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Kings Lynn 2018..

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GRW123 wrote " NB.. It would be interesting to find out what the Clubs 'Breakeven Figures' of attendance are, and how many of our clubs achieved that.."


In the search for transparency in speedway - at the point where it's continuity is in question - the figures for a Break Even paid attendance figure for every club would be a revelation. Can it be possible and will someone at a club be the first to offer up their own figure?


jchapman wrote " The best days are behind the sport and now it needs to go backwards to try and rebuild with a long term plan rather than living hand to mouth every year.

I would personally have only two leagues of 12 teams (one semi pro and one amateur). In the top league restrict teams from building with any riders over a 6 point average, no GP riders and no riders who ride in more than one other country. Put in place a total team spend of £5k per match and riders pay terms have to be registered with BSPA. Any clubs trying to get smart and work a way around it will be fined £10k."


​I do hope that something like that is firmly on the agenda at the BSPA AGM. If not it should be. But sadly we all feel sure that it is not and Nero will continue to fiddle ( musically ) while "Rome" burns down and only the embers of the fire can be stood around for the next few years. The Centenary of 2028 is far out of reach it seems ( perhaps it really is 2021?).

Edited by waytogo28
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I don't think so with the amount of bikes in the pits they wouldn't need one

Thats why Im saying in its component parts.


An engine here a frame there etc rather than a physical whole bike.


Ive seen it with my own eyes at Ipswich this year.....

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NB.. It would be interesting to find out what the Clubs 'Breakeven Figures' of attendance are, and how many of our clubs achieved that....

Working on the basis that there is no £1million plus TV contract and reduced sponsorship due to the reduction in crowds (which have been reported across the country), I would estimate that 80% of all costs will need to be covered by ticket sales (ie paying public).


So the reality is that if their is no reduction in costs in 2018 then to break even the top league promoters will need to double the ticket prices or hope to double their attendences overnight.


Knowing the promoters as well as I do I wouldn't be surprised if they hedged their bets 50/50 and increased their ticket prices by 50% and expected the crowds to grow by 50%.


And if a club goes bust don't forgot, the promoter will blame the fans for staying away.

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Travel and time off work is the biggest problem for the semi pro rider. Agree with JC, 2 leagues North and South that would reduce travel costs. Riders taking time off work have to give notice, problem is when meeting is cancelled day wages lost and no meeting, to many meetings cancelled at the slightest hint of rain. Would love to see more weekend racing would attract more kids and away fans.

Put on a regular show that both riders and supporters can enjoy and the same Severn riders each week, barring injuries would be a good start. Interaction with fans and basic entertainment are both fundamental to the success, not rocket science!!!

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I would personally have only two leagues of 12 teams (one semi pro and one amateur). In the top league restrict teams from building with any riders over a 6 point average, no GP riders and no riders who ride in more than one other country. Put in place a total team spend of £5k per match and riders pay terms have to be registered with BSPA. Any clubs trying to get smart and work a way around it will be fined £10k.

Riders will then have to cut their cloth accordingly but clubs will be able to survive and start to invest money into marketing which will drive growth for the future.

Sorry but in my opinion this proposal would kill it stone dead, instantly.

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The main expense is professional riders and they will not want to cut their costs as they need to ride the best machines and compete at the highest level, just as they do in every other country

The reality is british speedway can no longer afford these riders and therefore needs to focus on semi professional riders.... Just like we had in our successful premier league days.

However there are not enough of these to go around and their packages have reached a level far higher than it should be due to them trying to buy equipment that can match the top riders.

An attempt was made to remedy the problem with double up riders but this has backfired and created its own monster, with many now deciding to become full time professionals rather than semi pros.

The best days are behind the sport and now it needs to go backwards to try and rebuild with a long term plan rather than living hand to mouth every year.

I would personally have only two leagues of 12 teams (one semi pro and one amateur). In the top league restrict teams from building with any riders over a 6 point average, no GP riders and no riders who ride in more than one other country. Put in place a total team spend of £5k per match and riders pay terms have to be registered with BSPA. Any clubs trying to get smart and work a way around it will be fined £10k.

Riders will then have to cut their cloth accordingly but clubs will be able to survive and start to invest money into marketing which will drive growth for the future.

I get the idea, but I think it'd kill off a lot of casuals and possibly even some of the die hards in the sport. But completely agree with you with regards to marketing, it's one thing the sport in a lot of clubs cases are absolutely garbage at. Edited by skj
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Ruling out all current riders with a +6 point average?

Thanks JC.Hodgy,maybe a place for some 6+ average riders if theres not enough riders,but on the same money as a 5.99 rider,as long as in the team's

point limit.

