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Kings Lynn 2018..

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Think Hans Andersen is one of the new boys.

I'd be happy with that if NKI cant return.

one could be NKI and the other Kerr. If it is I would be more than happy with that.


Kerr did say he was offered a spot at Lynn for 2018 about 10 days ago,but was asking for help with new equipment.He had a fundraising page set up,but I think it's gone now ?The mind boggles.

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I'd be happy with that if NKI cant return.


Kerr did say he was offered a spot at Lynn for 2018 about 10 days ago,but was asking for help with new equipment.He had a fundraising page set up,but I think it's gone now ?The mind boggles.

While Hans isn’t going to set the world alight he would be a pretty solid performer and it would also allow a place in the team for Lewis. Does mean that TJ would be our third heat leader when I was hoping he would fit into the team as our best second string.
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why? he might be pretty much sorted now


Nothing Buster does will surprise me. Sometimes his ideas deny all logic or reasoning. But please tell me the advantage gained from with-holding information from the fans. These past 2 years the Stars fans have been treated like Mushrooms. I would've thought Buster would have moved heaven and earth to repair the damage he has done, but it appears he hasn't learnt a thing.


Most of the clubs are drip feeding information to their supporters, helping to generate some interest during these winter months, But not Buster, He hasn't the decency to announce when one of our few assets, has agreed terms to ride somewhere else.


Me, I'm past caring. I've seen so much contempt for the fans, these past few years, I'm not yet convinced whether I'll go or stay away......


NB The sad part about all this, is if they can make a fan of 50+ yrs, feel this way, what chance do they have of appealing to new supporters......

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I fail to see why Lynn would tell their fans that a rider has signed for another club. It's not as if Danny King rode for Lynn last season. All it would achieve is negative feedback along the lines of why isn't he riding for us.

I for one am thinking why isnt Danny King in the team hed do a solid job in 3rd heatleader position not sure if its negative or not but why wouldnt we use our asset ? can only guess hes been offered a better deal elsewhere or hes not wanting to ride form a club where the no1 priority is to be a yes man. So good luck to him after the shambles of last season who can blame him not being at Lynn .
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Nothing Buster does will surprise me. Sometimes his ideas deny all logic or reasoning. But please tell me the advantage gained from with-holding information from the fans. These past 2 years the Stars fans have been treated like Mushrooms. I would've thought Buster would have moved heaven and earth to repair the damage he has done, but it appears he hasn't learnt a thing.


Most of the clubs are drip feeding information to their supporters, helping to generate some interest during these winter months, But not Buster, He hasn't the decency to announce when one of our few assets, has agreed terms to ride somewhere else.


Me, I'm past caring. I've seen so much contempt for the fans, these past few years, I'm not yet convinced whether I'll go or stay away......


NB The sad part about all this, is if they can make a fan of 50+ yrs, feel this way, what chance do they have of appealing to new supporters......

Maybe this Polish rule news that many await could have a BIG bearing on the team he wants to put out.


Most know that if the Poles relent then chances are NKI will be the first name on the sheet (besides TJ). But Nils is a 9 point plus man which could in effect have a big bearing on the rest of the side where if the Poles don't relax the rules he may have to go in a different direction with perhaps a more strength in depth look.


Its frustrating for all you KL fans I do appreciate that, but for the wait if you could have NKI as your number one then I think all KL fans would be more than happy to wait I think.


God knows why the Poles are taking so long considering they are normally red hot at sorting out their league matters quickly. I hope they are not being ignorant to the fact that a number of clubs in UK want to know the outcome of this rule for 2018. Its hardly rocket science to say yes its cancelled or no we will keep it in place in which case all the clubs can move on.


We all know Nils wants to ride UK and for sure KL is his home club, also being based in UK more locally than most other Prem sides.


Even not as a KL supporter I hope you get NKI and can also build a decent side around him and TJ for 2018, as nobody wants to see KL 2017 all over again after last year. True Speedway supporters want all clubs to have decent riders in all teams.

