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Holder Sacked

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It's obvious this isn't the Chris Holder of old. It's pointless to speculate why, only he knows. My guess is it's mental rather then mechanical. Something has clearly changed since Darcy Wards unfortunate accident.


If you're not giving 100% it's really time to be thinking about chucking it all in. You're cheating your employers, you're cheating your fans and more importantly you're cheating yourself.


Most speedway supporters can forgive a trier, but not many will tolerate one who's clearly going through the motions.

He seems to put more effort into his social media posts then he does on the track.

A tragic waste of talent.

Edited by Shads
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Would have been a good post except for one fact. Buster Chapman caused the whole sorry issue by failing to prepare a safe racing track. I have stated that neither Holder or Batchelor acted responsibly, but rather than just sack the pair, (he clearly doesn't have an apology in his repertoire) he then became vindictive by making sure both riders couldn't ride again this season. The whole episode is the fault of Chapman. The right thing to have done would have been to apologise to the riders and fans for preparing a track deemed dangerous. But instead he acted spitefully and in a retaliatory manner unbecoming of someone who is currently the BSPA chairman.


It appears you wont learn.. Buster had nothing to do with the way Holder acted. Supporter don't pay good money to come and watch Buster ride round on a tractor, they pay to watch riders like Holder ply their skills If Buster acted like an idiot, walked about naked, drove the tractor round backwards, it should have had no bearing on how Holder behaved. He is a professional rider well paid to ride his bike., Unlike his fellow riders it was only Holder who refused to ride. Whatever the faults that Buster done is a separate issue....


Under your philosophy, A man in court for shooting a stranger, his defence would be, Sorry your honour, but it was the shopkeeper at fault. It he hadn't sold me that gun I wouldn't been able to shoot him... An amazing thought....



I ask you the question, why do you think he's the shadow of the man or person he once was.


Holder once was the pinnacle of his trade. He stood proud as a role model for all to follow. He had a stature of responsibility and his opinion was valued. He should have been promoting the sport and using his image to overcome any petty issue like track conditions, not acting like a spoilt child Never would you imagine him to be doing back biting comments and sarcasm on social media. it was thought he was far too intelligent than that. Over the past years his form has suffered from that man who once ruled the world. I take note of the upheaval he has suffered and the stress that accompanies it . But he is a shadow of the rider he once was. Where once he would fight for every position, now its whatever he gates, it'll do.


It hurts me to see the demise of a rider I once thought had an exceptional talent. And what has happened recently only highlights that nobody knows what the future may hold.....

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I was there on the night. The track looked good and rode well in the first few races with VERY fast times. Not a crap track but it seems not easy for the chasing riders but we do not pay towards their wages for it to be easy ( I could do it if it was easy ). It was ridiculous well as a farce for the paying public and made me never want to go to KLS again IF Holder & Batchelor were in the team. I applaud Buster's efforts at re-structuring the club as he needs to "win the terraces" if speedway is to be viable in KL.

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It appears you wont learn.. Buster had nothing to do with the way Holder acted. Supporter don't pay good money to come and watch Buster ride round on a tractor, they pay to watch riders like Holder ply their skills If Buster acted like an idiot, walked about naked, drove the tractor round backwards, it should have had no bearing on how Holder behaved. He is a professional rider well paid to ride his bike., Unlike his fellow riders it was only Holder who refused to ride. Whatever the faults that Buster done is a separate issue....


Under your philosophy, A man in court for shooting a stranger, his defence would be, Sorry your honour, but it was the shopkeeper at fault. It he hadn't sold me that gun I wouldn't been able to shoot him... An amazing thought....




Holder once was the pinnacle of his trade. He stood proud as a role model for all to follow. He had a stature of responsibility and his opinion was valued. He should have been promoting the sport and using his image to overcome any petty issue like track conditions, not acting like a spoilt child Never would you imagine him to be doing back biting comments and sarcasm on social media. it was thought he was far too intelligent than that. Over the past years his form has suffered from that man who once ruled the world. I take note of the upheaval he has suffered and the stress that accompanies it . But he is a shadow of the rider he once was. Where once he would fight for every position, now its whatever he gates, it'll do.


