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Poole 2018

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IMO (and based on what I heard from the office on Wednesday) there is no way Nicholls will end up at Poole.  Harris on 6.86 could replace any of the top five and Poole would still stay under the 42.50 team limit.

Given the choice would Bomber want to displace his Glasgow team mate giving Poole the added risk of losing another track man!!?? :rolleyes:


Edited by Skidder1
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There was a time when riders available following an unfortunate team loss would be allocated to the weaker teams.

It would keep the league competitive but alas the sport has chosen a different and more destructive route now.

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48 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

IMO (and based on what I heard from the office on Wednesday) there is no way Nicholls will end up at Poole.  Harris on 6.86 could replace any of the top five and Poole would still stay under the 42.50 team limit.

Given the choice would Bomber want to displace his Glasgow team mate giving Poole the added risk of losing another track man!!?? :rolleyes:


Stewart has already left, Matt has realised the guys who did it before were best left alone.

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All this rider move talk, after the sad demise of another track..... The words PARASITE & VULTURE come into my head - is it only me?

This would be the same teams that appeared to offer no compromise to the Rye House situation.

ALSO are the new prospective employers willing to offer the "super duper" guarantees that they were on @ Rye. 

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I throw this one open to my Poole Supporter colleagues but to anyone else as we seem to be the most visited Forum topic anyway ;)

I put up the idea some time ago that MAYBE to save the sport in UK we should change the format to reduce costs.

My idea revolved around one big league. Or 2 regional leagues with say the top 4 from each going into a play off system. Just knocking the ideas around here.

Each team to be made up of 5 riders (come back to that) plus 2 N/L riders say 22 or under. I say that age range to give our young riders or 16/17/18 a chance as most over 22 have been around a while in N/L and either have/will never make the top 1/2 flights. Or if a promoter feels he wants to put one in his top 5 so be it. Then it surely would  reduce cost by not having 7 top riders. Matches could be programmed where the N/L riders get say 2 N/L rider quality rides only against each other and then 1 from each team to be raced against each other together with a top half rider in the other 2 so they get that valuable experience of riding against proven riders and they don't get hammered each ride thus affecting their confidence as they progress. These riders can also keep their N/L places to help further their development. A min of 3 rides per N/L rider (lets call them the reserves for this exercise).

The top 5 to be made up to a points limit which is workable for all or the majority of promoters. If the promotors want to use all foreign riders - or a mix of Uk/foreign or even all UK that is their choice. My reasoning behind this is that some foreign  riders will still want to ride UK because either they are resident here. Such as Doyle/NKI/Klindt/Holder Sr etc or they reside mainly in UK during our Speedway season such as all the Aussies. We should not distract those promoters who do want some of the exciting foreign talent IF they feel they can afford the expense or have Sponsors who are willing to finance it. We would have a natural culling on that score anyway due to my next point.

Teams should be allowed to ride on race days that suit them and not days dictated by the FIM who ultimately will protect Poland which I fully understand as ultimately whichever way you want to view it, they rule the speedway World in  respect of Stadia/Crowds/Finance from local towns/cities (they are so bloody lucky)/Sponsorship and  rider quality.

IF a UK team chooses say a Saturday to help save the club financially and to get better support, then a rider can decide if he wants to ride UK or pass up and bow to his say Polish Masters who pay the vast majority of his salary. We have to accept that as no way these top guys will pass on Poland. Same when it comes to SWE/DK.

Now this may cost us some riders and with it the promoters also save the large expense that comes with some who don't reside here. BUT the time has come for UK to get its house in order or the sport dies.

Ultimately the fate of our Sport may be decided anyway by falling crowds - stadium redevelopment into residential/industrial just as it has with things like the sport itself and greyhound racing. Maybe the number of clubs will drop eventually and the force of numbers forces us into one league anyway just to survive.

Obviously there are various variations or no doubt ideas on how the above could be developed, but hopefully someone out there and maybe even promoter/s may look in and take some of the thoughts forward as we sure do need to do something more radical to save the sport. Another idea is maybe 6 man teams with a 4 plus 2 or 5 plus 1 idea based on my above thoughts.

Again putting out there as food for thought.

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3 hours ago, Ghosty said:

All this rider move talk, after the sad demise of another track..... The words PARASITE & VULTURE come into my head - is it only me?

This would be the same teams that appeared to offer no compromise to the Rye House situation.

ALSO are the new prospective employers willing to offer the "super duper" guarantees that they were on @ Rye.

I doubt the riders are thinking along those lines, they still need to earn a living

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3 hours ago, Ghosty said:

All this rider move talk, after the sad demise of another track..... The words PARASITE & VULTURE come into my head - is it only me?

This would be the same teams that appeared to offer no compromise to the Rye House situation.

ALSO are the new prospective employers willing to offer the "super duper" guarantees that they were on @ Rye. 

Scott and bomber have already contacted Matt ford ?

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