Edited by Bald Bloke
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Thanks JC.Hodgy,maybe a place for some 6+ average riders if theres not enough riders,but on the same money as a 5.99 rider,as long as in the team's

point limit.

JC didnt respond but liked your response, assume his answer is yes. So there are not enough riders for 2 professional leagues yet you are putting all with a +6 point average out of work? Most PL teams top 4 riders all averegad more than 6. This plan sounds insane. I must be missing something. Edited by Hodgy
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JC didnt respond but liked your response, assume his answer is yes. So there are not enough riders for 2 professional leagues yet your putting all with a +6 point average out of work? Most PL teams top 4 riders all averegad more than 6. This plan sounds insane. I must be missing something.

Entitled to your opinion. Look forward to hearing your plan.

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JC didn’t respond but liked your response, assume his answer is yes. So there are not enough riders for 2 professional leagues yet your putting all with a +6 point average out of work? Most PL teams top 4 riders all averegad more than 6. This plan sounds insane. I must be missing something.

Must admit 6 is extreme.This would put 11 British riders out of a job straight away.Most of which have been very loyal to British speedway too.

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I recall a meeting which I believe was in the premier trophy in March 2007, where Kings Lynn Beat Sheffield 75-15


I remember that meeting well Alex, not because I was there, but was sitting in a Theatre that night watching a show, with my mobile (on silent) in my hand getting updates from a friend at the meeting. When he started texting, Heat 1. 5-1, Heat 2. 5-1, Heat 3. 5-1 and so on for every heat, I thought he was having a laugh. I texted back "stop being silly and post the proper score" he replied "That is the proper score!" Ah yes, remember it well.

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Entitled to your opinion. Look forward to hearing your plan.

My opinion was seeking clarity and response according to your confirmed proposed plan. Do I need to have a plan in order to put forward my opinion?


Your plan with no +6 point average riders (in the top league) forces today’s majority out. Many loyal (several British) riders with nowhere to go. There are also more than 24 clubs today, albeit some on life support. We just forget and close the others?


Wolves led by Greaves and Riss, Belle Vue with Bewley and Smith etc... in our ‘top tier’? Cooke, Harris, Nicholls, Worralls, Lawson and numerous others with no place in British Speedway?


You are also entitled to your opinion - is my summary in line with your intended meaning?

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My opinion was seeking clarity and response according to your confirmed proposed plan. Do I need to have a plan in order to put forward my opinion?


Your plan with no +6 point average riders (in the top league) forces todays majority out. Many loyal (several British) riders with nowhere to go. There are also more than 24 clubs today, albeit some on life support. We just forget and close the others?


Wolves led by Greaves and Riss, Belle Vue with Bewley and Smith etc... in our top tier? Cooke, Harris, Nicholls, Worralls, Lawson and numerous others with no place in British Speedway?


You are also entitled to your opinion - is my summary in line with your intended meaning?

The riders you have mentioned such as Harris and cook are amongst the ones British speedway can not afford.... FACT


This should be about cutting costs and allowing speedway to cut its cloth accordingly so it can invest in marketing and growth. But you talk like it is 'jobs for the boys' .... In fact you talk just like a promoter.

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You dont need to be a Mathsmatician, A scientist or a Professor to see our sport has been on life support for several years. Of course we want to see the top boys ride, but our attendances don't provide enough capital to pay their fees. As it stands at the moment, the two options we have is either, Lower the standard of riding, or double the attendance fees. Its that simple. Promoting the sport better, would induce more support, but would that be enough to survive ??


The sport is in dire need of restructuring, and anybody who cant see this must be blind. We need cheaper options in League racing, enabling riders to have less expensive bikes and promotors cheaper to promote. so for the Fans, it is cheaper to attend.


Gone are the days when you see F1 drivers racing saloon cars, or MotoGP aces at your local road race track. This sport has to be divided. Let the SGP use these expensive machine and lets have a cheaper option for our league racing....... It is wrong that even at the lowest level of league racing they are riding super tuned machinery. It's no wonder the sport is dying....

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The riders you have mentioned such as Harris and cook are amongst the ones British speedway can not afford.... FACT


This should be about cutting costs and allowing speedway to cut its cloth accordingly so it can invest in marketing and growth. But you talk like it is 'jobs for the boys' .... In fact you talk just like a promoter.



The truth hurts they say, and it does in this case but JC you are about the only one that is making any sense at the moment. Speedway is all but finished in this country and if this is the only way to save it so be it. If a few riders, get caught in the cross fire that's unfortunate but if it's a choice between the sport or a couple of loyal riders it's no contest.

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