It hurts me to see the demise of a rider I once thought had an exceptional talent. And what has happened recently only highlights that nobody knows what the future may hold.....

Your post makes no sense sorry.


I have said all along that Holder and Batchelor didn't deal with the situation very well. But. The only reason for all this mess is the disastrous track prep by Buster Chapman. There would have been no issue if the track had been prepped correctly. Chapman cocked it up. The rest is history.

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Personally when i go to watch Poole i go to watch the team not just one rider! I don't think I would ever go just to watch Eddie Kennett for example, if i went as a neutral I would need 5/6 riders to be there that i liked to go.


yes you are totally correct,what i meant was he was part of a team,along with Holder,who the supporters of Lynn has paid to watch,


in other other words,the rest of the team manged to ride....

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Buster bladed the track last night so it was as it had been before that Thursday... that's been one of the things for me, why completely change the track conditions for that Thursday against Poole when we wanted everyone to be confident and set up, we wanted to beat the Pirates, should've done the double on them and could've, but no, rest is history 🙁

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Cos the racing as been cack all season. So maybe Buster thought he would try and get it back to the way it has been in the past. We were spolit back in the day Trees, the track has been going down and down as far as racing and entertainment are concerned.


The times of the first few heats on that Thursday, were as quick as we have seen for some time, and they looked quick. Things went pear shaped after heat 4/5 for whatever reason. We can all play the blame game, that's easy with hindsight. Tracks are not always perfect. the big problem for me was the way the fans were treated with no info coming from anywhere.


For me they have all got what they deserve. Buster has pi55 poor crowds for the remainder of the season and the 2 riders wont have to worry about riding any dodgy tracks in the Uk for some time...


You Reap what you sow.

Edited by semion
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Your post makes no sense sorry.


I have said all along that Holder and Batchelor didn't deal with the situation very well. But. The only reason for all this mess is the disastrous track prep by Buster Chapman. There would have been no issue if the track had been prepped correctly. Chapman cocked it up. The rest is history.

And as i quoted you before,if the track was that bad your number one would have been the first one to do a runner.

Cos the racing as been cack all season. So maybe Buster thought he would try and get it back to the way it has been in the past. We were spolit back in the day Trees, the track has been going down and down as far as racing and entertainment are concerned.


The times of the first few heats on that Thursday, were as quick as we have seen for some time, and they looked quick. Things went pear shaped after heat 4/5 for whatever reason. We can all play the blame game, that's easy with hindsight. Tracks are not always perfect. the big problem for me was the way the fans were treated with no info coming from anywhere.


For me they have all got what they deserve. Buster has pi55 poor crowds for the remainder of the season and the 2 riders wont have to worry about riding any dodgy tracks in the Uk for some time...


You Reap what you sow.

Seems like you would be quite happy to see another club fold.

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Tell, happy ? nope. But lose any sleep over it ? Nope. The People running the sport over the last X numbers of years should hang their heads in shame. They have destroyed what was once a great sport/Form of entertainment.


Every season it just lurches from one disaster to the next. Est 700 people at Saddlebow last nights speaks volumes. Gone are the days when you can treat people like mug Punters. People today are far more cute than that. You want their hard earned penny's, then you have to fight every other form of entertainment for it. Sadly speedway continues to shoot itself in the foot. The other Thursday's night is a prime example. It came across as &^%$ the fans, just worry about our own little in house arguments. Then all Buster has to do is stick a bit online or in the EDP to say that's there is nothing to see here, address the few who can then be bothered to turn up from the centre and everything is well with the world.


Dream On....

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Your post makes no sense sorry.


