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Stars V Pirates. 13 July

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Poole are welcome to Chris Holder. I cannot justify attending The AFA anymore whilst Holder is in the team. How can you possibly respect a rider who incites other riders to withdraw their services because he does not like the track set-up. The writing was on the wall when he refused to come out in heat seven.

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In fairness that was after the remedial work which involved a lot of sawdust.

That's true, but look at the times of the races last night. I think they were all under 60 seconds, very consistent throughout the meeting and although there wasn't much passing, there were one or two decent races. I've seen the Lynn track in far worse condition than that after very heavy rain, and the riders still gave it a go with times much slower than last night. It wasn't heavy rain, more like drizzle which hardly dampened my programme.

I guess we will never know what went on in the pits last night, but I for one won't be parting with my cash again for a farce like that.

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Yes i agree it is different.But nowadays trying to hit someone is looked upon as being as bad as hitting someone.And by all accounts he didn't even try to hit someone.



We were told by supporters who were there that he didn't. He simply said 'if you have anything to say, say it to my face' and it was a woman apparantly who goaded Robert.

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As someone who actually attended the meeting as a Poole fan here goes.

It seemed to be a strange meeting right from the start, it seemed to have a weird atmosphere, don't know why just felt like that. Some fan had the sense to walk out during the long break.

I think some are being a bit harsh on Batchelor he did have a fall which caused his injury which seemed to be the final nail.

The meeting started as expected really with two zero's for KK and looking at a big loss for Poole, then Holder stopped I thought he had broken down, he was still 3rd at the time and after his tac ride which was a decent race and gave his all to get by his brother he didn't come out for heat 13 very strange.

Overall the meeting was very poor racing wise with very few passes but I thought the Poole team behaved impeccably throughout, they were not the ones moaning about the track and Jack needs to tell his brother how you ride a track with dirt on it and how to behave towards his paying public, it seems it was all too scary for Chris Holder whereas Jack came out for every race he was in and gave it everything.

There needs to be a statement from Kings Lynn about this fiasco. I know it is a dangerous sport but if Shanes can give it a go and ride well surely Chris Holder shouldn't pack all his toys away and go home, riders have to be brought to account the sport can't go on with this attitude. When Schlein had his argument with Buster and basically Buster told to get out there, it was understandable it had rained a lot and Schlein was justified in his assessment but this is just taking fans for mugs.

I felt very sorry for the Kings Lynn fans last night they don't deserve to be treated this way.

An excellent and accurate assessment of last night. None of us there deserved to be treated like that, and not a word of apology from the management until today, when the damage had been done. Many fans around me on the terraces said they won't be coming to the next meeting, and can you wonder at it. In all my years of watching the sport, I don't think I have ever been so hacked off, as last night.

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For those of you not at Saddlebow Rd last night, have a look at this video of Heat 14, taken from the Lynn web site courtesy of Re-Run videos. Does this look like a crap, difficult to ride track? I think I could have managed 4 laps on that surface!



No that race wasn't crap but where are the highlights from races 1 to 6 because both teams were struggling so before you make quote look at the whole picture and not what you want to show Edited by 5 FURROW
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Good post PBB. People try to read something that just isn't there. We now have Gavan blatantly lying on here to try and score some pathetic point. He is part of speedways problem. Never adds a penny to the coffers by attending but quick to critisize. Mind you his uncle did bung a tenner over the fence to Mark Loram once.

Would love to bump into you someday with my cousin in tow and then you can say to his face about the relationship with Mark his dad had..........im sure he would welcome your thoughts.

Dont fret bless you, ive forgotten more about the sport then you will ever know..........and your blaming me as a problem for speedway pillock!

I have a life the means i cant go speedway to much............you obviously dont...........

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I've said this before,but how come when we were in the lower division the so called lesser riders loved and just got on with riding a grippy track.But when we have the so called stars of British speedway in the top league have a grippy track presented to them they just throw their toys out of the pram and don't want to know.

Maybe a move down would be good,and get riders that just want to get on with it and ride their bikes.

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Haha lol.


You really are embarrassing yourself now.

