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When Did Uk Speedway Decline Start?


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The two age old questions. What are the attendance figures? and why won't clubs disclose figures?


Its often said that its some kind of tax dodge but I cant believe that, even if were true then why cant we be given the figures the taxman gets and then we can make our own mind up.


How about some investigative journalism from the Speedway Star?

It would make interesting reading if Speedway Star did do an Investigation along these lines.


Now there is a challenge for you Philip (Rising) - would something like this be possible?

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The two age old questions. What are the attendance figures? and why won't clubs disclose figures?

Its often said that its some kind of tax dodge but I cant believe that, even if were true then why cant we be given the figures the taxman gets and then we can make our own mind up.

How about some investigative journalism from the Speedway Star?

Would also be interesting to find out what sort of turnover and expenses different tracks have. You can to some extent make guesstimates, but some sort of 'state of the union' report would be useful.


I don't see why this should be considered commercially confidential stuff. Other publications publish information about football and cricket clubs regardless of whether they like it or not, and if people had a better understanding of the precarious nature of speedway finances, then there might be more realism about 'watering the product down' etc...


And it could be anonymised in the case of speedway, with just generic figures used.

Edited by Humphrey Appleby
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In truth apart from keeping a few current fans sweet what would publishing attendances achieve? I find it very difficult to see what could actually be gained.


I suspect the biggest effect wold be to make those already putting sponsorship money into the sport wonder why.

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In truth apart from keeping a few current fans sweet what would publishing attendances achieve? I find it very difficult to see what could actually be gained.


I suspect the biggest effect wold be to make those already putting sponsorship money into the sport wonder why.


I would think there is very good reason for keeping the current fans sweet. Any sponsors putting money in will already have the answers we are trying to find.

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Can someone explain how to multi quote, I have tried clicking on "MultiQuote" but there is no explanation of what to do next. I would like to multiquote on this thread but simply quoting loses the original quoted post.

It should work okay as I'm always doing it and I'm thick as a plank on technology. :lol: On the first post you want to quote just click on the black 'Multiquote' which will save it. Repeat the same thing on any other posts until you've finished then click on the box at the bottom right where all your quotes have been saved. That should bring them all up. Just to add you must click on 'multiquote' and not just 'quote.'

Edited by Gemini
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Can someone explain how to multi quote, I have tried clicking on "MultiQuote" but there is no explanation of what to do next. I would like to multiquote on this thread but simply quoting loses the original quoted post.



It should work okay as I'm always doing it and I'm thick as a plank on technology. :lol: On the first post you want to quote just click on the black 'Multiquote' which will save it. Repeat the same thing on any other posts until you've finished then click on the box at the bottom right where all your quotes have been saved. That should bring them all up. Just to add you must click on 'multiquote' and not just 'quote.'


Thanks Gemini as you can see it worked :party:

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The decline really began when promoters raked in profits from the well filled terraces days and failed to invest any of it the sport in any way. Marketing ( they deemed it unnecessary ) building up the stadiums they promoted in ( most were rented anyway) and finding young British riders ( they didn't bother ). Then when the Sky money rolled in most of that went to pay huge sums to the biggest stars and crumbs & leavings ( at the most were put back into the sport ). Now the BSPA is desperately trying to seek a remedy for falling attendances. Their much vaunted 2017 marketing - spoken of by Buster in his 'state of the nation" address - is what we should be most concerned about because if it fails to attract new fans, the slow decline will gather speed.

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I suspect the biggest effect wold be to make those already putting sponsorship money into the sport wonder why.

I'd be amazed if there was a substantial return for most speedway sponsors, which is no doubt why the sport has been without a major title sponsor for 20-odd years. Would have thought much of the sponsorship is more akin to being charitable donations.

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I'd be amazed if there was a substantial return for most speedway sponsors, which is no doubt why the sport has been without a major title sponsor for 20-odd years. Would have thought much of the sponsorship is more akin to being charitable donations.


I'd agree with that, although it is possible that some of the higher ups in some companies who have been convinced to sponsor a rider or team don't actually realise how low the crowds are.


