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Stars V Pirates. 13 July

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If the track last night had been prepared properly it would have been a comfortable win for Lynn, unfortunately the track put doubt in too many minds, then with all the off track problems total confusion.The Poole management obviously saw this and probably said carry on, get on with it get to heat 12 and we can call it as the Lynn riders don't want it,we could get a point,however they probably couldn't believe their luck as Lynn went into melt down with riders and management arguing and imploding, so all they basically had to do was get to the tapes and the meeting was won,good for Poole, bad for Lynn and an absolute disaster for speedway, no amount of talking or writing will put this one to bed.

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What a disgraceful thing to say about holder,one of the few gp riders still here,and such a loyal rider to British speedway over the last 10 years


Loyal!! As pointed out elsewhere he's only riding in the UK for the visa. Wasn't very loyal to the fans or his best mate when he was one of the ringleaders who instigated the early curtailment of the Darcy Ward benefit meeting at the beginning of the season (again because the track wasn't to his liking).


It's his way or no way - and looking at the comments below I'm not alone in thinking that. Speedway in this country is in enough of a state as it is without the likes of Holder etc. adding to the mix. Would he have taken the same action in Poland and run the risk of losing his lucrative pay cheques? Would he hell, he's taking the piss out of British Speedway and it would be better off without him




Holder is only here because he has to be here, not because he wants to be



'Whinging Poms' comes to mind...funny how the likes of Holder, Batch, Doyle, Tungate, Grajz, amongst other Aussies, all seem to be in the mix when it comes to complaining about track conditions that don't suit them...seems to be a recurring theme in Speedway these days. Aussies say Brits 'whinge'...yet they seem to be the one's complaining all the time and throwing their toys out of the pram.


These riders and certain Promotors have regular fans by the short and curly's...they know these fans will turn up week in, week out ( even though that's impossible these days with the lack of fixtures lol...but you get my drift)...for fear of their Club getting into financial difficulties. Certain Promotions and Riders seem to have a total disregard to the paying public who pay their wages.


If I was a Kings Lynn fan, I would be asking for my money back, as Speedway was wrongly advertised, what you witnessed was a circus event...mainly clowns.


Speak with your feet...Don't go to the next home meeting...let them race in an empty stadium. Treat them with the contempt they showed the paying fans.



I find it staggering that some have implied throughout the thread that Holder's actions is almost a plan to return to Poole and abit of bribery involved.


When will people learn that he doesn't really give a damn about Poole or British Speedway for that matter? He's only out to look after himself and that's all. I've lost count of the amount of times when a track hasn't been like a snooker table and there's reports then that he's the loudest mouth about wanting to call the meeting off.

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Well good luck with that because by the time the 2018 season comes round there will probably only be 5 or 6 Premiership tracks left.

I'm led to believe that the Sky deal doesn't finish until after next season, so there will still be this joke division ( with it's crazy fixture list ) for one more year.

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So I've waited until the dust has settled a little - although there doesn't seem to have been any dust at the AFA last night - and have read through several pages of comments, many of which seem sincere as well as the usual wind-ups.


Firstly I'll make it clear that I wasn't there last night, I was following on updates and the Poole twitter feed.


Secondly whilst I am no particular fan of Chris Holder's attitude (although I do love to watch him race when in-form), what I find difficult to understand is why his home track has been prepared as 'very grippy' when he has stated quite openly that he hated the track when visiting as an away rider and doesn't like too much grip. It was also reported on here that young Lambert was assisting Buster by going around with him an the tractor and 'telling him what he wanted the track to be like'!! Why, if this is different to what your 'top' riders want?


At the end of it all, a sad night for Kings Lynn Speedway in particular, as many Pirate fans thought about Poole Speedway after Wednesday night.


Thanks for the 4 points and best wishes to Dale Allitt for a full and speedy recovery.


Finally, I couldn't resist a smile at Gavan's posts having a go at other posters for commenting whilst not being at the meeting!! A greater irony I have not witnessed for many months!!

Edited by Skidder1
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No but you can't build a winning team when 1 rider uses up 12.53 of the points.


Therefore Chris had to go out on loan otherwise we would've ended up like Swindon.


Deep down in their hearts MF wanted Chris at No.1 but knew it was impossible to build a competitive team around his average.


And Chris wanted to be at Poole because


1. The fans adore him

2. To ride with his brother and show him the ropes

3. Gets on with Middleditch well they are like brothers.

Is this the Swindon team that is on a roll and could easily get into the play offs ahead of either Poole or Lynn?

The same Swindon team that beat Poole at Poole?? Maybe if you kept Holder you might have beaten them.


Holder has form for being a whinger regarding track work as does Batchelor


And no i cant see Holder riding for Poole next year. Hates the track and more importantly the way he was treated by Matt Ford


I dont reckon Holder will ride here next year

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So I've waited until the dust has settled a little - although there doesn't seem to have been any dust at the AFA last night - and have read through several pages of comments, many of which seem sincere as well as the usual wind-ups.


Firstly I'll make it clear that I wasn't there last night, I was following on updates and the Poole twitter feed.


Secondly whilst I am no particular fan of Chris Holder's attitude (although I do love to watch him race when in-form), what I find difficult to understand is why his home track has been prepared as 'very grippy' when he has stated quite openly that he hated the track when visiting as an away rider and doesn't like too much grip. It was also reported on here that young Lambert was assisting Buster by going around with him an the tractor and 'telling him what he wanted the track to be like'!! Why, if this is different to what your 'top' rider wants?


