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Future For Odsal Stadium - Bradford Rugby Go Bump Again!

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Bradford Bulls Rugby team have been liquidated.


It's the 3rd time the club has gone bust in five years, but this time no one wanted to save them.


What's the future for Odsal? Has it been developed too far for Speedway to ever return?





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Well the future is that there isn't one ! Odsal Stadium is to all intents and purposes empty. Whilst the freehold rests with Bradford Council; the Leasehold is owned by the Rugby Football League. What is important now is that the Council as freeholders should look to secure some medium to long term future for the site. Rugby at some level could play a part in the future of the stadium but it is and has always been completely blinkered to use this 'public facility' for 14 second rate Rugby games every year.


Odsal needs to be open for business; not just for Rugby but for wider use; so to me unless you are going invest money in creating an Athletics and Cycling Arena then the re-introduction of a Speedway and Stock Car racing circuit is the best way to get the place back up and running.


There have been structural changes to the stadium since Speedway was last there; including the building of a large hospitality suite where the Speedway pits used to be. But the problem is not un-surmountable; by moving the Rugby pitch and hence the perimeter circuit further out towards the opposite Rooley Lane end of the ground. This would create the space to refit the track; which of course would now include an 'air fence'.


It is one of THE legendary tracks of British Speedway and you would think at a time when we are trying to re-ignite interest in the sport and develop it; that a golden opportunity to re-establish Speedway at one of the all time great venues; in an area that is literally 'crying out' for a Speedway track is just too good not to explore. If the Speedway powers are not all over this story; and potential promoters are not casting an eye at what is going on with this classic speedway venue; THEN THE DARN WELL SHOULD BE !.

Edited by the outsider
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  On 1/3/2017 at 4:05 PM, the outsider said:

Well the future is that there isn't one ! Odsal Stadium is to all intents and purposes empty. Whilst the freehold rests with Bradford Council; the Leasehold is owned by the Rugby Football League. What is important now is that the Council as freeholders should look to secure some medium to long term future for the site. Rugby at some level could play a part in the future of the stadium but it is and has always been completely blinkered to use this 'public facility' for 14 second rate Rugby games every year.


Odsal needs to be open for business; not just for Rugby but for wider use; so to me unless you are going invest money in creating an Athletics and Cycling Arena then the re-introduction of a Speedway and Stock Car racing circuit is the best way to get the place back up and running.


There have been structural changes to the stadium since Speedway was last there; including the building of a large hospitality suite where the Speedway pits used to be. But the problem is not un-surmountable; by moving the Rugby pitch and hence the perimeter circuit further out towards the opposite Rooley Lane end of the ground. This would create the space to refit the track; which of course would now include an 'air fence'.


It is one of THE legendary tracks of British Speedway and you would think at a time when we are trying to re-ignite interest in the sport and develop it; that a golden opportunity to re-establish Speedway at one of the all time great venues; in an area that is literally 'crying out' for a Speedway track is just too good not to explore. If the Speedway powers are not all over this story; and potential promoters are not casting an eye at what is going on with this classic speedway venue; THEN THE DARN WELL SHOULD BE !.

Unless someone like Tony Mole wants to give it a shot ,I very much doubt the custodians of British speedway will do anything , Odsal could be a damn good shot in the arm for speedway . and with the imminent demise of Brandon would be useful as a second major venue

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  On 1/3/2017 at 4:10 PM, speedibee said:

Unless someone like Tony Mole wants to give it a shot ,I very much doubt the custodians of British speedway will do anything , Odsal could be a damn good shot in the arm for speedway . and with the imminent demise of Brandon would be useful as a second major venue

Tony Mole has, I believe, retired from saving Speedway Tracks. Could he be called back for one last hurrah - I don't know.


Are there any other Tony Mole types out there - I doubt it.


Here is hoping that another classic Speedway venue does not go to the wall - or the Developers.


We will have to rely on the B.S.P.A to do something/anything they can to save the place.

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Why would anyone in their right mind want to bring back speedway at Odsal? The team failed to attract the fans, despite winning the Championship in its final season. Twenty years since, it'd be a brave person to put hard cash into a venture, especially after the sport's gradual decline in the two decades. It is easy... pleading for someone to put their hard-fought money into. It wouldn't be our risk... as ours stands at about £20 a match entrance fee. Running a speedway track, I suspect, warrants a little more... like the risk of losing the roof over one's head, if it goes tats up.

Edited by moxey63
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  On 1/3/2017 at 4:43 PM, The White Knight said:

Tony Mole has, I believe, retired from saving Speedway Tracks. Could he be called back for one last hurrah - I don't know.


Are there any other Tony Mole types out there - I doubt it.


Here is hoping that another classic Speedway venue does not go to the wall - or the Developers.


We will have to rely on the B.S.P.A to do something/anything they can to save the place.

don't hold your breath for the Bspa TWK . they are more likely to put off someone who has the money than do anything constructive towards saving it

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  On 1/3/2017 at 5:24 PM, speedibee said:

don't hold your breath for the Bspa TWK . they are more likely to put off someone who has the money than do anything constructive towards saving it

As moxey says above, 20 years ago Bradford closed to speedway after winning the championship, but not getting a viable attendance to continue. Since then more tracks have closed, attendances are generally down, Coventry is in trouble, and the BSPA has it's hand full trying to keep both BV and Leicester. And you and others think the BSPA are equally as stupid and should try to open Odsal just as a speedway venue. Please, never think about going into business.

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Would have thought the demographics of the city have changed even more in the past 20 years and not in speedways favour.Or is there a promoter out there who can attract muslims to speedway in large numbers?

