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Lakeside V Birmingham 28july


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As for Jon Cook driving a tractor, can't they afford a proper track curator now?

If you actually went to meetings you would know Cook drives one of the tractors when the other is out watering, but he is not the track curator. There is a new track curator this season and several times both home and away teams have said it was a well prepared track. See Matt Williamsons comments on Twitter for example after the Buxton meeting.


Of course, you don't want to hear that because you only want to sit on the sidelines and snipe instead of giving credit where it's due. I noticed on Friday that Ken has taken a lot of bumps out of the track that were causing problems last year but weren't dealt with.

Edited by Daytripper
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As for Jon Cook driving a tractor, can't they afford a proper track curator now?

What an utterly stupid comment from someone that can never wait to put the knife in.


What is a "proper " track curator ? As long as the track gets done properly it doesn't matter who does it. Len Silver used drive the tractor for all the tracks he promoted at for years. Buster Chapman drives the tractor at Kings Lynn and Bob Dugard has driven the tractor at Eastbourne for years. What on earth is wrong with a promoter driving a tractor at his own track ?

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Doesn't matter whether I go now or not, I've probably spent more time and money going to meetings at Arena Essex in my lifetime than you ever will, I've paid my dues many times over, I'm entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not.

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Jon Cook can obviously do whatever he likes.


But first and foremost, as an apparent Promoter, one would expect him to engage with his customer base and communicate what exactly is going on.


If the club has pulled out of a competition, surely it's common courtesy to at least let people know; and also explain why?

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Eastbourne got a bye after winning against Kent straight though too the semi after Kings Lynn pulled out the league

That's fair enough, I don't have a problem with that. You can't race against anyone who is no longer there for whatever reason.


This situation is entirely different. Lakeside have unilaterally decided that they are not going to honour their cup fixture with Belle Vue due to 'a lack of available dates'. Come off it. In a league which only has 11 teams in it? Frankly, that's laughable.


That said, you can only get away with what you are allowed to. My own view on a lot of things is if you don't ask, you don't get. In this case, Lakeside should have submitted the cancellation as a request, not a statement of intent. The very fact that the BSPA and the SCB have not made any comment on this and buried as a minor footnote in a very vague manner shows that they just don't give a toss any more, so why should the supporters?


It's been said on this thread that there has been a woeful lack of promotion from the Hammers camp this year. I would agree with that, and add that you can put a hell of a lot more 'promotions' into that bracket. A vast swathe of the fanbase in speedway these days is continually being taken for granted. It's simply not good enough, but with the current clique in charge, when is that going to end?

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Jon Cook can obviously do whatever he likes.

But first and foremost, as an apparent Promoter, one would expect him to engage with his customer base and communicate what exactly is going on.

If the club has pulled out of a competition, surely it's common courtesy to at least let people know; and also explain why?

That is a fair point. Unfortunately engaging with the customer base has never been Cooks strong point but he seems to have got worse over the last two or three years. There was a time, not so long ago when he was at least very candid with the fans in his programme notes and I used to enjoy reading them, but we don't even get that now. It seems to be a disease that a lot of promoters suffer from.


I actually think that apart from his reluctance to engage with the fans he is a good promoter in many ways but for whatever reason, he doesn't seem to have the drive and enthusiasm he had a few years ago.

Doesn't matter whether I go now or not, I've probably spent more time and money going to meetings at Arena Essex in my lifetime than you ever will, I've paid my dues many times over, I'm entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not.

Anyone can have an opinion but it's a good idea to have an opinion based on fact.

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Lakeside has been a very low key place to watch speedway this season. Poor crowds haven't helped, but the general apathy from the hard core just adds to The lack of atmosphere. For Me personally, I have enjoyed the meetings, but a lot of my fellow arena regulars have voted with their feet.

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I used to stand with a group of around ten people, all full paying adults, and that has gone down to just one or two, and most of those were not johnnie come lately's, they were once died in the wool fans, and that is a fact!

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Lakeside has been a very low key place to watch speedway this season. Poor crowds haven't helped, but the general apathy from the hard core just adds to The lack of atmosphere. For Me personally, I have enjoyed the meetings, but a lot of my fellow arena regulars have voted with their feet.

Certainly seems to be the case. The absentees, for what ever reason, are contributing to the possible demise of the club. Agree, communication needs improving - is NL temporary whilst British Speedway attempts to sort out its many issues - has there been any progress in finding a new home? I have been to every meeting that I could and on the whole have enjoyed the experience - yes, speedway at this level is different given the wide range of ability within teams but I would put the level of 'exciting heats/good races' at a par with higher levels.


