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Time For Brits First. No More Aussies To Uk Speedway.

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I'm not joking either, cosmopolitan names attract attention...

Yes such as.

Barry (Sheen)

John (Surtees)

Mike (Hailwood)

Nigel (Boocock)

Ray (Wilson)

Chris (Holder)

Jason (Doyle/Crump)


sponsors are attracted to "names" that are good performers far easily than to performers who are just names - Not sure Wayne Rooney would have made a living out of his name or looks unless he performed as he did on the pitch (OK being a Shrek look a like could have netted him a bob or two)

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I don't really agree with this as if we would have had that attitude years ago, we would have never seen the likes of Bluey Wilkinson, Ivan Mauger, Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs, Snr and Jnr Crump and so forth.


Why can't we have both? It's not like there is enough UK riders to fill the teams anyway and the ACU are actually the next best base.


Plus we send our young riders out to Australia to improve every winter. I don't think they would wish that to stop.


And also riders like Jason Doyle recently was pictured in the speedway star showing our National Development youngsters what it takes to be physically and mentally fit inside a gym along with Tai Woffinden.


I must be honest and say I am surprised nearly 30 people liked that first post.

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If someone is willing to pack up his life in suitcase and come halfway round the World on the back of his own self belief, who are we to deny him a chance. If you want to stop foreign imports, spend the money and develop home grown talent. We have youngsters who can do as well, just not as early. Arriving on the scene with a chance of success at 15 or 16 is not good enough. We have to invest in our youth and make it possible for them to be team players earlier. Otherwise the Aussies and half of Scandinavia and Poland will still find team berths for their lads (and lasses?) over here.

Edited by False dawn
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Ok, final input from me on this. For stevebrum and others.


Reason: prioritise giving Brits employment over Australians especially those having 2 jobs or of lower ability, and over Poles due to their country's recent increased protectionist moves meaning we need to take retaliatory action.


Brits currently available for work (either one job or an additional job);

Jacobs, Neilsen, Sarjeant, Garrity, Kerr, Lawson, Bridger (there may be others)


Two-job Australians: J.Holder, J.Grazjonek, S.Masters

Poles: K.Kasprzak, K.Gomolski, A.Skornicki

Lower ability Australians: M.Campton, T.Kurtz (there may be others)

Also arguable that lower ability EU riders could be included but only after the above have been dealt with.



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Ok, final input from me on this. For stevebrum and others.

Reason: prioritise giving Brits employment over Australians especially those having 2 jobs or of lower ability, and over Poles due to their country's recent increased protectionist moves meaning we need to take retaliatory action.

Brits currently available for work (either one job or an additional job);

Jacobs, Neilsen, Sarjeant, Garrity, Kerr, Lawson, Bridger (there may be others)

Two-job Australians: J.Holder, J.Grazjonek, S.Masters

Poles: K.Kasprzak, K.Gomolski, A.Skornicki

Lower ability Australians: M.Campton, T.Kurtz (there may be others)

Also arguable that lower ability EU riders could be included but only after the above have been dealt with.


Yes, we all get your logic and in an ideal world would be great.

However you seem to suggest that teams make changes that would significantly weaken them.

You seem particularly happy that Wolves should be weakened as you have only mentioned them until the past few days.

Skornicki is riding on a British licence which you conveniently ignore yet again.


There is no way teams would be on an equal strength if we followed your example. I'm sure Poole fans will be only too happy to get rid of KK and replace him with Bridger. :rofl:

That would be madness.

The top flight is always going to need decent standard foreign riders because we don't have enough Brits to do that job.

It's an absolute insult to say that Aussies should not have team places in the UK given their service history to the national side in the 60's and 70's.

We aren't in any position anymore to dictate to other riders and we need as many decent riders riding here that we can.

There are only 2 British riders out of work and no one rider has a divine right to ride in both leagues. Whether you should is a different story. I'd be happy for that to happen so long as it doesn't weaken the top flight any further and if it means kicking out better standard then I hope that never happens.

In a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not happy about all this xenophobia ,these Aussies come half way round the world , they have trained themselves up to the top level on the dustbowls of the outback , they arrive here with all the necessary equipment required to race at the top level , swollen bank accounts with all the cash they have saved up , almost all of them have bought a property where they will live and work from , they have no expectations of reward and will happily ride for nothing as they do at home , not a single one of them would ever try to blackmail british promoters by threatening not to ride here .nor would they expect us to to alter the fixture list to fit in with their commitments in other leagues and world status individuals . why anybody would want to see teams of British lads, some local to their team ,when they can watch Australians of the same or lesser standard is completely beyond me , you should be grateful to the Aussies they could just as easily go straight to Poland or Sweden for the big money and cut us out altogether , personally I can't see why the likes of Nick Morris Brady Kurtz and Arthur Sissis dont do just that instead of getting mixed up with a poorly paid league like ours and ungrateful promoters and supporters

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I'm not happy about all this xenophobia ,these Aussies come half way round the world , they have trained themselves up to the top level on the dustbowls of the outback , they arrive here with all the necessary equipment required to race at the top level , swollen bank accounts with all the cash they have saved up , almost all of them have bought a property where they will live and work from , they have no expectations of reward and will happily ride for nothing as they do at home , not a single one of them would ever try to blackmail british promoters by threatening not to ride here .nor would they expect us to to alter the fixture list to fit in with their commitments in other leagues and world status individuals . why anybody would want to see teams of British lads, some local to their team ,when they can watch Australians of the same or lesser standard is completely beyond me , you should be grateful to the Aussies they could just as easily go straight to Poland or Sweden for the big money and cut us out altogether , personally I can't see why the likes of Nick Morris Brady Kurtz and Arthur Sissis dont do just that instead of getting mixed up with a poorly paid league like ours and ungrateful promoters and supporters

Most amusing.