Edited by iris123
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  On 1/3/2017 at 5:51 PM, iris123 said:

Would have thought the demographics of the city have changed even more in the past 20 years and not in speedways favour.Or is there a promoter out there who can attract muslims to speedway in large numbers?

That let's me out then......................................... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I live quite near the stadium, I would be very surprised if speedway returned there. The most likely thing is that rugby league will continue under a new regime. The Richard Dunn sports centre just over the road, is likely to be demolished as it's too costly to upkeep and the land sold, the field behind the grandstand (formerly Northern View hospital) has been approved for housing as well, so if RL doesn't get going again I can see the stadium going for development along with it's surroundings. Great memories from the 50s and later, along with Halifax which was just a handful of miles away but wishful thinking wont overcome what is most likely.

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  On 1/3/2017 at 5:51 PM, iris123 said:

Would have thought the demographics of the city have changed even more in the past 20 years and not in speedways favour.Or is there a promoter out there who can attract muslims to speedway in large numbers?

Steady Iris thought police will be round to see you.


Look I'm not daft speedway cannot survive in Odsal on its own. Nor would any would be promoter just slush money down the drain trying a revival. But in a wider use Odsal that includes rugby; stocks; cycling; athletics; football; large crowd events and hospitality there is definitely a place for speedway in an area barren of it for over two decades. Crowds were poor even for an Elite League winning team but pitched at the correct level I am sure West Yorkshire speedway fans could sustain a revival.

Edited by the outsider
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  On 1/3/2017 at 6:58 PM, foamfence said:

I live quite near the stadium, I would be very surprised if speedway returned there. The most likely thing is that rugby league will continue under a new regime. The Richard Dunn sports centre just over the road, is likely to be demolished as it's too costly to upkeep and the land sold, the field behind the grandstand (formerly Northern View hospital) has been approved for housing as well, so if RL doesn't get going again I can see the stadium going for development along with it's surroundings. Great memories from the 50s and later, along with Halifax which was just a handful of miles away but wishful thinking wont overcome what is most likely.

Any idea how long it will take to land fill Odsal Stadium for development ? Your looking at a century and more ! Odsal Stadium is a massive asset for Bradford and surrounding district sat on the end of the motorway with ample land surrounding it. Think Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen for the blue print.Absolute bugger all going on in the former Rheinland German mining town but the great arena home of FC SchalkeO4 rises like a citadel on the landscape. Odsal offers similar to this former great Yorkshire woollen City but no one seems to understand this. When Speedway was lost to Bradford in 1997 it was only supposed to be a temporary hiatus. Speedway was to return in 2000 in a Toronto style Skydome. That was the plan and we should have stuck with that. The spin offs economically and socially over the last two decades would have changed Bradford for the good forever. Instead all we got was a hole in the centre of the city and two decades of waste and decay.

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  On 1/3/2017 at 6:59 PM, the outsider said:

Steady Iris thought police will be round to see you.


Look I'm not daft speedway cannot survive in Odsal on its own. Nor would any would be promoter just slush money down the drain trying a revival. But in a wider use Odsal that includes rugby; stocks; cycling; athletics; football; large crowd events and hospitality there is definitely a place for speedway in an area barren of it for over two decades. Crowds were poor even for an Elite League winning team but pitched at the correct level I am sure West Yorkshire speedway fans could sustain a revival.

No offence intended.For sure,if the situation is right then speedway could be held there.The multi-use idea is a possibility.A rich sponsor another


Read recently about a German womens volleyball player who plays now in Greece for Piraus.She was saying how she earns 8,000 euros a game,double what she could earn in the Bundesliga.The person interviewing her asked astonished how in a country that is pretty much broke a team that only gets 100 fans per game can afford to pay 1 player that much.The answer was there was financial backing there that wanted the club to get amongst the medals.So if a very minority sport can attract that sort of sponsorship,there is maybe hope speedway could also

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  On 1/3/2017 at 7:10 PM, the outsider said:

Any idea how long it will take to land fill Odsal Stadium for development ? Your looking at a century and more ! Odsal Stadium is a massive asset for Bradford and surrounding district sat on the end of the motorway with ample land surrounding it. Think Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen for the blue print.Absolute bugger all going on in the former Rheinland German mining town but the great arena home of FC SchalkeO4 rises like a citadel on the landscape. Odsal offers similar to this former great Yorkshire woollen City but no one seems to understand this. When Speedway was lost to Bradford in 1997 it was only supposed to be a temporary hiatus. Speedway was to return in 2000 in a Toronto style Skydome. That was the plan and we should have stuck with that. The spin offs economically and socially over the last two decades would have changed Bradford for the good forever. Instead all we got was a hole in the centre of the city and two decades of waste and decay.

That was a private venture, the guy made a lot of promises but he was fooling the council and had no financial backing.

There have been a few attempts to develop Odsal but all have failed. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8065594.Odsal_takes_off_again/

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The site will probably be re-developed to better meet the needs of the local community.

Here is a visualization of how the re-developed site might look:-



If they get good turn-outs like this then the scheme may be rolled out across the country and a site in the north of Manchester has been ear-marked as potentially suitable.

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  On 1/3/2017 at 7:17 PM, Little Thumper said:

The site will probably be re-developed to better meet the needs of the local community.

Here is a visualization of how the re-developed site might look:-



If they get good turn-outs like this then the scheme may be rolled out across the country and a site in the north of Manchester has been ear-marked as potentially suitable.

That wouldn't surprise me at all.

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  On 1/3/2017 at 7:17 PM, Little Thumper said:

The site will probably be re-developed to better meet the needs of the local community.

Here is a visualization of how the re-developed site might look:-



If they get good turn-outs like this then the scheme may be rolled out across the country and a site in the north of Manchester has been ear-marked as potentially suitable.


You're a funny guy, just 40 or 50 years too late. :nono:

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