I know not everyone will share my opinion and that is to be expected.

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I agree with everything you say. Although I'm not a lakeside fan, I have attended every home meeting this season. I have also seen the hammers at Eastbourne, Kent, IOW and Birmingham. Unfortunately I can't make next Sundays match against the Eagles. I have a prior engagement at Wembley the same afternoon!

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Certainly seems to be the case. The absentees, for what ever reason, are contributing to the possible demise of the club. Agree, communication needs improving - is NL temporary whilst British Speedway attempts to sort out its many issues - has there been any progress in finding a new home? I have been to every meeting that I could and on the whole have enjoyed the experience - yes, speedway at this level is different given the wide range of ability within teams but I would put the level of 'exciting heats/good races' at a par with higher levels.


I know not everyone will share my opinion and that is to be expected.

I was talking to the tenant of one of the shops on Friday, and he was saying that the stadium owners would still like to sell up but everything is on hold at the moment until a decision is confirmed about the new Dartford crossing . I thought they were going to build it further down the river near Tilbury but he said nothing has been finalised yet and nobody is going to pay a lot of money for the stadium at the moment in case plans for the new crossing change and then they cant get planning permission to do whatever they want to do, if, for example the politicians decide to build the new crossing next to the existing one. I would imagine the same principle applies to getting land for a potential new speedway track. I am only surmising but my guess is that there wont be any movement for some time yet.


Interestingly the chap I was talking to said attendances at stock car meetings is falling away as well so it could possibly be part of a modern trend away from stadium based entertainment. In the DVD/digital/internet age it seems to me that more and more people want their entertainment in front of a computer or TV screen.

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This situation is entirely different. Lakeside have unilaterally decided that they are not going to honour their cup fixture with Belle Vue due to 'a lack of available dates'. Come off it. In a league which only has 11 teams in it? Frankly, that's laughable.


From Belle Vue's point of view, if they manage to make money out of the NL, then aren't they entitled compensation from Lakeside? OR (more likely) if Belle Vue lose money in the NL, then they'll be quietly grateful for the bye into the next round, won't they.

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I know one thing, which is the owners of the Arena Essex site are sitting on a fortune, the land alone must be worth millions and to a property company you could almost name any price.

I wonder if they want to sell in order to move somewhere else or whether they just want to get out of motorsport full stop?

Does anyone know if the site has got any covenants on it, pertaining to its use?

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There is a lot more going on behind the scene then anyone realises

a lot of which is positive i have heard so please lay off jon & co as they

cannot reveal any thing until all is in stone which is common practice

in business talks. also remember a few weeks ago jon in an interview

at the track said there was some exciting news hopefully in a month or

so . i must admit though that pulling out the KOC does seem a bit funny

but then again there is proberly a valid reason for it will have to wait and see


regarding track and attendance track is done with less than half of the

staff it was when in the prem just goes to prove that some were only after the free pass

my two children have been ground staff for years and all there at the moment do a fantastic

job and i help out when i can and still pay my entrance fee dont expect everyone to do the

same but a bit of help now and again wouldnt go a miss as the saturday and sunday meetings

which a lot of people ask for save the m25 on fridays are a problem as i have had to go early

afternoon as not enough staff to put up the track let alone take it down saturday the worst as

cant start putting up till after 3pm as stock car pratice.

so please people stop moaning and get behind your club now as i am sure you will all

be the first if we do get our own stadia and return to the PREM aswell as NL i would of thought


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With respect maybe you should tell the promotion or whoever it is you are on the inside with that they need to look after what fans they have left (not the likes of myself but the people who go every week) or else by the time they get a new stadium (if that happens) they won't have any fans left.


As for future exciting news I feel too many have now come under the boy who cried wolf scenario, you get lied to time after time and nothing washes anymore, why should we believe that all of a sudden that the boy is telling the truth?

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I agree fans should know and if nothing comes to pass in the next few weeks

then i will be the first to show my distaste as agreed it has happened too often

but i do feel there is something deep going on as there is some sort of grief

with zacs replacement lets wait and see.

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We keep hearing about a new stadium to be built, but, with the news about the alternative river crossing to be considered, it seems to me that a new

stadium is highly unlikely.....but I hope I'm wrong. Personally I like the National League although I would have liked to see more effort to introduce

new young riders from Martin Hagon's school into the team so that we can watch them learn and grow. Our nearest neighbours seem to be able to do that.

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