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Scunthorpe Scorpions Vs Glasgow Tigers ( S G B Championship) - Sunday, April 9th (5.30pm)

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Scunthorpe does have its good moments (and is one of the best this country has to offer) but i think what does spoil it as a track is the dodgy gate 4. The guy off the gate always seems to get a good gate and if they have the balls to hang it round the fence bends 1 and 2 they often win it seems when I've been there.

Edited by Fozzie4388
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Dropped a clanger with Owlerton. As one or two have said, its been rubbish for the last couple of years. Massive, massive shame.


In my view, Lakeside is the most underrated and over criticised track in the country and its one of my favourites.


Of three meetings I saw here last season, two were good and one brilliant. It'll be interesting to see how it rides in the NL.


What clanger? Where did I say it was in the last two season????


Answer??? I DIDN'T!!!


Clanger dropped by yourself by assuming something I, in fact, never said!!!


Just like the matches I saw at Hyde Road were not in the last two season either!!!


Obviously this aint getting through..... I was talking only about matches I've enjoyed - nowt else.


Don't doubt it.


But you're accusing Paul - and others - of overstating the quality of the speedway at Scunthorpe (ie being untruthful to prove a point).


He doesn't do that.


That's just plain 100% false. Again you're assuming something I, in fact, never said - at all.


I merely said that "I too" call it as it is - nowt else.


I also did NOT accuse as you have - wrongly - stated. I merely have relayed my personal experience of the EWR - nowt else.


There is a world of difference between mentioning that how its been when I've visited (fair enough) and conversely being told that I don't know a good track from a bad one and told to go to specasavers which is a different thing entirely and there is no place for that kind of abusiveness.


To clarify about the 'over-rated comments' wording that you picked up on, that was just typing a bit too quick and it wasn't a particular choice of words I was looking for, I was just a bit quick that was all, I really only meant that whereas on the one hand some of the comments were raving about the track itself (that from my perspective is over-rated, i.e. not the comments themselves) and all I meant was that if you mix the different views up you would end up with a cross-section of views, just as you would have with anything, that was all. I thought it was obvious I meant was over-rated (from my perspective) not that the comments themselves were, but then seemingly not from your reaction.

totally agree with you romans lovechild,i too have been going since 1976 and I've seen some cracking meetings over the years


Total red herring. Where did I say it was in the last two years that I visited Owlerton???


Answer?? I didn't!!!

Edited by justere2cgoodspeedway
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But he's not, he's simply saying that he doesn't find Scunny a good racetrack.


Personally I think Belle Vue is way ahead of anything we have in the UK for racing, although Scunny has usually been excellent when I have been bar a couple of poor ones. But every track has those.


Once again GB, what a breath of fresh air your post was. If only the likes of Halifaxtiger would read what you just said!! At no time have I said what Halifaxtiger wrongly assumed I said - jeez I only said how I've found a track and I am FULLY entitled to say how I've found it. The rest of the garbage that's been wrongly assumed has nothing to do with me at all and not what I've said at all. Instead its been rammed down my throat that a certain track IS the best and that it IS better than everwhere and you WILL enjoy it, which is garbage. I am FULLY entitled to simply mention that it hasn't been like that when I have visited. Simple.

Well I'm looking forward to going to Scunny in 2 weeks time hopefully, despite Berwick being suspect


Well best of luck, hope you enjoy it.


But you should also acknowledge that when I've visited that it hasn't been like that.

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Once again GB, what a breath of fresh air your post was. If only the likes of Halifaxtiger would read what you just said!! At no time have I said what Halifaxtiger wrongly assumed I said - jeez I only said how I've found a track and I am FULLY entitled to say how I've found it. The rest of the garbage that's been wrongly assumed has nothing to do with me at all and not what I've said at all. Instead its been rammed down my throat that a certain track IS the best and that it IS better than everwhere and you WILL enjoy it, which is garbage. I am FULLY entitled to simply mention that it hasn't been like that when I have visited. Simple.


Well best of luck, hope you enjoy it.


But you should also acknowledge that when I've visited that it hasn't been like that.

Off course you are allowed to say what you feel just because it is a different viewpoint from others, it is your own opinion and should be respected as others should also.


I have seen some poor meetings at Scunthorpe but you could say that about most tracks my own track Glasgow included , I have also seen some cracking racing at Scunthorpe itl really just depends on a few factors really.


So from that perspective i agree with what you say up to a point as i think it has improved at the EWR over the last few seasons and it has won track off the year more than once so it must be doing something right.

Edited by Gazc
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Off course you are allowed to say what you feel... it is your own opinion and should be respected


I have seen some poor meetings at Scunthorpe but you could say that about most tracks




Again, sanity at last, just like Gordon Bennett said. That's all I've been saying. How I've found it isn't up for question or debate - its simply how I've found it.


But you're accusing Paul - and others - of overstating the quality of the speedway at Scunthorpe (ie being untruthful to prove a point).


