really.7-45pm start suits me perfect when i am working until 6pm as it would do many others i would assume.7-30 pm is good to take the kids along.But i don't get the talk from adults "i have to be up early in the morning",does 15 minutes really spoil your nights sleep.When i work until 6pm it's a bit of a rush to get there then i still have to get up for 4-30am the next morning,no big deal really.Now if it was a 7-30pm start i may miss the start after finishing at 6pm along with many people now that work a 24/7 schedule.

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5 hours ago, Star Lady said:


As children under 16 get in free maybe the promotion doesn't care if school kids don't come in term time. 

That's typical of the kind of short term thinking of the BSPA over the years

You are right in one way does the promotion care about the free kids but they should get them interested because they are the next set of paying customers because as the older generation decrease without new interest they might as well close down 

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On 5/4/2018 at 10:50 PM, whippy said:

we just go and enjoy the speedway.  don't worry if there is an interval or not. I do agree though that the 14/15 race could do with less time between but hey ho just the way it is and heat 15 was worth waiting for on Wednesday night.

Isn't the interval just an excuse to spin the meeting out longer so it implies the punters are getting more for their money. There are enough long gaps between races as it is, more than enough time to go to the loo or buy a hot dog.

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Why do people get hung up on whether there is an interval or not.I guess there has always been an interval and always will be.Pretty much like at many events there will be an interval.

On a positive note,Niels went a bit better in Poland today with 7 from 4 and the only rider to beat Dudek on his home track.And Lambert also going well albeit in league 1 getting 10+2.

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On 05/05/2018 at 9:58 AM, Star Lady said:


As children under 16 get in free maybe the promotion doesn't care if school kids don't come in term time. 

That's typical of the kind of short term thinking of the BSPA over the years

That would be very naive, short term thinking. The youngsters often bring / persuade / encourage the paying parents. 

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I remember years ago when we came as a family,    Although children's  admission was free,    it was more then made up buying them   Flags,  Hooters,  Sweets, Drinks, Burgers,  Chips,  Tee Shirts that they was always on offer and regularly required...      I am in no doubt,   Cyril and Alan made more profit from our kids going,  than he did from what we spent on ourselves .

The knock-on effect from that is both our off springs are still interested in the sport,    and frequently go....

So free Kids are very important to the viability of our sport......     When thinking of the program for the night,   finishing early should be of paramount importance enabling families to get their kiddies to bed.    Dragging meetings out just to feed the takings is a false economy and does more harm then good... 

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1 hour ago, g13webb said:

I remember years ago when we came as a family,    Although children's  admission was free,    it was more then made up buying them   Flags,  Hooters,  Sweets, Drinks, Burgers,  Chips,  Tee Shirts that they was always on offer and regularly required...      I am in no doubt,   Cyril and Alan made more profit from our kids going,  than he did from what we spent on ourselves .

The knock-on effect from that is both our off springs are still interested in the sport,    and frequently go....

So free Kids are very important to the viability of our sport......     When thinking of the program for the night,   finishing early should be of paramount importance enabling families to get their kiddies to bed.    Dragging meetings out just to feed the takings is a false economy and does more harm then good... 

Absolutely spot on - thing also to remember in the days you talk of we raced Saturday nights so the urgency to basically get on with the meeting wasn’t so important as it is now on a Wednesday- I’ve no doubt when I first started going to Kings Lynn as an 11 year old boy had we raced Wednesday as we do now my mum and dad would have never took me to Kings Lynn as they would have said you’ve school the next day - to me that’s why a 7-30 start and I mean first race 7-30 would help to attract more families and without those kids we won’t have a future fan base - I don’t get why the promotion is so blind to see that .

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13 minutes ago, mrss said:

Starting 15 minutes earlier won't make the crowd increase at all. Everyone has a choice. If you don't like a 7 45 pm start time or you think it's too late, stop at home.

I think you missed the point. Parents who don't like their kids being tired for school the next day will stop at home. Which means speedway misses out on capturing a new generation of fans. 

I agree fans have a choice but the sport is dying, fan numbers are dwindling, the sport needs all the youngsters it can get. If starting 15 minutes earlier gets just a dozen extra kids interested, IMHO it's worth it. 

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