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Buster Chapman - Is He Good For The Sport?

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I never said his posts were ignorance. I said, if you as someone with a good working of the sport can only state the blindingly obvious doom and gloom we are lost indeed. We need a positive approach and suggestions what can be done to turn the corner.

I apologise for opening my mouth.

No need to apologise - but didn't Chapman junior have a positive approach when he was involved at both Lynn and with the shared events. What happened to that positivity?

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Obviously not seen the Olympique held at Wolverhampton.

Isn't the Olympique Meeting held at Wolves a Handicap Meeting? It was during my time therefore a one off format which obviously makes the racing more unpredictable.


Should speedway, therefore, be looking at (re)introducing handicap racing generally if the format encourages passing, unpredictability, and excitement to try and entice new fans thru' the gate?

Edited by steve roberts
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He got involved in speedway.


It is easy for those of us who have highlighted the negative aspects of speedway in recent years to be labelled doom and gloom merchants. We have ( collectively ) put forward and continue to put forward positive , constructive ideas which seem to be be unheard by the BSPA or are not considered. Every business - except speedway finds feedback from their customers highly desirable and worth collecting and listening to.

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It is easy for those of us who have highlighted the negative aspects of speedway in recent years to be labelled doom and gloom merchants. We have ( collectively ) put forward and continue to put forward positive , constructive ideas which seem to be be unheard by the BSPA or are not considered. Every business - except speedway finds feedback from their customers highly desirable and worth collecting and listening to.

If someone on the 'inside' with some reasonably positive ideas can't persuade the incumbents of the need to change, I feel there's little hope the fans can. That's assuming the fans can even agree on what they want, which judging from this forum is pretty unlikely.


In reality, successful businesses don't really base their decisions on customer feedback. They judge what they think will sell, but respond quickly if things don't work out, and try something else. Speedway shouldn't be any different, but the problem is that it just doesn't have the capitalisation anymore to risk doing something different, even though its current trajectory is towards oblivion.

Edited by Humphrey Appleby
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The real problem is that the BSPA were finally eager for Buster to become Chairman ( after his years of agitating for change ) because the job is a poisoned chalice, in the sense that no-one can turn the sport around because it has declined too far already. When Buster stands down, as he will, who is there to take over who really has a chance to revise the sport?

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I know the financial mechanics of running a team in every single league of British Speedway, and I can assure you that without TV money the quality of rider that teams can afford without wealthy backers is equal to second strings in the championship as heat leaders (or whatever league is set up to replace it).


A few may try to front it out and prove top level speedway can exist without TV money but they will go bust by June or July. In addition to that if Championship and Premiership tried to amalgamate their would be a shortage of what we call second string riders so that means it would again push riders demands up. This years championship reserves could find themselves catapulted to stardom but I am not sure how many fans will come to watch them race.


Overall summary: Pack of Cards

I tend to agree with the thoughts you have but what is strange is that Swindon has just transferred a second rider into the team. Another Premiership team is possibly not going to continue next year.

Why would Swindon be buying "assets"?, maybe go speed know something about 2018.

Edited by A ORLOV
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I tend to agree with the thoughts you have but what is strange is that Swindon has just transferred a second rider into the team. Another Premiership team is possibly not going to continue next year.

Why would Swindon be buying "assets"?, maybe go speed know something about 2018.

Because Swindon have a shiny new stadium in someone's garage in Wales just waiting to be bolted together, that's why.




"Liontamer, News at Ten, Cloud Cuckoo Land"

Edited by Liontamer
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Because Swindon have a shiny new stadium in someone's garage in Wales just waiting to be bolted together, that's why.




"Liontamer, News at Ten, Cloud Cuckoo Land"

If it ever appears, but the team are signing prem level riders not championship.

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I tend to agree with the thoughts you have but what is strange is that Swindon has just transferred a second rider into the team. Another Premiership team is possibly not going to continue next year.

Why would Swindon be buying "assets"?, maybe go speed know something about 2018.

Maybe there is a sponsor on the horizon but will the bspa waste another opportunity to build the sport and get it right at last.

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Why would any major sponsor decide to back speedway or the BSPA? They would surely have taken a long hard look at the sport and unless the would be sponsor is led by an existing fan, there cannot be much "meat " in the idea. Except of course IF there is a continuation of the BT coverage and that might entice someone if the viewer numbers warrant it. Can't see it myself.

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Why would any major sponsor decide to back speedway or the BSPA?


Before they get that far, they would have to be seduced by Terry Russell's SloSpeed International Ltd outfit, as they have the sole privilages / responsiility for finding the BSPA / Leagues their title sponsors.

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If Buster gets this postponement V Rye House wrong and the evening turns out fine, he will have failed Stars fans again. And if he believes that the Poole debacle is "behind us" he should consider his position as Chairman of the BSPA and think about the right time to step down, His leadership rating is very poor.

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If Buster gets this postponement V Rye House wrong and the evening turns out fine, he will have failed Stars fans again. And if he believes that the Poole debacle is "behind us" he should consider his position as Chairman of the BSPA and think about the right time to step down, His leadership rating is very poor.


What do you mean gets it wrong? He knows today will be nice and sunny all day. I've been at Lynn after a deluge - with the sun out the track is fine again just a few hours later. Surely everyone can see through this 'postponement'. Look what happened to Belle Vue a few years ago - and they had better reasons to cancel in my view. Can't really see the BSPA taking action against their chairman but Rye can feel rightly aggrieved.

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KL appear to be in disarray. Buster needs to kick a few behinds, maybe sack a couple riders and throw his arms open to what faithful fans he still has. Smoothing over the cracks, I fear, may be the road to disaster.

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Buster is like marmite - Love him ( and his leadership style ) or Loathe him and his ideas for the future of speedway. He will remain there for a few years yet ( unless he decides otherwise ) and speedway as a whole will have no choice but to live with the results of his efforts. At least he is not an " everything is OK " fence sitter ,as it had been for the previous fifteen years or so.

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