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Poole 2018

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GP riders without an official average or GP riders who failed to support British speedway last season are a 9. Riders like Woffinden get the average they deserve for deserting British speedway.

Quite simple and fair.

That's why it isn't fair. You can't regrade some and not others.

Complete farce and totally unfair.

Any team that signs a rider who didn't ride here in 2017 are getting a ringer. And deserve all the ill feeling that comes with it.

Thanks again to the complete incompetence of the BSPA.

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Why should we have one set for some and another set of rules for others absolute rubbish

your correct mate.


A gp rider who isnt getting any better (Tai, Zagar) has to come in on an inflated average.


Yet a young rider can take a year out of British Speedway..........improve ...............and then come in on a false average!

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The strange part is all gp riders will be a 9 average except a certain ex world champion who will be 7.18. How is that right? Could someone please explain, I know the official reason is because he has an official 2017 average but surely that proves that 9 is a totally unrealistic figure, especially for the likes of Vaculik in his first season over here

Just out of interest..not that he will ride here..but what would lebedeves average be?

Who knows
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What a load of old tosh!! Troll away.


So because Tai and Zagar didnt ride here last season they ' deserted' British Speedway.


Yet Kacper Woryna didnt desert British Speedway then?? Whats the difference?? Ah yes you hate Tai and Woryna wants to ride for Poole.


How about then that we give Chris Holder a 9 point average for disgracefully refusing to ride over here for half a season then???

He commented on Tais post but im not sure he actually knows the truth and seems stunned like everyone else why Tai is a 9.


He didn't refuse to ride for half a season idiot

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Personally I think if they have an ave that's it if they have not ridden here they get an assessed ave, winning speedway teams have always been done by getting in riders either on a false ave or getting someone who will improve loads ie getting a youngster on a 3 pt ave when you know he is going to do much better than that as he is a golden talent, Teams should be allowed to assemble their teams how they want 2 or even 3 big hitters or go with strong this would reserves and also tacitical subs should be when 6 behind each rider can have one ts ride this would also give team managers more input into matches so they could actually influence their sides at the moment a team manger doesn't do much . make matches more interesting

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2 new signings for Poole 2018 will be appearing at the Pirates Store in the Poole Dolphin Centre next week - more details to follow!!!


Everyone loves a Christmas party. :-)

Holder comes back from holiday next week(Alps skiing) and Shanes can just nip in the car with Middlo. So I going for those 2.


I imagine Kyle will be announced tommorow for Leicester .

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If Woryna in 2016 had acheived a 7.5 average for Coventry, would some still be bleating he should still be re-assessed?


The sport has always been that promotions look for riders with improvement in them. Take away that and it sanitises the sport. All clubs look for riders who might add to their starting average. It’s the name of the game.


Remember Boycey and Adams starting on a 2 average. Didn’t Crump as well?


And some are so desperate they want CH to be re-assessed to 9? Lol!

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