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Kings Lynn Vs Wolves ( Double Header) 23.08,17

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I agree bout Lambert and feel he is heading the same way as others before him and will fail to fulfil his potential.


I did actually say from day one of professional career that he was best to get a professional manager but that advice was ignored.

Very difficult to offer advice out to a rider about being professional , when the sport is not being run in that manner either by the sports ruling body of which I believe you were a member at one stage.

The sport has been mismanaged /unprofessionally run for at least a generation and probably beyond that.

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Very difficult to offer advice out to a rider about being professional , when the sport is not being run in that manner either

I don't agree, the sport is bigger than the UK and quite clearly others have succeeded by having professionals in their camp.


On a personal level I don't believe my influence or success can be questioned at the club, and within the governing body I pushed harder than anyone to make improvements, such as the Super7even. However their is only so many times I was prepared to be stabbed in the back.

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I don't agree, the sport is bigger than the UK and quite clearly others have succeeded by having professionals in their camp.


On a personal lev.el I don't believe my influence or success can be questioned at the club, and within the governing body I pushed harder than anyone to make improvements, such as the Super7even. However their is only so many times I was prepared to be stabbed in the back.

Apologies jchapman. I should have said the sport in the UK is being run unprofessionally not the sport in general.


With regards your second paragraph. I believe theirin lies the problem. Those that run the sport within the UK looking insular to their own specific needs and not with regards the further good of speedway within the UK.

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JC all you can say is you gave it a good crack when they handed you the reins. Obviously some of the old Mustache Pete's didn't like change. Now look what they are left with.


You look at all the sports that were dying on their ass, and someone had the good sense to pass the baton and let someone creative, forward thinking have a go. ( Football, Rugby, Cricket, Darts, Snooker, etc) What does speedway do ? Carry's on with the same old boys at the helm running it into the ground. Still they know best, well at least they think they do.

Edited by semion
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so why no no8 when running R/R and why did they sit in the fact that MPT wasn't going to be there best interest of speedway? Buster is to blame for both of those facts


Wolves had RR and they also didnt have a NO.8 it seems


how the hell can anyone blame Buster for injuries is beyond me,nothing wrong with double headers and most of them pass without problem


doesnt seem luck was on Lynns side last night ,the same could easily have happened to Wolves,


and credit due,offering a fiver back is ok as i dont believe he actaully had to do that

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Wolves had RR and they also didnt have a NO.8 it seems


how the hell can anyone blame Buster for injuries is beyond me,nothing wrong with double headers and most of them pass without problem


doesnt seem luck was on Lynns side last night ,the same could easily have happened to Wolves,


and credit due,offering a fiver back is ok as i dont believe he actaully had to do that


Number 8s have long since been consigned to the bin - no one names a number 8 anymore for R/R - I assume because they don't want to pay expenses for another rider travelling but not getting a ride. When we had the old second halves it was much simpler as they would get a ride in the scratch races but with no guaranteed ride now they would expect to be paid.

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I can't believe that some of you are looking to blame the ref! It's the refs job to make sure that matches are run according to the rules, it's the promotions job to field a competitive and complete team. Fair enough blame the ref if rules were broken i.e. minimum team strength not met, but do we know that this is still a rule? I'm guessing by some of the teams that have been put out this season that it's not. Does anybody know?


You can't just cancel a match because you have failed to plan properly. Only an idiot would go into a double header against the same team twice operating R/R and not having any cover... KL were unlucky, yes but it could also have happened to Wolves... either way one thing is for sure, it's the paying punter that is being taken for a mug as ususal



Exactly right. Incompetence of the highest order.

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Number 8s have long since been consigned to the bin - no one names a number 8 anymore for R/R - I assume because they don't want to pay expenses for another rider travelling but not getting a ride. When we had the old second halves it was much simpler as they would get a ride in the scratch races but with no guaranteed ride now they would expect to be paid.


Somerset did against Swindon last week.

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So if I read this right


Kings Lynn went into this match stating in print on their website “With Porsing set to rejoin Auty at reserve, the Stars track a full one to seven for two meetings in one night against the 2016 Elite League champions.” and yet only revealed just before the start that they were without Palm Toft who was apparently riding in Denmark.


The BSPA Chairman, Vice Chairman and another committee member all attempted to persuade the meeting referee to abandon/postpone the second match which was clearly against the rules and she correctly declined.


The second meeting was abandoned after 10 heats - was a correct/official reason given for this or had everyone lost interest by then.


The track caused riders a lot of problems early doors but was better when some extensive work was carried out by the home promotion.


I am not impressed with the Lynn report and I rather think resignations should be forthcoming, this was a complete shambles of epic proportions from start to finish.

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Exactly right. Incompetence of the highest order.


Surely if both promotions agreed to the second match being called off the referee should have shown some common sense and agreed to it being called it off.