At the end of it all, a sad night for Kings Lynn Speedway in particular, as many Pirate fans thought about Poole Speedway after Wednesday night.


Thanks for the 4 points and best wishes to Dale Allitt for a full and speedy recovery.


Finally, I couldn't resist a smile at Gavan's posts having a go at other posters for commenting whilst not being at the meeting!! A greater irony I have not witnessed for many months!!

You need to understand the meaning of irony.


Not once did i say anything was factual.


Shovlar said Batchelor never fell

Shovlar said Lambert hit someone and should get a 6 month ban


I wasnt at the meeting funnily enough i simply gave my opinion on here as to the poor attitude of the Lynn riders and responding to Shovvys rubbish!!


He lied and got found out ..............and was making things up pure and simple

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Is this the Swindon team that is on a roll and could easily get into the play offs ahead of either Poole or Lynn?

The same Swindon team that beat Poole at Poole?? Maybe if you kept Holder you might have beaten them.


Holder has form for being a whinger regarding track work as does Batchelor


And no i cant see Holder riding for Poole next year. Hates the track and more importantly the way he was treated by Matt Ford


I dont reckon Holder will ride here next year

Course Chris will ride here next year, he will want to see his son unless there is another way to get a visa.
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I find it staggering that some have implied throughout the thread that Holder's actions is almost a plan to return to Poole and abit of bribery involved.


When will people learn that he doesn't really give a damn about Poole or British Speedway for that matter? He's only out to look after himself and that's all. I've lost count of the amount of times when a track hasn't been like a snooker table and there's reports then that he's the loudest mouth about wanting to call the meeting off.

He looks like he doesn't give a s#it! There has been a change in his attitude over recent times.

Whether that has to do with his personal life I don't know. But I'd put money on the reason He's still riding in the UK is because of his young son.


I've always liked Holder, but He's behaving like an Aussie brat like so many of the others.

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If when all last nights farce has been looked into (or not) if it turns out Chris Holder was involved in it then I expect KL fans will be glad to send him back to you as his average has certainly dropped while riding for them and it seems obvious he would rather be at Poole, it was Matt Ford that sacked him in the first place and thats why he ended up at KL certainly not through his own choice.

Matt Ford did NOT sack Chris. Where are you getting this from.

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Good win for the lads last night, despite the difficult circumstances. By all accounts Kings Lynn had a complete meltdown and cost themselves the meeting and the respect of a lot of speedway fans. Get well soon Dale.


Typically Gavan is on here with his usually agenda. Berate Poole, berate Steve and try and suggest anyone who doesn't agree with his point of view is not a true fan of the sport. Being pleased your team won is now a crime because instead you should be mourning the slow death of British Speedway. These feelings are NOT mutually exclusive Gavan! British Speedway is utterly f****d. Anyone can see that. I'm sad about that. I'm also pleased that Poole won away after a poor performance at home on Wednesday night. Does that make me a bad guy now?


As for your comments about Steve being, "a disgrace to the sport pure and simple. He wont be happy until its just Poole speedway left and nobody to race against", please provide evidence of this. That is your inferred opinion from Steve celebrating Poole's four points on this thread. You are reading between the lines and adding your own take. Personally I haven't read that from Steve's comments. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, Steve contributes a lot more to the sport than you do by actually attending meetings, home and away with the Pirates. And this isn't me suggesting you're not a fan because you have other priorities in your life, but you are being the very definition of a keyboard warrior right now. If preventing the demise of the sport is so important to you, how about you actually go and pay to attend a meeting!? And take your kids! Introduce some new fans?

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I have been a Stars fan since the first meeting back in the sixties and in all that time I have never witnessed such a shambles as last night.


Firstly the fans were not informed at all at what was going on (hence the track announcer has even resigned in frustration).


Secondly if Buster really wants to apologise to the fans then all those who attended last night should get in for free at the next meeting (Versus Rye House) or a maximum price of £5 charged. There has been much unrest on the terraces all season due to the lack of competitive racing and for many this is the final straw.


Finally when a rider(s) who are professional withhold their services it is a blatant disrespect to the sport and their 'wage payers' the general public they need to be shown the door. How come the so called 'lesser' riders rode their heart out!

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Good win for the lads last night, despite the difficult circumstances. By all accounts Kings Lynn had a complete meltdown and cost themselves the meeting and the respect of a lot of speedway fans. Get well soon Dale.


Typically Gavan is on here with his usually agenda. Berate Poole, berate Steve and try and suggest anyone who doesn't agree with his point of view is not a true fan of the sport. Being pleased your team won is now a crime because instead you should be mourning the slow death of British Speedway. These feelings are NOT mutually exclusive Gavan! British Speedway is utterly f****d. Anyone can see that. I'm sad about that. I'm also pleased that Poole won away after a poor performance at home on Wednesday night. Does that make me a bad guy now?


As for your comments about Steve being, "a disgrace to the sport pure and simple. He wont be happy until its just Poole speedway left and nobody to race against", please provide evidence of this. That is your inferred opinion from Steve celebrating Poole's four points on this thread. You are reading between the lines and adding your own take. Personally I haven't read that from Steve's comments. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, Steve contributes a lot more to the sport than you do by actually attending meetings, home and away with the Pirates. And this isn't me suggesting you're not a fan because you have other priorities in your life, but you are being the very definition of a keyboard warrior right now. If preventing the demise of the sport is so important to you, how about you actually go and pay to attend a meeting!? And take your kids! Introduce some new fans?

Gavan can't help it mate, clearly he has a problem, certainly with Poole..

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