No I bloody well have not!! You are so wrong to falsely accuse me of accusing Paulco of anything - that is simply 100% false. To say "I too" call it as it is, actually AGREES that the person calls it as it is - I merely said that "I too call it as it is" ( or in this case "how I've found it"). Seems you should have read it and thought about it first and "looked before you leapt" on that one.


The next time you haven't enjoyed something - doesn't matter what it is, could be food, a holiday destination, anything. And you mention that you haven't enjoyed it - how bizarre you will find it when others tell you that you MUST have enjoyed it (you didn't) and that you SHOULD have enjoyed it (you didn't) and that you WILL like this and you WILL like that, when you know that when you tried it you didn't like it. When that happens you will be able to come back on this forum and relate to how its been for me on this thread!!!


And lastly the assumption of timing of visits to Owlerton, you assuming my visits have been in the last two seasons when in fact I never said anything about their timing at all. Just as my visits to Hyde Road were not in the last two seasons either.


But then what does it matter, seems you aint allowed to say simply what you've enjoyed and apparently I had no right to enjoy any of the speedway matches I've been to, and for that matter I'd no right to mention when I haven't enjoyed some of them either. There is also something rather arrogant about some of the comments including the ones telling me that their track is the best (eh? what a daft thing to say!!) which to me displays a rather bigheaded and arrogant attitude which is simply not called for.

Edited by justere2cgoodspeedway
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Strikes me you can't tell a good track when you see one if you rate Lakeside better than Scunthorpe then you should try going to specsavers.


That is just a plain stupid and personally offensive comment.


Nothing to do with "rating" at all, your accusation in that regard is false, and no I did not "rate" anything I merely mentioned tracks I've enjoyed speedway matches at.


According to you I've no right to enjoy the speedway meetings I've been to, and I've no right to remember Hyde Road as a speedway stadium and racetrack.


Call yourself a speedway supporter, obviously not.

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Scunthorpe does have its good moments (and is one of the best this country has to offer) but i think what does spoil it as a track is the dodgy gate 4. The guy off the gate always seems to get a good gate and if they have the balls to hang it round the fence bends 1 and 2 they often win it seems when I've been there.


I know this is a very limited statistical survey but, on the recent close match against Glasgow, gate 4 produced five heat winners, gates 2 and 3 four each, and gate 1 just 2.


However, riders starting from gate 3 scored 25 points, gate 2 24 points, gate 4 just 21 points, and gate 1 only 20 points. So, no hugely significant advantage for gate 4 although gate 1 appears, as with most tracks, to be the most difficult.

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been going to owlerton since 1972, and never, over that time has the racing been as poor as it has over the last couple of seasons


That's a complete red herring and not what I actually said. I never mentioned the timing of my visits to Owlerton, far less 'the last couple of seasons'. Just the same as when I mentioned visiting Hyde Road I didn't mention the last couple of season either.

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Cracking meeting yesterday , though it was one that got away from us . We made a poor start to the meeting , but got back into it and looked like we were taking charge . But the 5-1 Scunny somehow got in heat 13 proved decisive .

Wee Dan deserved to be in heat 15 , I was more wondering why Palm Toft wasn't in it .

Anyway it was very entertaining meeting with some cracking racing , though the temperature seemed to drop about 20 degrees half way through the meeting . New clubhouse very impressive .




Fair comment


Unfortunately I've never found that, always seems to be its not so good days, which is why its always vastly over-rated and not a track I rate at all. Balance that with all the over-rated coments and you have a more realistic rating that its really pretty ordinary.




That's just plain 100% false. Again you're assuming something I, in fact, never said - at all.


I merely said that "I too" call it as it is - nowt else.


I also did NOT accuse as you have - wrongly - stated. I merely have relayed my personal experience of the EWR - nowt else.


There is a world of difference between mentioning that how its been when I've visited (fair enough) and conversely being told that I don't know a good track from a bad one and told to go to specasavers which is a different thing entirely and there is no place for that kind of abusiveness.


Total red herring. Where did I say it was in the last two years that I visited Owlerton???


Answer?? I didn't!!!


Above is what Paul said. Then there is what you said (after).


Are his comments 'overrated' ? Or is that remark aimed at the Scunthorpe fans only ?


Whatever the case, I don't think its unreasonable for me to have suggested that you lumped Paul's comments in with the suggestion that views of Scunthorpe are both skewed and biased.


Nobody disputes your right to comment on this forum in (pretty much) anyway you want. But if you make a statement that many others disagree with (and, lets be fair, you are totally on your own here with everyone else opposed) expect to get some criticism.


