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Poole 2018

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As a reserve.


After all of these years he is still a reserve. Which proves my point. He hasn't improved.


Whilst other riders who were part of the FTR system have kicked on.


Jason garrity hasn't both Jason and Kyle have there fair share of injuries in the last couple of years .Matt ford did not give Kyle a fair chance last season after he came back from injury so we will never know .Kyle did a lot over the years promoting Poole speedway but then you wouldn't know that!!!
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Jason garrity hasn't both Jason and Kyle have there fair share of injuries in the last couple of years .Matt ford did not give Kyle a fair chance last season after he came back from injury so we will never know .Kyle did a lot over the years promoting Poole speedway but then you wouldn't know that!!!


Garrity did actually kick on. He got himself into the Coventry 1-5 and held his own.


Promoting doesn't score points on the track does it.

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I don't think you can explain to a glory hunting numpty who clearly doesn't understand what Kyle has done in the past.


Absolute rubbish. We haven't won a league title for a couple of years yet I'm still a Poole fan.


None of you can come up with a logical reason so you result to childish insults.


Bjarne Pedersen has done a lot for this club in the past but you wouldn't want him back would you.

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Jason garrity hasn't both Jason and Kyle have there fair share of injuries in the last couple of years .Matt ford did not give Kyle a fair chance last season after he came back from injury so we will never know .Kyle did a lot over the years promoting Poole speedway but then you wouldn't know that!!!

Nobody can deny Kyle's loyalty to the club. He has Poole blood in his veins.


HOWEVER - Let's not lose sight of what Kyle achieved in the seasons 2014/15/16. In all 3 seasons as one of the top 3/4 Elite draft riders he got in on 3 for 2 seasons and 4.10 for 1 season. Meaning in all 3 seasons he started at reserve and in effect near enough stayed there all season despite his GSA outstripping some of his more senior team mates. One could argue that it gave him a kind of false av as an EDR meaning he could score well above his EDR rating.


Many of his points were scored against inferior and in many cases vastly inexperienced riders and its incredible to think we had a whole season near enough of Kyle & Starke riding as EDR reserves. No wonder we won the league with such a pairing.


Now I wont deny for one minute that Kyle did have some mega rides at times like he did in those 2016 semi final meetings against Wolves and Woffinden but overall it has to be put in perspective against many of the riders he did meet for the majority of those seasons homes & away.


In 2017 he no longer had that cushion and with a combination of a couple of injuries and no longer facing mainly EDR quality riders most of the time his av arguably suffered in both Prem , plus he didn't do so great at Ipswich in Champ either at just over 6.


He got over his early season injury which helped lose his place at Poole, but at the end of the season he still only had a GSA of 4.86 from 15 meetings for Leicester and 6.10 from 27 meetings for Ipswich.


The question is: Was Kyle's av artificially high for those 3 seasons he spent near enough as an EDR rider and is his real av what he achieved with Leicester and Ipswich, although even then he was lowest of the Leicester riders and was riding mainly as reserve so not always against the big hitters.


As much as Kyle's loyalty and love of Poole, we are ultimately in a results driven business. Matt Ford must have some reservations as to where Kyle's career may be heading at 26 next week, especially when one see's how Kyle Howarth who is the nearest rider of comparable ability I compared him with over the last 4/5 years has moved forward. In 2014/15 Newman for me was the better and more exciting rider of the two. However for me Newman has not gone forward like Howarth has and the GSA's do not lie in both Prem and Champ.


I agree Newman's injuries over the last few seasons has not helped BUT that is another factor that potentially works against Matt signing him as he has had to miss part of the season in nearly every one in the last 3/4 years.


And yes I do accept that Poole's poorly prepared track in that start of season open meeting last season sure played its part in crocking him yet again.


I would always have had Kyle back as a reserve but I think Matt feels he has maybe got that covered with Woryna and will possibly use someone like Shames on 1.91 points less than Kyle so he can use that further up the team to give more strength in depth

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There is no issue between Kyle and the club or the club and Kyle. The issue if there is one involves certain members of Kyle's entourage who took very public umbrage at Kyle's sacking.


Kyle was not fully fit and arguably came back to race too soon but if he had completed a couple more meetings whilst still underperforming then his average would have dropped to around 3.5, which would have given MF an even more difficult task to replace him with anyone decent. As it was Paull Starke came in and did an OK job.

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Absolute rubbish. We haven't won a league title for a couple of years yet I'm still a Poole fan.


None of you can come up with a logical reason so you result to childish insults.


Bjarne Pedersen has done a lot for this club in the past but you wouldn't want him back would you.

Think of us Lynn fans :o

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Absolute rubbish. We haven't won a league title for a couple of years yet I'm still a Poole fan.


None of you can come up with a logical reason so you result to childish insults.


Bjarne Pedersen has done a lot for this club in the past but you wouldn't want him back would you.


Please leave my old mucker out of it thanks

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Not even Gater and my post is a fact.


Last 3 averages in the 2nd tier back up my point that he has not improved.


2015 - 6.84

2016 - 6.31

2017 - 6.10



I have never thought you were KKS but 1000% certain you are gater as well so dont start that BS.


The Poole fans who attend meetings love Newman. Easy to post stats and say get him out from your armchair but Shovlar, FB, Starman etc used to see him every week and know better than you.

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If C Holder has another poor season anywhere the usual flakes will bring Darcy's accident up as the prime cause they always do, every time Holder does not do well fans just blame it on the Darcy accident!

Only Holder knows whats going on.He was poor everywhere in 2017.Some say he couldn't get his bikes working.Some think it was his buddy's accident..While it seems strange for a whole season that he couldn't get his bikes right, it may well of been some of his problems,some of the time,but "that night" bikes didn't have nothing to do with it.

Maybe a sports psychologist might help,if he hasn't already been down that route.

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It's because you know I'm right and that's why you cant come up with a reason.


Kyle's Championship average has dropped for the last 3 seasons.


He got sacked this season because he couldn't cut it in the 1-5.


End of story.


He got sacked because he wasnt given enough track time to recover from an injury caused by Fords poorly prepared track. This is why Im not attending Poole matches anymore whilst Ford is in charge. Total lack of investment in the track and equipment. Sooner or later imo someone is going to get seriously hurt on that track and I dont want to be there when it happen. Edited by Pirate Nick
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