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Kings Lynn 2018..

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Alex Brady wrote " Lets give the promotion our full loyalty once again, and if things don't go to plan, I'm certain the club will listen to what the fans want, if we give them the support too!"


​That has been at the heart of the problem for at least 5 years ( if not ten ) THAT style of NOT listening or responding in any way to the concerns of supporters. Yes IF ( and it's big if ) this great new way forward to be unveiled, in the first three months of 2018 includes a 2 way relationship ( and we are not just "end users" - customers in plain English ) then Hooray and the promotion will deserve the full support of the remaining fans. But come on, potential fans are not going to start their speedway adventure on here and anyway there are less than 10 posters who are critical ( less than half a dozen really ). Those who are critical of how the sport at KLS has been run are quite correct in posting their view of the slump in numbers on the terraces. It's a fact.

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I've had to think long and hard about posting this, but here goes;


Whilst I agree that I would love to see the team announced sooner rather than later, and I would give my right arm to see the Stars successful again, this wave of negativity after negativity does nothing to move things forwards for either the club or indeed the sport.


How is the sport supposed to attract new fans, sponsorship's, tv deals etc when the first place these people will look, is the single biggest platform where fans are together, and the bulk of what they will see is one fan after another trying to shout the loudest than the last person about 'how badly the club is run' and 'the sport is dying' etc.


I honestly believe now is the time for positivity. The club needs to do their bit, but it is a 2 way street. The fans need to get behind the promotion/club, and the promotion/club needs to support the fans too .


I have been away from the sport long periods of time over the previous decade so i fully respect the opinions of others who have been there more so than I, but I truly believe that the supporters as a collective need to stick together, stay positive and get the crowds swelling again, and I think this will bring success on track, more 'floating' supports back to the terraces and new ones too - more investment back into the stadium/track and we're moving in the right direction again, like we were in 2005/06/07 etc.


Lets give the promotion our full loyalty once again, and if things don't go to plan, I'm certain the club will listen to what the fans want, if we give them the support too!


Heres to a big 2018!


Welcome to the forum Alex, always nice to see new names with their love for the sport.


I appreciate your views and can understand where you're coming from, but this feelings are nothing new. We have waited year after year for things to change, but all we get are promises. Throughout my 52 yrs of supporting the Stars I have experienced many ups and down's, but I cant remember such a prolonged period when the relationship between the fans and the management has been as bad as recent years. Unlike other teams, we don't expect to be winners, but we do need to enjoy ourselves. We want to be part of club that appreciated our involvement. We want to Shout and Cheer the loudest for a team that gives it all on the track. What we don't want is waiting around for an hours on end watching track grading, we don't want riders going through the motions, we don't want being taken for granted, We want to be kept informed of what happens within the club, .


All these issues are down to Buster... You only have to look back over the previous 5 yrs at the people, working by Buster's side, who have left, to understand this is a major problem. People will only take so much for so long until they reach the point of That's enough' and then it's too late. Even with the best intentions in the world, he has this attitude that its his way or no way.....I'm sorry for not being as enthusiastic as you, but until I see some changes made, I cant see my opinion altering. It appears Buster has learnt nothing from the problem of last year . He has no connection with the fans and expect them to turn up at the drop of a hat.


At the moment all I see is the same old, same old.... What I'd give to enjoy a club like we once had.....






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I've had to think long and hard about posting this, but here goes;


Whilst I agree that I would love to see the team announced sooner rather than later, and I would give my right arm to see the Stars successful again, this wave of negativity after negativity does nothing to move things forwards for either the club or indeed the sport.


How is the sport supposed to attract new fans, sponsorship's, tv deals etc when the first place these people will look, is the single biggest platform where fans are together, and the bulk of what they will see is one fan after another trying to shout the loudest than the last person about 'how badly the club is run' and 'the sport is dying' etc.


I honestly believe now is the time for positivity. The club needs to do their bit, but it is a 2 way street. The fans need to get behind the promotion/club, and the promotion/club needs to support the fans too .


I have been away from the sport long periods of time over the previous decade so i fully respect the opinions of others who have been there more so than I, but I truly believe that the supporters as a collective need to stick together, stay positive and get the crowds swelling again, and I think this will bring success on track, more 'floating' supports back to the terraces and new ones too - more investment back into the stadium/track and we're moving in the right direction again, like we were in 2005/06/07 etc.


Lets give the promotion our full loyalty once again, and if things don't go to plan, I'm certain the club will listen to what the fans want, if we give them the support too!


Heres to a big 2018!