As to Owlerton, its certainly not clear that you haven't been there for years (and I'd very much accept that it has changed in that time). That is why you have got several critical responses on that, too.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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What's wrong with people. When I've gone to Armadale I've never seen good racing - fact. Others have said its great and I think its won best track. It doesn't mean I'm wrong or others are wrong it means when I went there in my opinion it was poor. That's what 'justere2cgoodspeedway' is saying so lets just move on

Edited by SharpenRake
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What's wrong with people. When I've gone to Armadale I've never seen good racing - fact. Others have said its great and I think its won best track. It doesn't mean I'm wrong or others are wrong it means when I went there in my opinion it was poor. That's what justhere.... is saying so lets just move on

It is because his opinion is different from theres and they can't possibly be wrong, it is pretty poor the way that he has been rounded on because off this.

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Above is what Paul said. Then there is what you said (after).


Are his comments 'overrated' ? Or is that remark aimed at the Scunthorpe fans only ?


Whatever the case, I don't think its unreasonable for me to have suggested that you lumped Paul's comments in with the suggestion that views of Scunthorpe are both skewed and biased.


Nobody disputes your right to comment on this forum in (pretty much) anyway you want. But if you make a statement that many others disagree with (and, lets be fair, you are totally on your own here with everyone else opposed) expect to get some criticism.


As to Owlerton, its certainly not clear that you haven't been there for years (and I'd very much accept that it has changed in that time). That is why you have got several critical responses on that, too.


I've absolutely no idea what you're talking about!! :D


Seems you're clutching at straws.


I never mentioned anything about Paulco (not a jot) nor anything about timeframe regarding Owlerton - nothing at all.


Maybe when you (Halifaxtiger) add two plus two.... you get... a million and eighty seven?? Probably infinitely more accurate than your Hercule Piorot impersonations.


Don't give up the day job.


Take care mate. :t:

What's wrong with people. When I've gone to Armadale I've never seen good racing - fact. Others have said its great and I think its won best track. It doesn't mean I'm wrong or others are wrong it means when I went there in my opinion it was poor. That's what 'justere2cgoodspeedway' is saying so lets just move on


My lips never even moved there! Cheers!! :t:

It is because his opinion is different from theres and they can't possibly be wrong, it is pretty poor the way that he has been rounded on because off this.


That's twice my lips never moved. :cheers:

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That's a complete red herring and not what I actually said. I never mentioned the timing of my visits to Owlerton, far less 'the last couple of seasons'. Just the same as when I mentioned visiting Hyde Road I didn't mention the last couple of season either.

ask anyone at sheffield and they will say the same, we used to be proud of our great racing track, in case you was wondering why the PLRC or whatever they are calling it this year has been moved, theres your answer.

why is it a red herring, i wasnt replying to you personally, i was stating the obvious about our tracks.

p.s. let it go lad,tha`ll have a coronary.

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ask anyone at sheffield and they will say the same, we used to be proud of our great racing track, in case you was wondering why the PLRC or whatever they are calling it this year has been moved, theres your answer.

why is it a red herring, i wasnt replying to you personally, i was stating the obvious about our tracks.

p.s. let it go lad,tha`ll have a coronary.

Lets set the record straight here regarding PLRC, or as its new name will be CLRC or whatever they choose to call it.


It was nothing to do with the track good or bad depending upon what you think.


At the last AGM Sheffield threw the hat into the ring to run the event.


Glasgow then decided that they would like to run the event and applied.


Upon hearing this Scunthorpe then applied.


There was a vote and the result was follows;


Glasgow 5 votes

Sheffield 4 votes

Scunthorpe 1 vote


Glasgow won the vote to run the event.

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Lets set the record straight here regarding PLRC, or as its new name will be CLRC or whatever they choose to call it.


It was nothing to do with the track good or bad depending upon what you think.


At the last AGM Sheffield threw the hat into the ring to run the event.


Glasgow then decided that they would like to run the event and applied.


Upon hearing this Scunthorpe then applied.


There was a vote and the result was follows;


Glasgow 5 votes

Sheffield 4 votes

Scunthorpe 1 vote


Glasgow won the vote to run the event.


Who voted for Scunthorpe ;)

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ask anyone at sheffield and they will say the same, we used to be proud of our great racing track, in case you was wondering why the PLRC or whatever they are calling it this year has been moved, theres your answer.

why is it a red herring, i wasnt replying to you personally, i was stating the obvious about our tracks.

p.s. let it go lad,tha`ll have a coronary.


What on earth are you talking about!!! :D


Seems to be you that's having a coronary by the looks of it. :o


To merely answer your question seeing as I'm a very obliging sort and as a courtesy, you ask why is it a red herring. If you follow from where Owlerton was picked up on it was somebody else that went off at a tangent and got their undergarments in a twist and got the wrong end of the stick. I only meant that I'd enjoyed a few matches there that was all, I didn't mention timeframe, just as I didn't mention timeframe when I mentioned enjoying matches at Hyde Road and Cleveland Park, but some nutter assumed it was like last week and went off on one about Owlerton as it is these days - fairy snuff. There you go all as a courtesy. If you find that too stressful then just put yer feet up have a cuppa and chillax. :t:

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