I still completely fail to see how publishing attendance figures can benefit the sport. We all know that they aren't good so how will making everybody aware of that improve things? The only reason I can see is so that a few people can make some pretty uneducated guesses as to the net income of a track. I say uneducated because most of the guesses you read on here miss out some very vital and expensive costs.


The truth is we have no need to know, if the sport was in a boom where we could use high spectator attendance to pull in sponsorship then it would be different but this is just curiosity.

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I'd be amazed if there was a substantial return for most speedway sponsors, which is no doubt why the sport has been without a major title sponsor for 20-odd years. Would have thought much of the sponsorship is more akin to being charitable donations.




I'd agree with that, although it is possible that some of the higher ups in some companies who have been convinced to sponsor a rider or team don't actually realise how low the crowds are.


I still completely fail to see how publishing attendance figures can benefit the sport. We all know that they aren't good so how will making everybody aware of that improve things? The only reason I can see is so that a few people can make some pretty uneducated guesses as to the net income of a track. I say uneducated because most of the guesses you read on here miss out some very vital and expensive costs.


The truth is we have no need to know, if the sport was in a boom where we could use high spectator attendance to pull in sponsorship then it would be different but this is just curiosity.


Our new promoter recently stated that as supporters we were all promoters, and rightly so. When speaking to potential new supporters one of the first questions they ask is what are the attendance figures, how can you answer that. Ok if figures are bad then it may not be easy but that is when your promoting skills come in to play and rivalry sets in to try and beat the figures of the club up the road.


This example may only play a very small part in righting the wrongs in speedway today but every bit of information helps in the right situation.

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Our new promoter recently stated that as supporters we were all promoters, and rightly so. When speaking to potential new supporters one of the first questions they ask is what are the attendance figures, how can you answer that. Ok if figures are bad then it may not be easy but that is when your promoting skills come in to play and rivalry sets in to try and beat the figures of the club up the road.


This example may only play a very small part in righting the wrongs in speedway today but every bit of information helps in the right situation.


I have never in the nearly 50 years I've been going to Speedway, talked about Speedway to people who weren't really aware of it or taken newcomers along had any of them ask that. The only time I've ever had any discussions about attendances is with people who are already involved as spectators or in other capacities.

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I have never in the nearly 50 years I've been going to Speedway, talked about Speedway to people who weren't really aware of it or taken newcomers along had any of them ask that. The only time I've ever had any discussions about attendances is with people who are already involved as spectators or in other capacities.



Think supporters should have been the word "Sponsors"

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There has been much discussion about the dire situation in speedway though there needs to be more idea's about how the sport will be run in the future. It's a fantastic spectacle what's required is something that will ensure it's survival. Doing nothing or tweaking a few buttons probably is not the answer?

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Unfortunately due to my business and house renovations I have limited time and resources but sometime later this year I intend to start an organisation dedicated to saving and financing speedway. This could be involved with reforming and supporting tracks under a new format dedicated to home grown riders and lowering the costs for realistic admission charges while evaluating whether 500cc Solo bikes are giving the entertainment value for future spectators. Comments please I'm hard skinned so criticisms whatever they are will be welcome !!

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Unfortunately due to my business and house renovations I have limited time and resources but sometime later this year I intend to start an organisation dedicated to saving and financing speedway. This could be involved with reforming and supporting tracks under a new format dedicated to home grown riders and lowering the costs for realistic admission charges while evaluating whether 500cc Solo bikes are giving the entertainment value for future spectators. Comments please I'm hard skinned so criticisms whatever they are will be welcome !!


I hope that all comments are positive. A bit of background info would be helpful for those of us who don't know you. Only having 50 posts means that you are not a prolific poster but that could be to your advantage, it could show you are more of a thinker than a ranter.


I for one look forward to hearing more.

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Thanks for the comments I'm more of pragmatist and I tend be an agitator and generally in the background. I'm very much in your face and vocal but definintely not into deformation and use social media as a platform not into twitter or facebook etc. As I said idea's and formats would be helpful so as to formulate a constitutional document that could be integrated into an agenda with realistic aims and proposals. Above all I have no criticsms of the current regime they do a sterling job often unpaid.

Edited by Pieman72
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