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Poole V Belle Vue Bt Sports 26/6/17

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Brum, we have clashed many times on here but I have never had an issue with you. (Other than going on and on about KK)

I respect your posts mostly.

Never called myself some type of superfan or a mouthpiece. I am just a fan with an opinion like anyone else. I respect others opinions even though I might not agree with them. But when some new poster arrives on the scene after helping to close down the Poole forum (the reason he is here as he can't post there anymore) and then starts attacking me, I am bound to retaliate.

Simple as that. The guy will no doubt will stalk my posts. A very weird person to be honest.

Sadly too many people make things personal. You have had your moments, I know I've had mine too.

However some make things way to personal which seems a trend by the multi posters. Bringing what others do on social media is way to personal IMHO.

likewise I only attack if attacked first.

Sometimes you don't make life easy for yourself with some of your comments , although I acknowledge your support for your club is one of passion.

Have no idea of the history of the club forum but as is always there are 2 sides to every story.

Not to mention Fred Flange and Stevebrum!

I see that usual suspect is still name dropping me like it's gone out of fashion.

I'm beyond bored with even bothering to enter into any type of discussion with that poster.its usual low hits are so boring now. Nothing else to offer.

So that's a duo that is now one sided.

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People need to understand that when attacked on here I retaliate. I never asked this troll to attack me and that is basically what he has done, and unprovoked on my part.


As for being 'creepy' I wanted to see if I recognised the perperator, but I don't. Never seen him before.


He seems to have this thing about me speaking for all Poole fans when I speak for myself. He clearly has some type of delusion and I can only apologise for the thread going completely off topic but I am not to blame here. Ihave reported him to the mods and hopfully they can do something about him.


In the meantime best to stick the idiot on ignore.

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Indeed, he only mentioned me to stir rubbish up again, I can understand your name check as you had already trolled the thread with yet another pathetic personal insult, this time about bragging, what is wrong with you? Mentioning that you support your team home and away isn't bragging. Still on about the multi account bollox despite previously having more than one Facebook account, look I know you were probably told to cancel you other Facebook account, get over it!

I didn't do it to stir you up, just thought you and Stevebrum have a similar kind of discussion to the other four posters mentioned.

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I didn't do it to stir you up, just thought you and Stevebrum have a similar kind of discussion to the other four posters mentioned.


Any chance to have a go.

Thankfully I don't get into conversations with awful personal attackers like that anymore.

I prefer to let their own vile words do the talking. Liars I can't tolerate anyway.

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rubbish stirring AGAIN!

As you mention it I see brum accusing another forum user of bragging just because he mentioned he follows his team just because he's nothing to brag about in his sad little life.

Happy now?

It was already awake but taking the piss out of one of brums conditions is much frowned upon on this forum or hadn't you noticed?

Fair enough.

Just to let you know brum has claimed to be an insomniac so posting anything relating to being 'awake' or the like risks being bollocked by foreverblue or trolled by it.

Indeed, he only mentioned me to stir rubbish up again, I can understand your name check as you had already trolled the thread with yet another pathetic personal insult, this time about bragging, what is wrong with you? Mentioning that you support your team home and away isn't bragging. Still on about the multi account bollox despite previously having more than one Facebook account, look I know you were probably told to cancel you other Facebook account, get over it!

See what you've done?

I'll accept that brum had already trolled the thread with his bragging personal insult before you called him out as 'similar' (well that's how you justified it anyway) but now he's gone off on one even calling people liars now!

Brums personal insult count in this thread: 2.

5 insults and attacks and counting.

And no doubt rising.

No doubt I have made its day by replying.

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How likely was Hans Andersen's mechanical failure caused by the condition of the track?

Before the heat Hans was by the pit gate with his mechanic doing something rather urgently to Hans back wheel. With the clock at 20 seconds Hans just left and sped around to the gate. Clearly the work being done hadn't been finished and off came the chain before the first bend.
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Observations / opinions from Monday ,

Craig Cook can definitely make the step up and possibly do a 'Jason Doyle'

Dan Bewley is British speedways great white hope and WILL be world champion one day

And in Kurtz and J Holder the Pirates have two riders potentially as good as the C Holder / D Ward combo


Thoughts ?

Edited by WestGorton1884
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Observations / opinions from Monday ,

Craig Cook can definitely make the step up and possibly do a 'Jason Doyle'

Dan Bewley is British speedways great white hope and WILL be world champion one day

And in Kurtz and J Holder the Pirates have two riders potentially as good as the C Holder / D Ward combo


Thoughts ?

1. No- Cook is a great in Britain rider but still hasnt made it abroad and not sure he will..

2. Dont think he will world champion but is certainly very very good and could make the GPs

3. Maybe in the British league but even that is unlikely.

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1. No- Cook is a great in Britain rider but still hasnt made it abroad and not sure he will..

2. Dont think he will world champion but is certainly very very good and could make the GPs

3. Maybe in the British league but even that is unlikely.

Would love to see jack and Brady as the next Turbo twins, but there is one difference,Darcy Ward, there will never be another talent like that, he was a one off

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Observations / opinions from Monday ,

Craig Cook can definitely make the step up and possibly do a 'Jason Doyle'

Dan Bewley is British speedways great white hope and WILL be world champion one day

And in Kurtz and J Holder the Pirates have two riders potentially as good as the C Holder / D Ward combo


Thoughts ?

Cook could struggle to hold his own in Ole Olsen's Flying Circus - I hope not, I'd like to see him have a good spell at the top, but I wonder if lack of experience might tell against him

Dan is certainly one to look out for, but much too early to predict where he'll get to - all one can say is he's started well on his career

Brady and Jack, if they can keep out of trouble on their home track, have the potential to be very, very good - whether they can emulate Chris and Darcy, perhaps just fall short of that level, but should have lots of success

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Observations / opinions from Monday ,

Craig Cook can definitely make the step up and possibly do a 'Jason Doyle'

Dan Bewley is British speedways great white hope and WILL be world champion one day

And in Kurtz and J Holder the Pirates have two riders potentially as good as the C Holder / D Ward combo


Thoughts ?

Would love to see Cookie do well in the GP's, I think the bigger tracks though are the ones he could struggle with.


Dan has everything to be the next British world champ apart from 1 thing, stringing together 7 good starts, he does have plenty of time though to put that right.


both Kurzt and Holder have potential, time will tell how much

Would love to see jack and Brady as the next Turbo twins, but there is one difference,Darcy Ward, there will never be another talent like that, he was a one off


Darcy was probably the most gifted rider of his time, but certainly not a 1 off, Peter Craven, Jack Parker, Ove Fundin, Ole Olsen, Peter Collins, Ivan Mauger, the list is endless. Darcy has joined the list of greats, sadly we will never know how great he could've been.

Edited by hyderd
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