What am I saying - Common Sense? Speedway? - the two things simply don't co - exist.


Somerset did against Swindon last week.


Rarity rather than the rule.

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Adrian Flux is a king's Lynn based insurance company. Specialises in vehicle insurance. Arena sponsors at Lynn plus main sponsors of the SGP Cardiff

Also sponsor touring car team in which the BMR (Rye House owners) team compete.

Great family business who are now run by Adrian's son David.

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Surely if both promotions agreed to the second match being called off the referee should have shown some common sense and agreed to it being called it off.


What am I saying - Common Sense? Speedway? - the two things simply don't co - exist.

SteveZodiac... please look through the rule book and look for the rule that says "Where 2 teams can't plan out to have enough riders available to start a match, the 2 teams, if in agreement, can just do what they want"


Rules are there for a reason and if a promotion can't plan effectively enough to be in a position to start a match with enough riders why have a rule book at all? Like I've said earlier, Wolves were kind of lucky they didn't have the same problem, it could easily have happened to them.


It was down to the KL and Wolves promotions to make sure they had enough riders there to complete 2 matches... even more so when both teams were a rider down to start with (even though KL only found out about MPT at 7pm)

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So if I read this right

Kings Lynn went into this match stating in print on their website “With Porsing set to rejoin Auty at reserve, the Stars track a full one to seven for two meetings in one night against the 2016 Elite League champions.” and yet only revealed just before the start that they were without Palm Toft who was apparently riding in Denmark.

The BSPA Chairman, Vice Chairman and another committee member all attempted to persuade the meeting referee to abandon/postpone the second match which was clearly against the rules and she correctly declined.

The second meeting was abandoned after 10 heats - was a correct/official reason given for this or had everyone lost interest by then.

The track caused riders a lot of problems early doors but was better when some extensive work was carried out by the home promotion.

I am not impressed with the Lynn report and I rather think resignations should be forthcoming, this was a complete shambles of epic proportions from start to finish.

There was nothing wrong with track. It was smooth, had usual grippy starts. Just because a rider falls it's not always the track. Track grading as normal took place after each 4 heats. No extensive work was done just grading and watering. Where were you in Arena to have the view the track was at fault? Did you walk the track ? Or were you at home and came to this conclusion via social media ?

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Wow!! what a fiesco, Where does one start. This scenario was always going to happen, and unlike others I blame Buster for it all. Apparently, it was known MPT wasn't ever available because of prior commitments, but the fans should have been told. Arranging a double header against the same team was mindless, knowing if there were problems in the first meeting, there wasn't a third team ready to get rider replacement from. Had our second match been against say Belle Vue, we could have co-opted Wolves riders to fill any gaps, So it was a dreadful idea...


With both teams down to 6 men, neither could afford any mishaps, yet for the first 6/7 races the track was so deep, every race was an accident waiting to happen. Race 1; Jorgensen goes out wide and locks up, race over. Race 2; Greaves in second chasing Porsing goes out wide and pulls a real lock-up. he all but stops, Auty coming into the corner after driving inside Riss has no where to go and cluttered into Greaves. Nasty pileup. All 3 down, Fortunately all were OK and able to continue. Imagine had they been unable to continue!!!. Race 3 Huckenbeck lifts and gift Thorssell the points.. Race 4 : Wolves rider gets a massive roller, leaving THJ to chase hard. going in turn 3 he does a massive 360 leaving Porsing nowhere to go. bad crash. and Porsing retires with concussion.. THJ to is injured .,.. Race 5: is gate an go, riders staying on the white line. As the meeting continues THJ eventually pulls out as well.


After heat 6 Buster again does extended track work and from then on the track is good with some good racing. but by then we are down to 4 riders and 12 points adrift and as a match it is all but over. So this 'Poor me' attitude that Buster gives over the mIc is wasted on me. I blamed him for all the problems...


Words fail me about Lambert, Had he been the Captain, deserting his duty, when his ship was going down he would be jailed for life. The thought of walking out on his mates/ Club in their hour of need should never have entered his head. The fact that it did just shows off his selfish mentality. The fact his team were in dire straits didn't matter to him in the slightest... Cant see him winning a lot of fans acting like he did....


Last night , not only did we lose 2 matches, we lost a lot of respect, we lost a lots of support. It was wrong the fans had to watch so many 3 man races, it was wrong to expect them to stay when a referee could have made a sensible decision. After last night our sport is all but dead......


Josh Auty and Jorgensen need a special mention. they were exceptional, What a pity Lambert wasn't made the same way.....

Amazed wolves agreed to the match seeing if knew if 3 or 4 riders were going to get injured that would be in trouble for the second match ...Also amazed that the track was deep at the start when you have 30 heats to run :rofl:

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