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Somerset V Belle Vue. 4.8.17.

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I have been involved with speedway since 1966 in all departments including having a skid myself. I totally agree Dan Bewley is one exceptional talent, I don't know what sort of "team" he has around him - but it has worked well so far! What you see on the track is a future Champion. I think Richard Lawson offers guidance ATM which is great but I would like to see a former rider take him under his wing............ Best wishes for the future Dan Bewley.





I believe Richard Lawson is mentoring him, he was at the Aces/Wolves meeting recently. I agree with you either a former or experienced rider would be helpful which is why I was sorry to see Scotty leave, he would have been perfect.


I think you'll find his mentor is the great Steve Lawson, mate!

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Of course Aces fans care about the riders welfare ,

What a strange thing to say ?


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What can one say, I was soo much looking forward to this return to Somerset, fully expecting a full Belle Vue 1-7 gaining revenge and some what putting to bed our poor show last time at Somerset.


In true speedway fashion, British meetings clashing with european ones and the injury nightmares that tend to arrive at the wrong time.


Still once again well done to Somerset and a great big wish to our injured riders for a fast and complete recovery.

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Running the Rebels Golf day yesterday I spent a bit of time in the company of the Belle Vue management team and what a great bunch of guys they are. They have got some great ideas and plans for the club. They need to improve their golf though but that is another story! :lol:


Regarding Rohan, he was actually due to play in the golf day but called Lemo early in the day to say he couldn't play golf but felt he could ride. I saw Rohan in the pits and he was mostly concerned about gating/starting but reckoned he could ride. His bikes were out of the van and all ready to go. He also showed us the bruise and wow speedway riders are a different breed!! His leg was so so swollen at around 6pm (which a picture was on Twitter) so when they announced nearer the start time that he had been ruled out he wasn't a great surprise to me. Apparently the bruising had got worse as the day had gone on and I ain't no doctor but I can imagine if he had had another fall and hit/damaged that area again (as always seems to happen) he could have been in big trouble. In the end his well being must come first.


Ok, the three rider races were not ideal but things change so fast sometimes in speedway. On Tuesday morning, the two line ups absolutely looked fine with Bellego being a decent guest for Bjerre (which he most definitely was!). After Max's accident in Sweden and then Rohan's spill the two teams that actually took to the track looked far from matched equally. The only thing I can see that could have been avoided/improved the situation was the naming of a number 8 for Belle Vue to cover Fricke. As Somerset had no second half racing planned the only other rider there with a bike was the rebels mascot who is under 16 anyway! No team ever seem to name a number 8 anymore for whatever reason and the Rebels suffered a similar fate against Glasgow in the KO Cup last season at home when both BWD and Tom Bacon were ruled out early on when they were already tracking RR for Wrighty!

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Steve Lawson is mentoring him (I believe) Richards dad.

I believe Richard Lawson is mentoring him, he was at the Aces/Wolves meeting recently. I agree with you either a former or experienced rider would be helpful which is why I was sorry to see Scotty leave, he would have been perfect.

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