Nah not really...my cousin lost his dad to cancer a few years back. His dad was a big fan of grasstrack (his brother in law was Ray Andrews sidecar British Champion in 1980) though wouldnt expect you to know anything before 2010 probably.

As we moved to watching speedway he used to sponsor riders £50 most weeks (he owned his own business) at Rye House, Bobby Garrard, Kerry Gray to name but 2. We then went to Hackney and there were 2 juniors Mark and another one who he used to help out each week. Mark at that time was young 14/15 and at that stage every penny helped.


So as i said not embarrassing at all..............if you think taking the rise out of someones deceased family then so be it. Im sure my cousin would like to put Shovlars hat on straight quite frankly

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That's true, but look at the times of the races last night. I think they were all under 60 seconds, very consistent throughout the meeting and although there wasn't much passing, there were one or two decent races. I've seen the Lynn track in far worse condition than that after very heavy rain, and the riders still gave it a go with times much slower than last night. It wasn't heavy rain, more like drizzle which hardly dampened my programme.

I guess we will never know what went on in the pits last night, but I for one won't be parting with my cash again for a farce like that.

Yes in another post I compared it to the Schlein incident where it did rain a lot. Last night it was drizzle and it had already stopped by the time the sawdust came out.

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Nah not really...my cousin lost his dad to cancer a few years back. His dad was a big fan of grasstrack (his brother in law was Ray Andrews sidecar British Champion in 1980) though wouldnt expect you to know anything before 2010 probably.

As we moved to watching speedway he used to sponsor riders £50 most weeks (he owned his own business) at Rye House, Bobby Garrard, Kerry Gray to name but 2. We then went to Hackney and there were 2 juniors Mark and another one who he used to help out each week. Mark at that time was young 14/15 and at that stage every penny helped.



Bob Garrard now theres a name. Steve has a life, clearly you don't. You got a little bell on your desk linked to the BSF to tell you who's posted.. And you have the gaul to call steve a pillock.

Edited by Starman2006
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I've said this before,but how come when we were in the lower division the so called lesser riders loved and just got on with riding a grippy track.But when we have the so called stars of British speedway in the top league have a grippy track presented to them they just throw their toys out of the pram and don't want to know.

Maybe a move down would be good,and get riders that just want to get on with it and ride their bikes.


Absolutely prefer Championship speedway, haven't seen a bad meeting at Peterborough this season

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Absolutely prefer Championship speedway, haven't seen a bad meeting at Peterborough this season

Now i wonder why you choose P'Boro..

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Because it's the next closest track

Ah right. If you don't get good racing round there you won't get it anywhere.

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He looks like he doesn't give a s#it! There has been a change in his attitude over recent times.

Whether that has to do with his personal life I don't know. But I'd put money on the reason He's still riding in the UK is because of his young son.


I've always liked Holder, but He's behaving like an Aussie brat like so many of the others.

I'd been hoping that one day Chris Holder would ride in the Stars colours ever since the day he had some exhibition rides on I believe a bike of Crumpies, you could see the potential then. How disapointed and disallusioned am I now in his attitude together with the management of the club. I've followed Lynn from boy to man but there needs to be some big changes in management and riding personell for me to go again this season

Nothing wrong with Speedway at the moment.


Just certain riders from one team refusing to ride.


Only reason they refused to ride because they thought we would be a walk over after the night before and then we were leading after Heat 8.


Why didn't certain riders walk out when Lynn were leading after 3 Heats if the track was an issue.


Only wanted track work to be done when we was leading after Heat 8



Did he not refuse to come out in a race to[/quote


Kai still won a race after the drama to prove that he was still determined to win.

Yep mainly that one rider you think is god so if we have still got a team next year and a grippy track, which is how I believe racing should be,with Chris Holder riding for you, you know what to expect half a team in action at Lynn because the Prima Donna's don't like it.

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Lies , alleged punches , more lies , announcers quitting , crappy track , yet more lies , riders throwing the toys out the pram , more lies , riders feigning injury - allegedly , the Steve and Gavan show , and yet more lies .

And some fans want my club to move up and join this madhouse of a league :shock:

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