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Poole 2018

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Bjarne Pedersen possibly as well as having a farewell meeting.

Personally would like to see a certain KN back with his low GSA as he could go in as both a Brit - Loyal Poole man who tries his hardest for Poole - If he keeps fit (finally after last 2 seasons of bad luck) would be a great as second reserve on his 4.22 current GSA which with luck and only 2 meetings left he could maybe maintain ;-)


To have say both Newman and Woryna as the reserves would really be good. Again league set up for 2018 - points limits - what make up of team has to be if 2 Brits minimum all go into the melting pot.


Would like to think Kyles release earlier this season is behind both parties. For sure from a Biz point of view and with his av dropping and Pooles bad form, decisions had to be made which were not pleasant. His injury for sure affected his form but had he not been released, then from a GSA perspective Ford would have been up a creek. Fortunately Kyle got fixed up but certainly as a rider who gives 100% having him float in and out of reserve would be good.


Where that puts James Shanes ??? - Still not sure what is the right and wrong move as he will still be weak at reserve although hopefully a little better. Will Matt Ford take any risks next year though after this year. Somehow I don't think he will.


Interesting thoughts to ponder.

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Fair point.

Lets see if I can guess. Skidder could you answer the following questions please.


Does this rider currently ride in Britain?


Has this rider ridden in Britain in the past?


Is the rider a Poole asset?


Is the rider a HL, 2nd string or reserve?


Is the rider British?


So Skidder said YES regarding two of my questions. Apparently the rumour is that the signing is another rider on a 5 something average.


It obviously isn't anyone currently riding in Britain. We can't speak to riders when they are currently riding for a club unless they are riding for Poole of course. Skidder has said NO to all of our 5 pointers.


The rider isn't British because there is only 2 decent British riders on 5 point averages and they are currently riding for other clubs and Matt wouldn't be allowed to negotiate with them yet.


So the rider in question has obviously rode in Britain in the past because I am pretty sure Skidder said cheekily said yes to question No.4 (Is the rider a HL, 2nd string or Reserve). So its either a rider on a 5 who is currently a Poole asset or its a new rider to Poole on a 5 something average.


If its a current Poole asset then Milik is the only option because Skidder has said No to all current 5 pointers from this season and we don't really have any 5 pointers on our retained list apart from Milik, KK & THJ. KK will never be seen in a Poole race suit again and we cant talk to THJ at the moment as he is riding for KL.


I can see Matt getting in quick to sign Milik. If it isn't a Poole asset then it has to be one of the following.


Wozniak - Will not do Britain.

Walasek - Matt wouldn't touch him with a barge pole

Korneliussen - Past it.


I think its Milik. If not then the signing will probably be a let down since Skidder has said NO to all the decent riders on a 5 point average.

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Where have I said NO to all the 5 pointers?? Where have I said that the rider isn't riding in this country? All I said to you was to re-think (maybe reconsider was a better word) your earlier options.


Of course when I also said the answer was YES to 2 of your questions - that didn't rule out the same answer also applying to more of those same questions?!

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Where have I said NO to all the 5 pointers?? Where have I said that the rider isn't riding in this country? All I said to you was to re-think (maybe reconsider was a better word) your earlier options.


Of course when I also said the answer was YES to 2 of your questions - that didn't rule out the same answer also applying to more of those same questions?!



I'm sure we will find out soon enough. But from what I've heard people are happy with the signing!! Skidder are you happy with it?

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ps. So good to catch up with THJ again last night.

Hope its not TJH as for me a backward step based on his scores this season and to me has gone backwards wherever he is riding both UK and Cont.


I notice his UK av for Kings Lynn is dropping even further below the current GSA 5.69 based on woefully low scores last 1/2 weeks.


Only mention it as never know if you are dropping a hint Skidder.


He meets certain of PPF criteria as he rides UK - has ridden UK. Is he not a Poole asset as if so surely doesn't need KL approval to discuss next season as he is already as asset.


Also interesting how his scores are dropping with his av as the season draws to a close. In 16 rides since last GSA came out he has got a massive.... 12 points i.e 3.00 per 4 rides.


Not bad if you are trying to drop your av (not saying he is but IF.....)


Just checked KL site and up to last night his av had dropped to 5.00. Indeed maybe becomes interesting if he gets some engines instead of peddle power for next season :-)


Maybe I am way off the mark but keeps it interesting ;-)

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I have to admit this has been quite enjoyable so far!!! lol Should keep a few occupied over the Autumn.

Certainly doing my brain cells in ;-)


The trouble with taking early retirement (by choice) is that you over think like hell who it might be when its the club you support.


In football you get too many names put in the public domain but with you Skidder its like trying to squeeze the lemon drip by drip to get some hints/clues.


Impatient ?? - Of course - but that's what the forum is all about. Speedway fanatics/fans scouring for info on who may be riding for their club next season even if we are still at the front end of this. Liverpool FC named Keita as signed for next year. Why cant we at least get a rumoured name or reasonable clues to point us in the right direction. Even if they don't come off it stops the over active brain cells scouring the SGB website and GSA's for clues as to who it might be ;-)

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I have to admit this has been quite enjoyable so far!!! lol Should keep a few occupied over the Autumn.

Only those that want to play the "I know something you don't know" game. Not really interested in who Poole have signed for next season because this season is still underway - but enjoy yourself!

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If it upsets you so much Steve0 then stay off the thread - Simples.


Although I suggest you keep an eye on this one. Lol

Keep it going Skidder.


This is far more interesting than a lot of the personal sniping and back biting that seems to frequent any topic that has Poole as a subject on this forum.


Any more clues or hints are always welcome of course, but if not happy to at least have the brain matter trying to work out who it may be. Plus if those who may know already seem happy with the possible signing then I will await with eager anticipation ;-)

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Where did I say it upsets me? As I said I'm not interested in playing your game.

Nobody is interested in playing your game either mr boring..

Edited by Starman2006
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