The guys who post on here need to be placated by the promotion and team of course, hopefully the work being done this close season will deliver, sounds nothing but positive, roll on 2018! :)


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All i would say is good luck to the Stars in 2018 my main hope is they can get a side that will compete and one that the crowd can get right behind,The Lynn fans are a unique crowd really they dont expect to be winners but they want to be entertained maybe because the track has got downhill in recent years that has affected the entertainment element.I have been to Lynn say about 15/20 times over the years the track was awesome the racing superb i just dont understand why the track has gone downhill in recent years.Is it the dark shail? are the bikes to quick for the track i dont know? if the promotion can get the track back some of the problems will be solved.Anyway good luck for the new season the league NEEDS a strong Lynn i just hope some of the loyal fans are willing to give Chapman one last chance.

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All i would say is good luck to the Stars in 2018 my main hope is they can get a side that will compete and one that the crowd can get right behind,The Lynn fans are a unique crowd really they dont expect to be winners but they want to be entertained maybe because the track has got downhill in recent years that has affected the entertainment element.I have been to Lynn say about 15/20 times over the years the track was awesome the racing superb i just dont understand why the track has gone downhill in recent years.Is it the dark shail? are the bikes to quick for the track i dont know? if the promotion can get the track back some of the problems will be solved.Anyway good luck for the new season the league NEEDS a strong Lynn i just hope some of the loyal fans are willing to give Chapman one last chance.



I am, but it really is "one last chance". Please get it right this time Buster. The track & the relationship with fans.

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I am, but it really is "one last chance". Please get it right this time Buster. The track & the relationship with fans.

That is good to hear i moan but i cannot see the day when i give up watching speedway i think you are probably the same.But you cannot keep taking the punters for granted and once you lose them it is very hard to entice them back both my sons are a prime example.Both still know what is going on in the sport follow it but wont go now they say it is to expensive and the night to drawn out.
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Alex Brady wrote " Lets give the promotion our full loyalty once again, and if things don't go to plan, I'm certain the club will listen to what the fans want, if we give them the support too!"


​That has been at the heart of the problem for at least 5 years ( if not ten ) THAT style of NOT listening or responding in any way to the concerns of supporters. Yes IF ( and it's big if ) this great new way forward to be unveiled, in the first three months of 2018 includes a 2 way relationship ( and we are not just "end users" - customers in plain English ) then Hooray and the promotion will deserve the full support of the remaining fans. But come on, potential fans are not going to start their speedway adventure on here and anyway there are less than 10 posters who are critical ( less than half a dozen really ). Those who are critical of how the sport at KLS has been run are quite correct in posting their view of the slump in numbers on the terraces. It's a fact.

I'm not saying that people will only start their journey on here, and I also don't want to appear as if I'm making a sweeping generalisation of the comments on here. It is a similar story in each thread, the problem is not just exclusive to Kings Lynn.


Welcome to the forum Alex, always nice to see new names with their love for the sport.


I appreciate your views and can understand where you're coming from, but this feelings are nothing new. We have waited year after year for things to change, but all we get are promises. Throughout my 52 yrs of supporting the Stars I have experienced many ups and down's, but I cant remember such a prolonged period when the relationship between the fans and the management has been as bad as recent years. Unlike other teams, we don't expect to be winners, but we do need to enjoy ourselves. We want to be part of club that appreciated our involvement. We want to Shout and Cheer the loudest for a team that gives it all on the track. What we don't want is waiting around for an hours on end watching track grading, we don't want riders going through the motions, we don't want being taken for granted, We want to be kept informed of what happens within the club, .


All these issues are down to Buster... You only have to look back over the previous 5 yrs at the people, working by Buster's side, who have left, to understand this is a major problem. People will only take so much for so long until they reach the point of That's enough' and then it's too late. Even with the best intentions in the world, he has this attitude that its his way or no way.....I'm sorry for not being as enthusiastic as you, but until I see some changes made, I cant see my opinion altering. It appears Buster has learnt nothing from the problem of last year . He has no connection with the fans and expect them to turn up at the drop of a hat.


At the moment all I see is the same old, same old.... What I'd give to enjoy a club like we once had.....







Appreciate the response and far be it for me to appear to judge people on here, but I truly believe that what we need right now is positive attitude from everyone, and everyone pulling in the same direction.


I can't say that I've seen all the going's on over the past 5/10 years, although I have kept my eye on this forum a lot over this time, but it appears to me like they are trying to put the right steps in place.


I think the addition of Robin Brundle can surely only help, good contacts, very keen to do right and keeps things off Busters seemingly very busy plate.


I am going to piece together some of my ideas over the coming days and would like to present them on here, and I will reserve a copy for the club.


As a group, I understand everyone's frustrations, but I would rather be in a Kings Lynn position than a Coventry, or Reading position etc, and I really do fear we could become a defunct club should we not all pull together.


I hope I've not come across in the wrong fashion - I too am just trying to air my opinions and fears for the future.

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Those who are critical of how the sport at KLS has been run are quite correct in posting their view of the slump in numbers on the terraces. It's a fact.


No its not "a fact"............ it's more a case of those individuals perception of the situation.