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''No more Aussies to UK Speedway''


Yes - that will really boost the reputation and standard of British league speedway. I thought there was concern about the league getting worse, year on year, so imagine what this move would do?


In response to the poster above, the answer to ensuring Brits like Sarjeant and Bridger get a team place in the Premiership is to increase the number of teams, not turn away Australian riders who want to ply their trade here. What happened with Coventry this Summer and to an extent Lakeside, was farcical.

Edited by Perton Wolf
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I'm not happy about all this xenophobia ,these Aussies come half way round the world , they have trained themselves up to the top level on the dustbowls of the outback , they arrive here with all the necessary equipment required to race at the top level , swollen bank accounts with all the cash they have saved up , almost all of them have bought a property where they will live and work from , they have no expectations of reward and will happily ride for nothing as they do at home , not a single one of them would ever try to blackmail british promoters by threatening not to ride here .nor would they expect us to to alter the fixture list to fit in with their commitments in other leagues and world status individuals . why anybody would want to see teams of British lads, some local to their team ,when they can watch Australians of the same or lesser standard is completely beyond me , you should be grateful to the Aussies they could just as easily go straight to Poland or Sweden for the big money and cut us out altogether , personally I can't see why the likes of Nick Morris Brady Kurtz and Arthur Sissis dont do just that instead of getting mixed up with a poorly paid league like ours and ungrateful promoters and supporters

Buy houses




Ride for nothing.





Best laugh I've had in ages. Thanks

Edited by Countershaftcounter
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Time to stop worrying about the Aussies and look after our own. In 2 or 3 years time we could have a whole load of good Brits filling our sides. Time for it to happen.


Why specifically target just the Aussies in that case then - why not the Swedes, Danes and Poles too? I just don't see the logic in attempting to exclude foreign riders who want to ply their trade over here, the league is already weak enough how it is.



Really though its only the riders from Australia where we have this issue. The USA is dead in the water and all other foreigners have their own leagues to race in. Australia have never had a league system and for decades have used the British leagues for a career. Time for it to end.


As for arguing Holder is no longer at Poole is a nonsense. We have two Aussies in our side and whats the betting once trained up they will disappear over the horizon along with Fricke?


Time for Brits to come first, second and third. If we did this within five years we will have some great talent representing our country.


Let the Poles bring the aussies through.


I find the 'Time for Brits to come first, second and third' line a bit rich when Poole for example, have a 28 year old Dane at Reserve. How exactly is that good for British Speedway when that spot could have been filled by a young Brit? It's far more detrimental than having a few Aussies in the league. My point being that British speedway, even with the current rules in place, could still be doing a lot more for British riders than it is currently is.

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Which makes it all the more galling when you see the foreign riders plastered with British company names.

Up at BV i believe that ATP, one of the club sponsors, put money behind the British members of the team.

Which makes it all the more galling when you see the foreign riders plastered with British company names.

Up at BV i believe that ATP, one of the club sponsors, put money behind the British members of the team.

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UK speedway would be poorer for not bringing Australians here as they have been remarkably more

successful at producing talent than we have.

Just look at the recent pairs competition highlights our reliance on their riders.

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UK speedway would be poorer for not bringing Australians here as they have been remarkably more

successful at producing talent than we have.

Just look at the recent pairs competition highlights our reliance on their riders.

How many Brits have been lost to the sport due to promotors and team gb managers who prefer Aussies over Brits and our own riders not getting the same support.


Aussie riders have always been better looked after than a lot of British riders and that's wrong.

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How many Brits have been lost to the sport due to promotors and team gb managers who prefer Aussies over Brits and our own riders not getting the same support.

Aussie riders have always been better looked after than a lot of British riders and that's wrong.

How many then?

not that many I'd imagine.

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Bit rich this thread being started by a Poole fan.


They have a journeyman Dane who is nearly 30 at reserve , how is that good for the young Brits.


Seem to remember them as part of a side rebuild they got rid of Kyle Howarth and replaced him with Mickey Dyer. Where is Dyer now?


Also havent Poole gone with Kurtz and Jack Holder over Adam Ellis?

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I find that strange Poole won trophy after trophy with mainly Aussie riders and now ss is saying Brits first .Funny old world

Mate your one of the decent ones that support Poole unlike 2 i could mention.


My issue isnt with Poole just the 2 fools.


The UK needs Aussies and Poles and the like to keep it alive.


Im sure Shovlar would rather have had Harris than Holder and Nicholls rather than Ward!


As ive said where is Adam Ellis and Kyle Howarth and the like that have ridden for Poole before? Cast aside for Aussies.

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