I have said all along that Holder and Batchelor didn't deal with the situation very well. But. The only reason for all this mess is the disastrous track prep by Buster Chapman. There would have been no issue if the track had been prepped correctly. Chapman cocked it up. The rest is history.

its funny if you add a few names to that of holder and batchelor principally doyle, and change chapmans name to perhaps richter or ford and you could well be talking about the debacle that was pooles opening meeting this yr.

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I am usually just a viewer of topics and rarely post, so no doubt some will think this a fake account but just wanted to give my two pence worth:


Someone stated the track had nuts and bolts left over from the stock cars....I would dispute that as there were no stock cars the previous weekend. The previous weekend was Dirtquake and I doubt there was much in the way of metal debris left on the track after that. Anyone who watched it on ITV4 would see there was plenty of track work done during the two days and very little in the way of dirt.


The track for the Poole meeting was obviously different from normal. The fast times would lead you to assume that is was different, but not unrideable. Much track work ensued mid meeting, and the meeting was completed, so again it was rideable.


The problem as I see it, is that certain riders did not like it. I'm sure other riders don't like other tracks on certain dates but surely the rider is a professional and it is their job to ride the track presented by adapting lines, techniques and equipment to suit the conditions.


Isn't that what sets the top riders apart from others? Their ability to adapt quicker and keep on top of conditions and setups?


Each track will be different each week, sometimes in a small way but sometimes in a bigger way as was the case for this one.


The resulting actions have been well documented and I support Kings Lynn in their decision making. I would rather see 7 riders committed to racing and losing, than I would see half a team committed while the others were not interested and maybe won or maybe lost.


Good luck to THJ and MPT for the remaining fixtures.


Holder and Batchelor treated the club and fans with contempt and have paid the price. I won't be losing any sleep over it.




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It's sad, so sad, it's a sad sad situation, and it's getting more and more absurd


OK, Elton John :party::party:

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Your post makes no sense sorry.


I have said all along that Holder and Batchelor didn't deal with the situation very well. But. The only reason for all this mess is the disastrous track prep by Buster Chapman. There would have been no issue if the track had been prepped correctly. Chapman cocked it up. The rest is history.

Absolute tosh!


12 riders were happy to race on and 2 didnt. 2 riders who are well known for whinging and moaning.


Ok so the track wasnt great but during your reports during the meeting you were wondering why the Kings Lynn riders were not racing. Now you seem to agree that they were right not to race.


Well done Buster Chapman for making a stand. We dont need the likes of Holder and Batch over here.


Even better that he made sure no other clubs could get hold of them

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Just seen Chris Holder in a Polish league match ,way off the pace probably won't last much longer there, the championship league beckons.


Been past his sell-by date for some time :sad:

I am usually just a viewer of topics and rarely post, so no doubt some will think this a fake account but just wanted to give my two pence worth:


Someone stated the track had nuts and bolts left over from the stock cars....I would dispute that as there were no stock cars the previous weekend. The previous weekend was Dirtquake and I doubt there was much in the way of metal debris left on the track after that. Anyone who watched it on ITV4 would see there was plenty of track work done during the two days and very little in the way of dirt.


The track for the Poole meeting was obviously different from normal. The fast times would lead you to assume that is was different, but not unrideable. Much track work ensued mid meeting, and the meeting was completed, so again it was rideable.


The problem as I see it, is that certain riders did not like it. I'm sure other riders don't like other tracks on certain dates but surely the rider is a professional and it is their job to ride the track presented by adapting lines, techniques and equipment to suit the conditions.


Isn't that what sets the top riders apart from others? Their ability to adapt quicker and keep on top of conditions and setups?


Each track will be different each week, sometimes in a small way but sometimes in a bigger way as was the case for this one.


The resulting actions have been well documented and I support Kings Lynn in their decision making. I would rather see 7 riders committed to racing and losing, than I would see half a team committed while the others were not interested and maybe won or maybe lost.


Good luck to THJ and MPT for the remaining fixtures.


Holder and Batchelor treated the club and fans with contempt and have paid the price. I won't be losing any sleep over it.


Sums it up nicely. Completely right and anyone with more than a single brain cell knows it.

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