If as you state "its a fact" please show me the data used in the correlation between reduced crowds and lack of information from the club.


Before so doing, please consider that crowd levels at ALL speedway venues were at an all time HIGH in the 50's, 60's and 70's at a time when "information" from clubs (and the means to dispense that information) was at an all time LOW.


I rest my case .................. there is no correlation between crowd levels and news/information output!


What has however changed is peoples expectations ............. more so in this age of electronic communications when instant news/information breakout is taken for granted as "the norm".


Despite that expectation customers do NOT have the "right" (as some on here seem to think they have) to know what the promoter had for breakfast and how many times he passed wind afterwards!!!


Must say I agree with the earlier post by Delta Fox who quite rightly made the point that Tesco's don't consult with you directly on their business decisions ...........despite the fact that you undoubtedly spend more money with them [or whichever supermarket you do use] per year than you do with Kings Lynn speedway!!!!

Edited by DizzAssStar
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I cant remember such a prolonged period when the relationship between the fans and the management has been as bad as recent years.





can you define what you mean here please.

what is the relationship between fans and management you're talking about?

if you stop Buster or Dale at the track I'm sure they'd be happy to chat, so what is it you're after that all the other clubs do that Kings Lynn don't?

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Looks as if the new PR fusillade has been set off a mite earlier than expected? Bette than being late I suppose! We will soon be hypnotised into believing that "all is well" at KLS.

Bloody hell give them a chance to hopefully have a fresh start.More negativity as usual.Whatever Lynn are about to do i am sure you will make some more negative remarks towards it.

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It's what people do, not what they say, that gives fans the right to be sceptical. Maybe fans would be more forgiving if there was a full recognition of the many mistakes and a fulsome apology. You have to earn trust.

absolutely spot on - all those problems have been swept under the carpet . I’m willing to listen to what the club have to say and hopefully the changes will be for the better - though after reading the latest press release and I’ve read it a few times seems to me it’s a case of how we can put a statement out without actually telling the fans bugger all - to me the press release was nonsense made little sense long winded and told the fans more or less nothing . So from what I’ve seen nothing much has changed so far .

The other thing that gets me is why are they not mentioning Robin Brundle he’s clearly involved in the club and yet again they say nothing.

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Unless I'm misreading the situation they are going for a big impact reveal in the new year, and it seems there are going to be major changes throughout the whole club, both on and off the track. One assumes that these things take time to implement hence the announcement after Xmas and not before. I think that's fair enough, no point in telling us all until it's all in place.


The statement was no doubt partly put out because people keep asking and wondering on here and social media.....despite that there has been some criticism that they have made an announcement about making an announcement. If they aren't ready to reveal everything yet then I think it's fair enough that they have told people when that will be. I'm sure the criticism would have been worse had they not said anything.


Of course the proof of the pudding will be in what we are told in January, it all rests on that and how the club is run in the coming season and how us fans are treated. Just requires a bit of patience, something many speedway supporters seem not to have in the winter months.

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I just hope we aren't hanging on the Polish decision regarding NKI and end up in a mess like we did a couple of seasons ago when he was able to help us out, cos this time he won't be able to. It'll be all or nothing. Just hope we have a good plan B before all the decent riders are snapped up

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I just hope we aren't hanging on the Polish decision regarding NKI and end up in a mess like we did a couple of seasons ago when he was able to help us out, cos this time he won't be able to. It'll be all or nothing. Just hope we have a good plan B before all the decent riders are snapped up

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can you define what you mean here please.


what is the relationship between fans and management you're talking about? Whenever you went to the speedway you always felt good, being part of a club that was united in everything. The fans, the riders, the promotions , the stewards, everyone of the same opinion, all enjoying the excitement of the occasion. Over the last 5yrs this has all but disappeared. People walking about with long faces, the excitement has gone, the riders are unhappy with the track , the fans are unhappy with the races, but although Buster is aware of this he does nothing. He as no connection with the way the fans feel. Some of the tracks that he prepares are a disgrace. Without the fans the club is dead, so I believe they must be his first priority. But they obviously aren't.


if you stop Buster or Dale at the track I'm sure they'd be happy to chat, so what is it you're after that all the other clubs do that Kings Lynn don't? No doubt they would.....You enjoy a privileged position, in that you are allowed a free reign to go where and do as you wish. No doubt you have many opportunities to talk with Buster or Dale. Us mear mortals have to pay our dues and watch from behind the fences. We either have to pay for an over priced program or else we know very little. Living in the next town, we were always informed of what was going on at the club by the local rag. Now with the social media it is far easier and cheaper then ever it used to be, but we hear very little. We shouldn't have to talk with Buster to personally be told the information. Its not suppose to be a secret... Since Jonathon left we hear very little....... Other supporters of other clubs seem to get information about the Stars quicker than we do. Please don't tell me that right.....

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