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GRW123 wrote " NB The sad part about all this, is if they can make a fan of 50+ yrs, feel this way, what chance do they have of appealing to new supporters ".


Simple answer - almost no chance at all! I am one of the 50 + years a fan too and am finely balanced between Go or Stay. Why would someone who has no previous knowledge of speedway - give it try? A possible crossover exists with the stock car promotion. It's all so much a repeat of fine words ( that guff in the Lynn News ) but no substance. Bringing in Doyle and retaining Robert Lambert would please existing fans ( inc. me ) but who outside of the sport has heard of JD or that he is a very worthwhile World Champion? This time last year KLS were boasting of acquiring the services of Holder.

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I for one am thinking why isnt Danny King in the team hed do a solid job in 3rd heatleader position not sure if its negative or not but why wouldnt we use our asset ? can only guess hes been offered a better deal elsewhere or hes not wanting to ride form a club where the no1 priority is to be a yes man. So good luck to him after the shambles of last season who can blame him not being at Lynn .

I rest my case :)

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While I acknowledge that the club's PR is terrible I don't have an issue with a larger announcement in January. So far only around a quarter of EL team spots have been filled and three teams haven't named any riders at all so we are hardly alone.


The press release suggests there are going to be big changes at the club and if that is the case rather than hot air you can see why they want to announce everything in one go and fill the bar at the AFA in the process. The Danny King thing is neither here nor there to be honest, it's no great surprise he's gone back to the club where he ride last year. I personally don't think he'd be a particularly good signing anyway.


And GRW you obviously aren't past caring or you wouldn't be posting.....

Edited by Gordon Bennett
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Old habits die hard..........


Where once I put the club before everything, (So the wife said :wink: ) now its the Sport I look too, taking in the bigger picture. But, neither fills me with much optimism

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I for one am thinking why isnt Danny King in the team hed do a solid job in 3rd heatleader position not sure if its negative or not but why wouldnt we use our asset ? can only guess hes been offered a better deal elsewhere or hes not wanting to ride form a club where the no1 priority is to be a yes man. So good luck to him after the shambles of last season who can blame him not being at Lynn .

Why all of a sudden this interest in King.I'm sure i was told he became an asset of the club when Buster bought the assets from Mildenhall almost a decade ago.You haven't mentioned him in previous seasons.

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I think that was his brother Jason who was then swapped with Christian Henry with Newcastle?

Certainly wasnt Danny back then.

Ipswich - Birmingham - BSPA is his registration history

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Certainly wasnt Danny back then.

Ipswich - Birmingham - BSPA is his registration history

I must have got my information wrong.But he most definitely rode for Mildenhall before 2008 and so seemed feasible that he could have been an asset of theirs when Buster took them on.

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1.Iversen 9.00

2.Rose 5.25

3.Jorgensen 5.93

4.Toft 5.57

5.Lambert 7.38

6.Wilson-Dean 4.67

7.Auty 4.68

take Iversen out that line up thats an average looking Championship team but I guess thats were we are at with the Premiership and if there is no TV contract it could be even tighter- dont want to pour water on the fire but one thing I keep hearing is Lambert is a major doubt to ride in the UK next season. Edited by Haza
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take Iversen out that line up thats an average looking Championship team but I guess thats were we are at with the Premiership and if there is no TV contract it could be even tighter- dont want to pour water on the fire but one thing I keep hearing is Lambert is a major doubt to ride in the UK next season.


Having read quite a lot about the tight financial restraints of the sport, Why do the BSPA keep persisting with this idea of a top league. Like you say take Iversen out of that side and it wouldn't win the Championship league. If the sole reason of the Premiership relates to only one rider per team, then I fail to see the sensibility of it all.


It appears the BSPA made decisions at the AGM based purely on the idea of providing riders with 2 incomes, at the expense of everything else...... Brilliant...

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Just read the latest news from the Website, http://kingslynnstars.co/news.php?extend.30559.1


What a pity this couldn't have been released much earlier, informing everybody what was going on.


We wait with anticipation...

Edited by GRW123
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